My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1035: Showing Off
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Chapter 1035: Showing Off

Chapter 1035: Showing Off

The atmosphere in the live chat room was incredibly positive. In the end, Camille and Sienna lounged

on the couch, chatting with their audience. They even ran a few giveaways, and the viewer count

reached a peak of ten thousand, with total views in the hundreds of thousands.

After the livestream ended, Camille seemed a bit reluctant to say goodbye to her new friends. She

commented, "It feels good to go live every day. It's a great way to pass the time when I'm bored. What's

more, making friends with you all is quite enjoyable."

Sienna teased her, "It's indeed fun, but I'm afraid that if you become too popular, you won't have any

privacy when you go out. You might end up just like a celebrity, with lots of people watching your every

move. Who knows, you might even get offers for acting roles. Then I can be your agent. What do you

think, Camille?"

Camille chuckled and replied, "We'll see how you perform!"

"Camille, what should I do to impress you as your agent in the future?"

"Pour me a glass of water, and bring me some fruit."

"Alright, consider it done. But here's the deal, once you've enjoyed the water I pour and eaten the fruit I

prepare, you must promise that I'll be your agent in the future." Sienna said playfully and then left the

office, feeling content.

With Sienna gone, Camille was left alone in the office. She browsed through videos and Twitter, finding

that her livestream had been shared widely, and people were discussing its authenticity. Her sincere

answers during the livestream seemed to have convinced many, but there were still doubts about the

Armstrong family's actions.

Meanwhile, Ayan was aware of the livestream. He had watched the entire broadcast, but after it ended,

he sat at his desk, deep in thought. Kian entered the room and noticed Ayan's vacant expression.

Kian interrupted, "Mr. Simpson, the video of Mrs. Simpson's livestream has been shared on the

internet. The Armstrong family might already be aware. I wonder if they'll confront Mrs. Simpson."

At the mention of Camille possibly facing trouble, Ayan snapped out of his thoughts. His gaze turned

slightly colder, and he responded in a subdued tone, "Keep someone watching over her. Nobody

should be allowed to disturb her, especially those people who want to invite her for coffee after her

livestream. Those individuals have ulterior motives. Investigate who they are and find out if they're

male or female. We need to know for sure."

Ayan had spotted such comments during Camille's livestream and immediately took screenshots. Now,

he instructed Kian to investigate these accounts. Kian reported, "Mr. Simpson, they are all girls. There

shouldn't be any issues."

"Girls? Are today's girls so forward? Aren't they aware that Camille is also a woman? Why are they

expressing their feelings for her like this? It's absolutely inappropriate!" Ayan's face showed clear

displeasure and a touch of anger.

Kian knew that Ayan wouldn't listen to anything he said, so he simply nodded and reassured, "Of

course, Mr. Simpson. Rest assured, I will handle it and advise those people not to disturb Mrs.


"Not advise, they must not disturb her."


Ayan was somewhat satisfied with the response, though his brow remained slightly furrowed. He

maintained a brief silence and then said, "Have the official account retweet the recorded livestream of

hers and make a response."

"Very well, I'll arrange that."

Kian nodded in acknowledgment.

Two minutes later, Simpson Group's official Twitter account posted a tweet, which was a retweet of a

recorded clip of Camille's livestream, along with a caption.

"I'm just a tool, conveying our gratitude on behalf of Mr. Simpson to Mrs. Simpson. Thanks to Mrs.

Simpson for making her husband so happy. [Secretly, we've heard that Mr. Simpson can't focus on

work due to happiness.]"

This tweet brought a smile to the faces of those who had just watched the livestream. Some even

playfully teased Ayan, "Why do I feel like Camille isn't the one with a love-struck mind? Mr. Simpson

seems to have the potential for that."

And so, Ayan earned the nickname of "love-struck mind" from the online community.

Seeing this nickname, Ayan, not being familiar with online terminology, inquired with Kian, "What does

'love-struck mind' mean?"

Kian did his best to explain, "The term 'love-struck mind' is used by netizens who believe you are very

fond of Mrs. Simpson. They think you prioritize her, and that's why they're calling you that."

Ayan accepted it graciously, showing no sign of embarrassment. In fact, he wore a proud expression

and stated, "She's my wife. Shouldn't you treat your wife well?"

"Absolutely," Kian concurred.

Ayan glanced at Kian, and in a casual tone, he remarked, "You're not married yet. You don't understand

the importance of a wife. Once you're married, you'll realize how significant a wife is."

Kian nodded in agreement, silently chuckling to himself. Would Mr. Simpson feel embarrassed if he

remembered his past attitudes?

Of course, Kian didn't dare to say this out loud. If he did, he was sure to face serious consequences.

After arranging for security to protect Camille and prevent internet users from bothering her, Ayan sent

the screenshots to their private chat group. He sent a voice message with a serious tone, "Have any of

you been protected by your own wife?"

"Oh, I forgot, you guys aren't married yet!"

He continued with a series of voice messages, adopting a somewhat teasing tone.

Derek and Tomas, who were both in the chat group, couldn't help but feel the urge to confront Ayannovelbin

face to face. But beating him up wasn't a realistic option, so instead, they sent numerous emoji

responses implying punching and beating. Then they sent a message, "RIP, get a life."

Afterward, they didn't respond any further.

When Rex saw the messages, he was also furious but replied in the group, "Don't talk about whether

you guys can or can't? I'm already married. So don't act like you're showing off, okay?"

Ayan, however, didn't respond to Rex, simply setting his phone aside and deciding not to engage. But

Rex's call came through anyway.

As soon as the call was answered, without waiting for Ayan to speak, Rex's voice came through the

line, saying, "Ayan, isn't it pointless for you to ignore me like this? Why aren't you replying in the group?

What do you mean by 'you guys aren't married yet'? I'm married, I'm married, I'm married, got it?"

"Why are you getting so worked up? You're married, so what? It's not that big of a deal. Being married

isn't something extraordinary. Now, if you're married, did your wife have your back?" Ayan's tone was

light and nonchalant, not sounding like he was showing off, but the content of his words was

undeniably a kind of boasting.

Rex snorted, "What wife? You mean your ex-wife! Camille has already clarified that she's indeed

divorced from you. Whether or not she'll remarry depends on your performance. So, don't get too

cocky. Who knows, if you don't perform well, Camille might not want to remarry. Let me tell you, Sienna

is your ex-wife's best friend, and I'm the husband of your ex-wife's best friend. If I happen to drop some

hints, what do you think the consequences will be?"

"Are you trying to threaten me?"

"Of course, I'm not threatening you. I'm just stating the facts. I hope you can recognize reality and show

some respect."

"Do you want me to respect you?" Ayan smirked indifferently, his voice neither light nor heavy. "I heard

there's some big movement on the King family's side recently. It seems Mario is interested in

expanding his business in Hance. Is that news respectful enough for you?"

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