My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1026: Caught
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Chapter 1026: Caught

Chapter 1026: Caught

But Brody felt that this wasn't his concern. It had nothing to do with Camille or him personally. After all,

Armstrong Corp was now nominally under Horace's control, and he was merely a dividend-earning


So Brody made it clear that he had removed himself from the situation entirely. He even stated, "The

statement I published on my personal account is my personal matter. I haven't mentioned Armstrong

Corp in the slightest. Now that Armstrong Corp is affected, you can't blame it on me!"

Horace found Brody's logic somewhat amusing. He asked, "So, your implication is that you have no

connection to anything that happens to Armstrong Corp, correct?"


"Does that mean I can dissolve Armstrong Corp without involving you?"

"Are you trying to dissolve Armstrong Corp? Horace, do you even know what you're saying? Armstrong

Corp may have the largest share of stocks in your hands, but that doesn't mean you can make

decisions on your own." Brody's tone was defiant.

Horace remained calm. He said, "I understand your point, but the current situation at Armstrong Corp is

clear for everyone to see. While you claim no connection to Armstrong Corp, the evidence suggests

otherwise. If you continue to be involved with Armstrong Corp, there's only one outcome for the


"What do you mean?"

"My point is simple: sell all your shares to me. If Armstrong Corp's problems are resolved and no

further significant losses occur, I will compensate you from your interests. However, if the losses

exceed an amount that neither you nor I can handle, I will take legal action, and you will have to comply

with the court's decision, whether you like it or not."

Horace's words left Brody silent. His face slightly changed, and he wanted to say something more, but

before he could speak, a servant came to report, "Mr. Simpson, Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley have

arrived with several bodyguards. They want to see you and Mrs. Simpson."

Horace overheard the servant's words and decided to end the call himself. He said, "Since you have

other matters to attend to, I won't disturb you. Contact me when you've made your decision."

With that, Horace disconnected the call.

Brody stared at his phone, which had been hung up, his expression turning cold and chilling. Once

again, he heard the servant's voice, "Sir? Should I let them in?"

Brody's face darkened considerably as he glanced at the servant. His gaze was so sharp it could cut


He looked at the servant and said, his voice indifferent, "Let them in."

He had a feeling that if he refused to meet with the Wesley family at this critical moment, something

else might happen.

The servant quickly ushered Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley into the room, accompanied by three

bodyguards, while the driver waited in the car. The burly bodyguards crowded the spacious living room,

making it seem somewhat cramped.

Brody narrowed his eyes and looked at them. He spoke indifferently, "What is the meaning of this? It's

late, and you bring all these people to my home, Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley. Are you here to threaten


Brody let out a cold snort, and his face was filled with a chilly expression as he gazed at Mr. Wesley

and Mrs. Wesley. His eyes held a questioning look.

Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley didn't shy away from Brody's gaze. They met his eyes directly. Mr. Wesley

said, "Mr. Armstrong, it's not surprising that we're here. It seems that something has happened, and Mr.novelbin

Armstrong is well aware of it. In that case, shouldn't Mr. Armstrong provide us with an explanation?"

"An explanation? What kind of explanation are you looking for?" Brody also looked at them with

indifference. He continued, "Armstrong Corp has suffered immense losses, and the Armstrong family is

under scrutiny. It's not unrelated to both of you. What explanation do you want from me?"

Mr. Wesley said, "Mr. Armstrong, your words are somewhat ridiculous. This is an issue concerning the

Armstrong family. How can you blame us?"

"Why do you blame me now? We reached an agreement from the start. You took custody of her, and

it's not my problem that you didn't take her away. After all, I handed her over to the Wesley family as

requested. So, why should I be held responsible for what happened afterward?"

Brody firmly believed that he had done his part by delivering Camille to the Wesley family. He didn't see

any reason to assume responsibility for what occurred afterward. His response left Mr. Wesley and

Mrs. Wesley somewhat dumbfounded. They were witnessing such an unreasonable person for the first

time, especially considering the context. Brody's words seemed to fill them with an inexplicable anger.

Mr. Wesley let out a disdainful sigh and said, "Mr. Armstrong, your response seems inappropriate."

"I don't see anything inappropriate about it. The fact remains that I handed her over to you. You now

come to question me, which is even more inappropriate. After all, I handed Camille over to you. If you

have any complaints, it's your own issue. I've done my part," Brody retorted calmly, his expression

showing a lack of concern.

Mr. Wesley was left at a loss for words, completely taken aback by Brody's behavior. He had never

encountered someone as unreasonable as Brody before. In fact, this was his first encounter with such

an individual, and he had no idea how to respond to Brody's words or how to continue questioning him.

The atmosphere in the room had grown tense, and both sides wore unpleasant expressions.

Mrs. Wesley, although aware that it was generally not her place to interject in a conversation between

two men, couldn't hold back any longer. She took a deep breath and looked at Brody, her voice tinged

with sarcasm. "Mr. Armstrong, aren't you being a bit comical here? Are you suggesting that you can

take our money and then refuse to be held accountable? After all, you willingly contacted us to marry

your daughter into the Wesley family. Now that you have our money, who's to say you haven't

conspired with Ayan to scheme against the Wesley family?"

Brody remained indifferent to Mrs. Wesley's words and replied, "Say whatever you want. If you have

evidence, then present it!"

"Is that so? You want evidence, right? Well, Mr. Armstrong, just don't regret it later. After all, you did

take our money. The transaction records exist. Based on that alone, you could be charged with fraud."

"By making our transaction public, you would only bring shame to the Wesley family. Don't forget that

your son's current condition is unknown. Are you sure you want to take it this far? Besides, today's

situation wasn't something I intended. If I hadn't sincerely given Camille to the Wesley family, why

would I have gone through all the trouble to take her away from Ayan's watchful eye? It's your own

slow actions that led to this."

Brody started using the Wesley family's reputation to threaten Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley. This was

something they were particularly sensitive to, and it was the reason they had secretly selected a bride

for their son. If this matter were to become public, not only would the Wesley family lose face, but they

would also be accused of being rich and ignorant of law.

In the circles of Chesen City, this situation would undoubtedly become a laughingstock. Brody's

cunning strategy, as Ayan had mentioned to them, revolved around exploiting the Wesley family's

reluctance to make the situation public. That's why he was acting so boldly and didn't seem concerned

about whether Camille would actually be taken away by the Wesley family.

His confidence stemmed from the belief that if Camille were indeed taken away by the Wesley family,

and everything were to come to light, he could shift the blame and the attention entirely onto the

Wesley family. This would allow him to reap even more benefits from this complex situation.

If Camille were indeed brought to Chesen City by the Wesley family, if everything worked out as

planned, Ayan would fire at the Wesley family, and the Armstrong family would have no involvement. In

fact, Brody might gain even more benefits from the Wesley family.

But what he didn't anticipate was that Ayan had caught him and wouldn't let go. Shouldn't he have

gone to the Wesley family instead?

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