My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1062: Hiding
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Chapter 1062: Hiding

Chapter 1062: Hiding

After about half a minute, Grace shook her head and muttered softly, "Impossible. It can't be. Dad

wouldn't do that. Is their relationship all for show?"

Grace was talking to herself, posing questions and answering them.

Camille remained silent, watching her closely.

Grace met Camille's gaze and whispered, "Cami, are you joking with me?"

Camille maintained her steady look, her voice devoid of warmth. "If you think I'm joking, then I really

don't know what to say. I've told you before; I'm not so bored as to make up these things for fun. So you

decide if what I'm saying is worth believing."

Grace fell silent and couldn't find any words. Deep down, she knew Camille wasn't lying. Camille didn't

need to go through this effort to drive a wedge between her and the Armstrong family. This was not the


Struggling to accept this shocking revelation, Grace's heart raced when she considered her parents'

seemingly genuine affection for each other, only to realize it had all been an act. She remained silent,

her expression deeply solemn.

Camille's voice broke the silence. "By now, you should have your answers. I don't need to say much

more. The purpose of my visit today wasn't originally to inform you about this. In fact, I had no intention

to tell you when I first found out about this. But seeing you like this, I thought if I didn't tell you, you

might still harbor hopes or guilt towards the Armstrong family or our parents. So, I felt that I should at

least tell you. It's not your fault. Most of what's happening now is driven by their selfishness. If they

weren't so focused on their own interests, things wouldn't have come to this."

Grace softly nodded in acknowledgment of Camille's words.

She met Camille's eyes and said, "I understand what you're saying. I'm just finding it incredibly hard to

believe. I never thought something like this could happen to me. This is all so unexpected."

Grace forced a bitter smile. Her expression grew colder, her eyes clouded with sadness. In a low,

hoarse voice, she continued, "You're telling me all this to help me regain my composure. I understand

your intention. My current state isn't because I don't trust what you've told me. It's just that I need some

time to accept it. I'll process it on my own."

"Okay, now that you understand the reasoning, let me tell you the purpose of my visit today," Camille

said, maintaining her gaze. Although she couldn't fully comprehend Grace's emotional turmoil, she

understood the difficulty of Grace's situation. If her relationship with the Armstrong family were as

profound as Grace's, she might find it equally challenging to accept. Yet Camille was different; her

relationship with the Armstrong family had always been distant. Regardless of what Brody and Page

did, she could easily accept it as she had no emotional ties. So, she could view the situation with


Camille gave Grace a deep look but spoke calmly, "Considering the current situation, would you

consider leaving Hance City temporarily until all these messy affairs settle down?"

Grace wasn't surprised by Camille's words, so she quickly asked, "Did Horace come to talk to you and

persuade me?"

Camille looked at Grace and casually asked, "Why do you ask like that?"

"Just an instinctual thought. So, was it him?"

"Not exactly, but he has that intention. Because you're still in Hance City, the Armstrong family is

already keeping an eye on him. If they find out that you're here, they'll likely locate you quickly. The

Armstrong family is ruthless, and you might think I'm being cold, but it's the reality!"

Camille smiled lightly, yet there was no humor in her eyes, her lips forming a sardonic curve.

Grace quickly explained, "I didn't think that way."

Camille just smiled and continued, "Actually, Ayan and I believe it would be better for you to leave

Hance. If they can't gain anything or get a reaction from me, you'll be their next target. They've used

coercion against you before, haven't they? Only by leaving Hance and making sure they can't find you

will you be safe. Otherwise, you might endure what they did to me, and I'm sure you wouldn't want that,

would you?"

She didn't respond immediately to Camille's words, but the mention of the things Camille had describednovelbin

brought vivid images to her mind. The thought of those struggles and despair sent her face into a cold,

stiff expression.

Camille watched her pale face, and her voice resounded again, "Leaving Hance is also for the sake of

preserving your relationship with the Armstrong family. If they ever use what they did to me on you,

you'd be utterly disappointed, right? If it comes to that, it's better to avoid it in advance and not lose all

hope in the Armstrong family, don't you think?"

Grace's face remained stiff, her expression growing increasingly somber. She held her breath,

maintaining a prolonged silence while she contemplated her choices.

Camille didn't disturb her silence or decision-making but quietly sat on the couch, keeping her company

in silence.

This silence continued for a while, and the atmosphere in the study remained heavy.

The two men in the study had observed the entire conversation, with Ayan asking Horace if he wanted

to know Grace's reaction. Without waiting for Horace's response, Ayan also opened the living room's

surveillance feed.

Both of them sat in the study, watching the computer screen and observing Grace's silence and

hesitation. Horace's expression grew even darker.

Ayan asked calmly, "Mr. Burris, do you think she'll agree?"

Horace's face grew even more solemn, and his voice carried an unusual weight. "Perhaps."

Ayan gave a faint smile. "Seems like you aren't very confident in her decision, huh?"

Horace sighed, a rare occurrence, and his tone held a touch of helplessness. "She's different from

others. She's extremely insecure. She's always done what the Armstrong family told her to. Over time,

it's become a habit for her."

Ayan nodded, saying, "It's precisely because of that we need to use this situation to help her become

independent, to learn to think for herself and make decisions."

"You're right. So, I'll rely on Mrs. Simpson to help convince her for me."

"No problem. Mr. Burris, your sincerity is indeed impressive." Ayan got up, went to the liquor cabinet,

and poured them both a drink. Even though he didn't stay here regularly, the house was regularly

maintained by a cleaning service. It had everything they needed, so staying over suddenly was not an


Ayan handed the glass to Horace, and they clinked glasses. Ayan remarked, "Mr. Burris, you've hidden

your abilities quite well. Given the recent situation with Armstrong Corp, you could have easily taken


Horace didn't hold back. "Because of Grace, I'm worried that I might have gone too far with the

Armstrong family for her to accept."

Ayan smiled, realizing he had underestimated the depth of Horace's feelings for Grace. However, he

saw this as a positive development. Knowing Horace's true identity, Ayan believed having a friend was

far better than an adversarial competitor, especially since their interactions had been conflict-free from

their first meeting until now. Though they weren't extremely close, each encounter had been

characterized by frankness.

Ayan narrowed his eyes, his tone exuding confidence. "You haven't done anything to harm her parents.

You've simply made the right choices. If you had blindly followed their decisions, Armstrong Corp would

have crumbled into dust by now."

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