My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1025: Bankruptcy
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Chapter 1025: Bankruptcy

Chapter 1025: Bankruptcy

Naturally, neither of them had taken anything. After all, they had no connection to it whatsoever.

Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley were well aware of this fact, but even in this situation, they wanted to

make one last effort. Mr. Wesley asked, "Mr. Simpson, as the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. My wife

and I are not from Hance, and we had no idea the Armstrong family would have the audacity to do this.

Now, the Armstrong family isn't just bullying us but also you."

"This is between me and the Armstrong family. I'll naturally seek justice for myself, so you don't need to

provoke me. There are only two options for you now. Either leave, and this incident will be your price

for ignorance. If you can't stomach this, there's another way."

Ayan spoke calmly, and his cold demeanor remained evident. He spoke with an underlying temptation

that left the Wesley family eager to ask, "What's the other way?"

"Of course, it's finding the one who took the money and deceived you," Ayan suggested plainly.novelbin

This statement couldn't have been clearer. He was almost telling the Wesley family to settle this with

the Armstrong family, to find Brody and Page.

After all, every wrong has a source and every debt has a debtor, right?

Ayan's insinuations were not lost on the Wesley family. However, they had their reservations and didn't

want to confront the Armstrong family directly, even though they understood that Ayan might not be

someone to trifle with. This was Hance City, and while Ayan was a force to be reckoned with, the

Armstrong family also had its influence. Armstrong Corp had been a long-standing business in Hance,

and it had substantial background and financial resources.

Nevertheless, these were the Wesley family's thoughts and concerns. Even if Ayan told them that

Armstrong Corp was no longer a force to be reckoned with, they still couldn't bring themselves to

believe it completely.

Both parties fell silent, and the atmosphere grew increasingly quiet. The stillness was almost palpable,

as if one could hear the very heartbeat of Hance City.

Ayan wasn't in a hurry. He beckoned to Kian and calmly said, "Since Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley need

some time to think, let's offer them some tea to ponder over it."

Kian nodded and promptly had tea brought in for both of them. In a voice that was neither too light nor

too heavy, he whispered to Ayan, "Mr. Simpson, after you instructed me to terminate all cooperation

with Armstrong Corp, many of their partnerships have started to unravel. Armstrong Corp is currently in

deep water, and they won't be able to hold out for much longer."

Ayan nodded lightly, his gaze resting on Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley, who were now fully focused on

Kian as he reported to Ayan.

With a faint smile, Ayan remarked, "If you two have any doubts about the situation, feel free to call the

Armstrong family right now and tell them that Camille has been taken away by me. Listen to how the

Armstrong family responds to you."

Mr. Wesley was torn, while Mrs. Wesley whispered a reminder, "Should we make the call? After all,

we're practically left with nothing now!"

Mr. Wesley narrowed his eyes, his thoughts unclear. He remained silent, his expression darkening as if

it had frozen in place, and his brows furrowed deeply.

Ayan didn't mind their reactions or expressions. He simply said, "I'm afraid the Armstrong family has

already planned for this. They're keeping you silent by making you think you can't approach them, and

even if things go awry, you won't dare to ask the Armstrong family for that money. In the end, you're the

ones taking the loss in this matter, while the Armstrong family is the one reaping the benefits.

Regardless of the outcome, they stand to gain."

Mr. Wesley fell completely silent because every word Ayan had spoken had struck a chord. What Ayan

had said was exactly what they were thinking at this moment.

Mr. Wesley remained silent for a long time before looking at Ayan and saying, "Mr. Simpson, are you

suggesting that I go after the Armstrong family? What do you hope to gain from this?"

Ayan wore a faint smile, completely unbothered by Mr. Wesley seeing through his intentions. In fact, he

was quite direct in his response. "What I gain from this is simply keeping the Armstrong family on their

toes. I have no intention of actually doing anything to them, but you, on the other hand, can hold them

accountable. Your pursuit can make life difficult for the Armstrong family. That's what I want to achieve."

Mr. Wesley still seemed uncertain. Ayan noticed this and didn't push further. He stood up, towering over

Mr. Wesley, and said, "I've said what needs to be said. Whether you choose to act on it is entirely up to

you. The decision is in your hands."

"Will you detain us in Hance City if we don't do as you suggest?" Mr. Wesley asked.

Ayan remained silent. He had no intention of letting this conversation be used against him. Even in his

own domain, he was cautious. He didn't reveal his true feelings.

This only deepened Mr. Wesley's uncertainty. His face showed his unease, and he watched as Ayan

was about to leave the private room. Mrs. Wesley was also concerned and said, "Are we going to be

kept here? What about our son?"

Perhaps driven by their love for their son, Mr. Wesley spoke just before Ayan stepped out of the room.

"Mr. Simpson, I'm willing to cooperate."

With those few words, Mr. Wesley showed his willingness to compromise. Ayan's expression remained

calm, and a faint smile curved his lips. He turned to Mr. Wesley and said, "Then let's take action. Time

is of the essence. The Armstrong family hasn't rested yet, and this is the perfect moment."

"Mr. Simpson, since you've proposed cooperation, my people won't be effective here," Mr. Wesley said.

Ayan signaled to Kian with a glance, and Kian quickly added, "Mr. Wesley, we've already made

arrangements for you. Your driver is waiting in the garage."

Mr. Wesley nodded and left the private room with Mrs. Wesley. Ayan arranged for his driver and

bodyguards to escort them to the Armstrong family. Until the matter was resolved, they wouldn't be

allowed to leave.

Although it was already close to 11 PM, the night was exceptionally long and eventful.

Since Ayan's visit, the Armstrong family had been in turmoil, and there was no peace in sight.

Armstrong Corp's calls were ringing incessantly, driving Brody to the brink of a breakdown.

In the end, he shouted, "I'm not in charge of Armstrong Corp anymore. If you have a problem, go find

Horace. He's the one managing Armstrong Corp now. He's the largest shareholder. Talk to him."

This information was promptly relayed to Horace, who called Brody to inquire, "Are you saying that you

won't handle any matters related to Armstrong Corp?"

"Mr. Burris, it's what you said. You wanted full control of Armstrong Corp, and I'm just a shareholder.

What do you expect me to do? Do I have the authority to manage it?" Brody's tone was far from

friendly, and he felt agitated, especially because of the Wesley family's situation and Ayan's pressure.

He was becoming increasingly emotional.

This emotional outburst had an effect on Horace, who maintained basic decorum out of respect for


Horace spoke calmly, "Indeed, I said that. However, Mr. Armstrong, the current situation has arisen

because of the Armstrong family's actions. The Armstrong family has caused significant trouble for

Armstrong Corp. You should be aware of Armstrong Corp's current state. If we continue like this, you

know what the consequences will be. You probably understand it better than I do."

Horace referred to the divorce statement issued from Brody's personal account and the statements

made by Simpson Group. These two factors had caused significant losses for Armstrong Corp. Several

major projects were now on the brink of termination, and Armstrong Corp was on the verge of


"This is your matter; you shouldn't have come to me. You believe it's because of the Armstrong family's

actions, but do you have any evidence to attribute it to us?"

Brody's counterquestion left Horace somewhat troubled. It sounded as if Brody was trying to dodge

responsibility, which made the situation even more complicated for Horace.

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