My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1033: Live Streaming
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Chapter 1033: Live Streaming

Chapter 1033: Live Streaming

Page was taken aback by Brody's expression; Brody's demeanor had an eerie effect on her, making

her feel a shiver down her spine and a faint sense of dread.

She pursed her lips and spoke softly, "Won't this approach be more harm than good? What if Ayan

manages the trouble well and later comes back to trouble us? Armstrong Corp has already suffered

once; we can't afford another catastrophe. So..."

"I have my plan. We have to do it this way for now. If we don't make this a big deal, do you think

Armstrong Corp will remain unscathed? Our collaboration with Armstrong Corp has been forced to

terminate. Then we could only choose to declare bankruptcy. Those companies who canceled

contracts with us may reconsider, taking into account public pressure. This is my way to get Horace

completely out of the company. If we don't, he'll always be a threat," Brody sternly interrupted Page,

showing no approval for any of Page's thoughts. To him, his decisions were the most vital and correct.

Brody's loud reprimand immediately silenced Page, who didn't dare utter another word.

In company matters, she had no say. She could only ponder silently, and if things ever took a turn for

the worse, who would Brody find to shoulder the blame?

Once this thought lodged itself in Page's mind, it was unstoppable. Her expression grew increasingly

grave, and she didn't hear a word Brody said, until he impatiently exclaimed, "Did you even hear what I


Page then snapped back to reality and looked at Brody. Brody's eyes were filled with anger and

irritation, and she asked softly, "What did you say?"

Brody snorted, "I've been busy working for the Armstrong family, and you're sitting idle. Let me remind

you, while I deal with this, you should find a way to get Grace back. Without her assistance, Ayan's

methods are well-known to both of us. So, find her sooner rather than later."

Page nodded silently, agreeing to Brody's request.

The two remained silent as they reached the hospital. Page's earlier remarks had already appeared


This incident was gaining immense attention, not just on forums and Twitter, but also on television.

Camille had already come to terms with the situation, but upon seeing Page being bombarded with

questions by reporters, she grew agitated again.

Clearly, the Armstrong family was doing this to cut off any response from Ayan. After all, Brody had

indeed been significantly affected by Armstrong Corp's actions before, causing him to be hospitalized

for an extended period. Even though he recovered, his health was never the same as before, which led

him to stay away from company matters and public appearances for a long time.

Now, with his health deteriorating again due to this incident, it was undeniably an attempt to convey

that it was all because of Ayan, and Ayan had brought them to this point.

No matter how talented Ayan was, facing the pressure of public opinion, he still had to pay a significant


Camille watched Page's interview repeatedly. She couldn't control her emotions and, in frustration,

tossed her phone onto the coffee table. She pointed at the continuing interview on her phone and

couldn't help but exclaim, "Why are they slinging mud like this?"

Sienna couldn't find the right words to comfort Camille. So much had happened in just one morning,novelbin

leaving her speechless.

If Sienna didn't know the exact relationship between Ayan and Camille, she would have suspected that

Camille might have been blackmailed by Ayan.

Sienna pressed the pause button on her device and turned to Camille, asking, "Would you like to go

check on Ayan?"

Camille remained silent for a moment and then shook her head. "Going over now would only make him


She thought that if she went to see Ayan in her current state of mind, he'd have to spare time to

console her. She didn't want to burden him or add to his stress.

Camille bit her lip and spoke softly, "What can I do to expose their lies and prevent them from

spreading false information? I can't just let them run rampant like this."

She was genuinely worried, but the more she fretted, the more her mind drew a blank. She could only

look to Sienna and place her hopes in her friend.

Camille said, "Is the Armstrong family trying to retaliate against Ayan? Do they want to push him into a


"Don't worry. I'll ask Rex. Maybe he'll have a more comprehensive view than us," Sienna reassured her.


After Camille nodded, Sienna quickly contacted Rex. He provided a sensible response, explaining the

probable motives behind the Armstrong family's actions. To shatter the Armstrong family's objectives,

Camille would have to clarify matters herself. However, this clarification would require complete

honesty, including her divorce from Ayan, as only sincere transparency could garner the public's


But how could she be truly sincere?

Camille bit her lip, her expression growing more serious. She appeared increasingly flustered, her mind

blank as she struggled to come up with a plan. She maintained this posture for a while until Sienna

spoke softly, "Cami, don't rush. This situation can't be resolved hastily. Let's think it over, okay?"

Camille gazed at Sienna, her eyes slightly narrowed, as she slowly uttered, "We can't afford to wait any

longer. If we continue to delay, who knows what else the Armstrong family has in store for us?"

Taking a deep breath, Camille had a sudden idea. Rex had mentioned that her honesty was crucial to

dispel the notion that Ayan controlled her. So, what if she just revealed her current state for everyone to


Camille immediately shared this idea with Sienna. Sienna appeared puzzled and asked, "Reveal your

current appearance?"


"How would you do that? Film a video?"

"Of course not. Videos can be manipulated or staged."

"So, how do you plan to do it?" Sienna inquired.

Camille replied, "A live stream. Only through a live stream can everyone see my current condition."

Camille didn't waste any time. She had Yessica fetch a phone and took a seat at her desk. She

adjusted her hair and clothing, gazing outside at the surrounding buildings through the full-length

window. This view would prove that she was not at Simpson Group, and no one associated with Ayan

was pressuring or controlling her.

Once everything was in place, Camille told Sienna, "You can sit on the couch over there during the

stream. It will seem less contrived with both of us here."

"Alright, I'm fine with that."

Camille nodded, then expressed gratitude to Sienna. She inhaled deeply and opened a live streaming

platform, starting the broadcast on a new account with no existing viewers. Yessica had boosted the

stream's visibility with paid promotion, and soon, thousands of people had joined to witness the


"I'm Camille, and I have something to say about my divorce from Ayan."

These two names were familiar to many people, especially those who loved to follow celebrity news.

They didn't want to miss this juicy piece of information. As a result, within just a few minutes of going

live, the number of online viewers had already reached thousands.

Camille wasn't in a hurry. She waited for more people to join before speaking.

The camera pointed at the view outside the floor-to-ceiling window. Some viewers quickly recognized

the location. The chat in the stream was filled with discussions, speculating that this might be a mere

attempt to gain attention.

However, many believed it was indeed Camille herself, or she wouldn't dare to appear publicly in these

circumstances. Didn't this mean she was defying both Ayan and the Armstrong family?

The live stream garnered more and more attention as the discussion topics multiplied. Sienna, who sat

in the background, sent Camille a message, asking, "When do we start?"

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