My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1032: Calculations
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Chapter 1032: Calculations

Chapter 1032: Calculations

Talia's excited tone left Camille momentarily stunned.

She blinked silently, and Sienna, seeing this, instinctively thought Talia might be scolding Camille. She

signaled Camille with her eyes, and Camille shook her head slightly.

Talia continued, "What the Armstrong family is doing is just bullying. They can be unreasonable, and

they can do whatever they want, but they can't target you. I'm the first one to disagree with this. Cami,

rest assured, no matter when, we're on your side. I'll have Fletcher deal with the Armstrong family


Talia's attitude wasn't just talk; she and the entire Simpson family stood behind Camille.

No matter when or what happened, they believed in Camille without any conditions and supported her.

Camille listened to these words and felt deeply moved. Although she had questioned countless times

why the Simpson family treated her so well, the Armstrong family, with a shared bloodline and the

same surname, remained indifferent to her.

She pursed her lips and, feeling touched, said, "Mom, thank you."

"You, my child, why say thank you? We're family, and there's no need to thank family."

"Yeah, I know." Even though there was no need for thanks, Camille felt extremely grateful.

After Camille's confession, Talia fully understood the situation. She told Camille, "You don't need to feel

any pressure or feel guilty as you did earlier. This situation isn't your fault, and it's not something you

wanted. You're innocent, and you're the victim here, so don't feel guilty for any reason, understand?"

Camille smiled softly, and the worry in her expression completely disappeared. She replied in a low

voice, "Mom, you're spoiling me!"

"I'm willing to spoil you," Talia said with a smile. "Not just me; our entire Simpson family is like this.

We're family and friends, and mutual understanding and support are natural."

Talia said many heartfelt words, and the mother-daughter duo chatted pleasantly. The initial worry

turned out to be unnecessary.

After her conversation with Talia, Camille sighed and told Sienna, "I thought they might blame me a bit,

but now it seems I was too petty. They are incredibly kind to me."

Sienna agreed, "You're right. I thought that a family the Simpsons this would have high expectations for

their daughter-in-law. You don't need to say anything. You're outstanding and a perfect match for Ayan.

But I'm different. I have nothing to offer, yet my mother-in-law doesn't dislike me at all. She even

supports me in front of Rex's family."

Sienna couldn't help but sigh, thinking about her own problems, and her mood turned gloomy.

Camille quickly interrupted, "What are you talking about? Who says you're not worthy? As long as

you're happy with Rex, it's good. Besides, you're not inferior to anyone, right?"

Camille scolded her, and her eyes were quite stern as she gave Sienna a disapproving look. Siennanovelbin

immediately stopped talking, not daring to continue.

Camille and Sienna became close friends for a reason. They both gave each other confidence and

endless support. They didn't allow each other to be unconfident. Perhaps, this was the best way for

friends to interact, through mutual encouragement and companionship.

Sienna quickly changed the topic and said, "With all that's happening in the Armstrong family, how

come Grace is not involved? Her relationship with you has improved, hasn't it? Did she side with your

parents again?"

Camille shook her head and denied, "No, it's not like that. She's in a tough spot too. Although the

Armstrong family treats me a bit worse, their priority is still their interests. Given the current situation,

she wouldn't have it easy if she stayed with the Armstrong family. So, she left home."

"Left home? Her?" Sienna found it hard to believe because Grace was usually an obedient girl. She

even followed Page's clothing choices. So, it was quite shocking for her to do something so bold.

Camille nodded and said, "In fact, it's good that she left. Waiting for the Armstrong family to figure it out

before she returns means she won't have to suffer so much."

"That's true, but what exactly is going on in your parents' minds? They could live a good life, yet they

insist on causing trouble. It's like they're asking for trouble. I wish I could open their heads to see what's


"Don't be so gruesome. We should keep things positive and healthy, right?"

"I'm just concerned about you, feeling like you're being treated unfairly. The Armstrong family hasn't

done anything good for you, but every time there's trouble, they pass it on to you. It's really frustrating,"

Sienna said, her anger flaring up because she felt Camille deserved better.

Camille had grown used to it. Plus, with Talia and Ayan's consolation and support, many things had

become much less significant in her mind. So when she saw Sienna get so emotional, she calmly

replied, "If you're concerned for me, then please treat me to lunch!"

Sienna was still caught up in her emotions, and the suggestion of lunch nearly took her breath away.

However, they couldn't have that meal because the Armstrong family's statement was generating more

and more heat. Many reporters had gone to the Armstrong's villa and camped outside. As soon as they

saw Brody and Page leave, the reporters swarmed them. They eagerly bombarded them with

questions: "Mr. Armstrong, Mrs. Armstrong, is it true that your daughter Camille has divorced Simpson

Group's CEO, Ayan? Is everything happening with Armstrong Corp also because of Mr. Simpson and

Camille's divorce?"

"Mr. Armstrong, where is Camille? Why isn't she coming out to speak? Has she been confined by Mr.

Simpson and lost her freedom? Have you, as parents, considered any way to rescue your daughter?"

"Mr. Armstrong, by revealing everything now, you're antagonizing the entire Simpson family and

Simpson Group. Have you thought about the consequences that the Armstrong family may not be able

to bear?"

"The Simpson family hasn't responded yet. Is this matter not true, and is it Mr. Armstrong manipulating


The questions from the reporters kept coming like a flood.

Facing this barrage, Brody and Page exchanged a glance. Page then raised her hand to cover her

mouth, and her eyes blinked as they welled up with tears. Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she

addressed the journalists' cameras. With a quivering voice, she said, "I'm sorry for taking up public

resources with our family matters, and I appreciate your attention and concern. I don't want to give too

many explanations regarding this matter because our family is in a very difficult place right now. I have

to go to the hospital. As you all know, my husband's health has always been fragile. He was

hospitalized for a long time before, and just when he was slightly better, this happened."

Page verbally declared that she didn't want to explain too much, but in reality, she shared many things

she shouldn't have.

Though her words didn't directly point to anyone, anyone who heard them could tell that she was

talking about Ayan.

After saying these words, some reporters pressed further, "Mrs. Armstrong, are you admitting that your

daughter Camille has indeed divorced Mr. Simpson? Is all this not just a publicity stunt? Your daughter

is still with Mr. Simpson, and he won't agree to the divorce, right?"

Page didn't respond. She continued to sob softly and said, "I really don't want to say too much about

this. No one would joke about their own health. I hope you can understand our current state of mind.

Thank you for your concern. We've made an appointment with a doctor, so we need to go to the

hospital now."

After that, Page rolled up the car window and instructed the driver to start the car.

Page looked at Brody, and she asked in a low voice, "Is this really going to work?"

"Whether it works or not, we'll know soon. Both the media and netizen tend to support the underdog.

Only by showing a vulnerable and helpless side will they resonate with us. They'll believe that Ayan is

truly mistreating us. Only by having everyone attack Ayan can he let go of pursuing us," Brody said, his

eyes filled with calculating and sinister intent.

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