My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1072: Wrong
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Chapter 1072: Wrong

Chapter 1072: Wrong

It was probably Fletcher, Talia, or the old Simpson who informed Ayan about what happened tonight.

Hearing him speak this way, Camille nodded in agreement, "Yes, I know."

Ayan's eyes were exceptionally tender, and his tone was very gentle as he said, "It's getting late. Get

some rest. I might be back tomorrow evening."

"Alright, you get some rest too."

"Okay, good night!"

"Good night!"

After bidding each other goodbye, the call ended.

Camille didn't ask Ayan about Grace's situation. She didn't want to inquire too much because

sometimes no news was the best news. As for where Grace had gone, it was better not to know; at

least that way she wouldn't worry about accidentally letting something slip.

Camille thought this way, and her face finally relaxed.

That night, Camille fell asleep before 11 p. m., and her phone's ringing woke her up the next morning.

It was not her usual alarm clock; it was a call.

It was still not seven o'clock, and Camille's regular alarm was set for 7:20 a. m. So, she was being

woken up nearly twenty minutes earlier than usual, which could make a significant difference in the

quality of her sleep.

Camille wasn't too happy to be awakened like this. The phone kept ringing as if there was an insistent

message that it would continue until she answered it.

Camille stared at her phone with an expressionless face for several seconds before slowly and

reluctantly answering the call.


"Is this Miss Armstrong? This is Hance City Hospital. Can I trouble you to come over now? Your mother

had a car accident and is currently hospitalized. We need a family member to come in and sign the


It was a woman's voice.

Camille was taken aback, and her face was filled with incredulous shock. She asked in disbelief, "My

mother? Are you sure you haven't got it wrong?"

"Your mother isn't Mrs. Armstrong? There's no mistake. It was your mother who asked me to call you.

She initially tried to call you from her phone, but we couldn't get through, so I called you from the

hospital phone. Please come to the hospital right away. You haven't settled the bill yet. She has a mild

concussion, and her mental state isn't very good. Do you want to have a more detailed examination?"

After the nurse had finished speaking, she repeatedly reminded Camille to come to the hospital


Camille remained stunned, and her mind was filled with questions about this situation. She lay still in

bed for several minutes, not moving. Eventually, she lifted the covers and got out of bed.

She looked at the time; it was almost 7:30. Ayan probably hadn't woken up yet.

Camille left her phone on the bed and went to freshen up. By the time she was done, it was nearly

7:30. She picked up her phone and sent a message to Kian.

Originally, she thought that if Kian didn't reply, she would let it be, but Kian replied very quickly.

Upon seeing the message, Camille immediately dialed Kian's number. Receiving a call from Camille

this early, Kian was quite surprised, "Mrs. Simpson, is there something you need?"

Kian's tone had a hint of nervousness.

Camille smiled gently and said, "Don't be nervous; I'm not calling about him."

Kian quickly responded, "Mrs. Simpson, you have misunderstood; I didn't mean it that way."

"Really? Why do I feel you're quite tense? You're not hiding something from me, are you?"

"Of course not. Mr. Simpson hasn't woken up yet. I was just about to wake him up." Kian hurriedly


Camille smiled and didn't continue discussing Ayan's situation. Instead, she said to Kian, "Kian, I need

to ask you a favor."

Kian asked, "Mrs. Simpson, what is it?"

"Can you arrange for someone to check if there's anyone from the Armstrong family in the hospital?

There was a car accident, and I want to know if it's true."

Camille didn't fully trust the Armstrong family. No matter what happened with them, she had a

subconscious doubt. The Armstrong family had been like the boy who cried wolf, repeatedly telling lies.

With each lie, they had lost credibility.novelbin

Kian understood Camille's intention and promptly replied, "Certainly, I'll check right away. Please wait a


Camille thanked him, and Kian made the call. The phone wasn't disconnected, so Camille heard the

conversation and details as Kian inquired.

After about thirty seconds of conversation, Kian got the answer and thanked the person on the other

end before ending the call.

Kian spoke to Camille, "Mrs. Simpson, I've found out. Mrs. Armstrong did have a car accident last

night, and she is indeed in the hospital. Her condition isn't very serious, just a minor concussion and

some minor arm abrasions. There don't seem to be any other issues to worry about."

Camille replied, "I see. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Mrs. Simpson, do you want to go and see her now? If you do, I can arrange for

someone to accompany you."

Camille gently pursed her lips, and a touch of warmth shimmered in her eyes as she said softly, "Yes,

please arrange for someone to go with me."

"Alright, when you leave, have the driver accompany you to the hospital. Someone will be waiting for

you there, and they'll accompany you to the ward. They're all our own people, so there's no need to be


Camille expressed her gratitude again, and then she hung up the call with Kian.

Before ending the call, Camille reminded Kian not to tell Ayan, as she didn't want him to worry about

her while he was in Dane City.

Kian agreed, but after waking Ayan and waiting for him to get dressed, Kian hesitated, appearing

hesitant and unsure of how to break the news.

Ayan noticed Kian's hesitancy and gently urged, "Just say it."

Kian remained silent for a couple of seconds, then finally whispered, "Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Simpson

called me earlier. Mrs. Armstrong had a car accident and is in the hospital. Mrs. Simpson asked me to

check if it's true. She probably wants to visit her, and she was worried that if you knew, you'd be

concerned. So, Mrs. Simpson told me not to inform you."

Ayan didn't show any significant change in expression upon hearing this. His face remained calm as he

responded, "Have you arranged for security for her?"

Kian replied, "Yes, it's all been arranged."

"Since it's all settled, there's no issue. If she doesn't want you to tell me, then don't tell me. I'll pretend I

didn't hear anything."


Kian nodded in agreement.

Ayan indeed acted as though he hadn't heard anything. He focused on his busy day ahead, without

asking any further questions about Camille's plans.

Camille had breakfast and then casually headed to the hospital.

Kian arranged for a male doctor from the hospital to accompany her. Upon meeting Camille, the doctor

took a moment to discuss Page's situation with her.

Camille responded with a calm expression, and then she followed the doctor to the ward.

As the three of them arrived at the door of the ward, it was slightly ajar, and from inside, they could

hear Page's impatient and annoyed voice, "Has Camille arrived yet? Did you call her? Why is it taking

so long for her to come? I asked you to tell her that my condition is very severe, and it's not good."

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