My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1034: Deliberate
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Chapter 1034: Deliberate

Chapter 1034: Deliberate

Camille didn't move; she just glanced at Sienna with a soothing look, telling her not to worry.

Camille's gaze shifted to the live streaming screen. The number of viewers was continually increasing

because people in the chat room were sharing the live broadcast, causing a steady influx of new

viewers. Comments and likes were pouring in, and the stream's popularity was on the rise. As the

stream became more popular, the platform started featuring it on the trending list.

This continued for nearly ten minutes. Many viewers in the chat room were getting impatient,

wondering when Camille would start speaking.

"When are you going to start?"

"Is this a hoax?"

"They're just trying to gain viewers."

"They're wasting time."

"If this is a lie, you better end the stream now. We'll track you down based on the video, and you'll

regret it!"

"Agreed! The Armstrong family is ruthless."

"Is this really Camille? Blink twice if you're being controlled."

The comments were varied, and after waiting for so long, people's emotions started to get stirred up.

Camille, however, remained calm. She looked at the live viewer count, which had surpassed five

thousand by now. It was clear that a lot of people wanted to know the details and the story behind this


Camille checked the time and then adjusted the camera to face herself. Her face appeared on the live

stream, instantly shocking everyone in the chat room. Even those who initially believed it was Camille

were surprised, as they didn't expect her to show her face so directly.

Camille had applied simple makeup, and there was no filtering or retouching, only slight smoothening

by Yessica.

As she faced the camera for the first time, Camille felt a slight discomfort, but she managed a faint

smile, giving a reassuring look to everyone.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Camille, and I believe my name is not unfamiliar to most of you. After all, there

have been countless discussions about me in the past few days."

Camille smiled lightly, even with a trace of self-deprecation. Her relaxed and easy-going demeanor

made people feel at ease. There was no hint of being controlled or threatened.

The chat room was full of comments, so she couldn't read them all. Camille honestly admitted, "I'm

sorry; there are too many comments for me to keep up with. I hope you understand."

Camille turned her gaze back to the camera, saying, "You probably saw where I am just now. This is

my company, a small one, with many office buildings nearby. If you're from Hance City, you should be

familiar with this area. I also welcome you to come and visit sometime. I'll treat you to coffee, but it has

to be when I'm not too busy. I've been quite occupied lately."

Camille chuckled, her tone and attitude making it seem like she was speaking to long-lost friends. It

was a pleasant and relatable way of communicating.

She once again scanned the comments in the chat room and said, "Now, I'll answer a few of the most

frequently asked questions. I hope my answers will clear your doubts and speculations. Is that okay?"

Camille blinked her eyes, and her fair complexion appeared exceptionally charming on the live stream.

She didn't appear anxious, even though she was somewhat nervous. Her presence felt genuine,

making viewers feel like she was just like them, relatable and down-to-earth.

Camille's demeanor prompted many viewers to express their admiration in the chat room:

"She's truly beautiful and polite. I'd love to have a friend like her."

"Miss, did you really divorce Mr. Simpson? Can I chase after you? [I'm a girl]"

"Hey, don't compete with me! I also like her. I wanted to see her first!"

"So, is it true that you've divorced Mr. Simpson?"

"Are the things the Armstrong family said true? Did Ayan really treat the Armstrong family poorly, using

Simpson Group to threaten them?"

Camille unreservedly read out these questions and addressed each of them one by one. She thanked

everyone for their compliments and their interest in her.

She explained, "Ayan and I did indeed get a divorce, but it has nothing to do with anyone else. It's

solely because of our own reasons. Even though we are divorced, our relationship remains the same

as it was before. I believe that a mere piece of paper doesn't dictate our feelings. We'll definitely

remarry in the future."

"You're probably wondering why not now? I'll tell you a secret, but promise not to tell anyone, especially

Ayan. I'm actually testing him. As many of you know, our marriage was arranged by our families.

Initially, we didn't have much of an emotional connection. I'm probably luckier than many other people

in arranged marriages because I was married to him. That's why I'm grateful."

Camille smiled and continued, "I'm sure you've heard things about my situation. I envy how parents

love their daughters, but my parents have only ever demanded from me. There are things I'm not eager

to reveal because, no matter what, they gave me life, which is the greatest gift. But repeatedly crossing

my boundaries and hurting me, I can't just stand by and do nothing."

Camille's expression turned colder, and she openly discussed all the details.

Her words energized the atmosphere in the chat room. After all, people were eager for the latest

gossip. Her words found both supporters and skeptics among the viewers.

Some questioned, "Camille, are you now confronting your parents for the sake of a man? Are you

letting your emotions cloud your judgment? Is it worth it to fight your parents for a man? Aren't they

doing this for your own good? You must be blinded by love."

"Camille, don't be biased. I think Ayan is just using you. If a man loves you, he would never divorce

you. You shouldn't be naive."

"You talk so openly about your parents. I've never heard of someone publicly criticizing their own


Camille read all these comments aloud because she didn't want to avoid or ignore any opinions,

whether good or bad.

She said, "I'm not blinded by love. I'm very rational, and I know what I'm doing. If someone is good to

me, I'll be good to them. This is a normal human reaction, so I hope that those who treat me well aren't

harmed. I also hope that those who claim to be kind but actually harm me will be mindful and stop.

Today, I'm sharing this live response to ensure that you're not kept in the dark. Please don't rush to

judgment, as we can't verify the truth of things. The best choice is to stay silent and not be deceived."

"Thank you for listening to my long-winded explanation," Camille concluded. She didn't want to dwell

on the matter any longer.

With Camille's sincere response, other viewers in the chat room joined in to defend her against the

people making harsh comments.

The atmosphere in the chat room gradually improved as most comments were now supportive of

Camille. Camille held up her phone to give everyone a glimpse of the office, reassuring them once

more that she wasn't under control or surveillance. She even greeted Sienna, who was by her side.novelbin

What had initially been intended as a clarification had transformed into a different kind of livestream

experience. The viewers were now more engaged and positive in their interactions. Most of the

comments now were from people wanting to befriend Camille and Sienna:

"Can I be friends with you lovely ladies?"

"It's true, beautiful people tend to stick together."

"Oh my God, I love you both. Wait, I'm coming to find you right now."

"Silently asking, can we get Mr. Simpson's autograph? Haha!"

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