My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1027: Guilt
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Chapter 1027: Guilt

Chapter 1027: Guilt

Brody's thoughts were evident to the Wesley family, thanks to Ayan's reminder.

Mr. Wesley took a deep breath as he examined Brody's expression. He addressed Brody, "Since you

think we're afraid of losing face, what about you? Isn't the Armstrong family concerned? If this matter

gets exposed, do you believe you'll be able to walk away unscathed? You sold your own daughter to

us, even though her relationship with her ex-husband is still good. But for the sake of money, you insist

on doing this."

Brody's face stiffened, and there was a hint of indifference in his eyes. But soon, he feigned composure

and said, "If you want to do it this way, then do it. Do you think I'm afraid? Ayan has already been

implicated in this, and Armstrong Corp is on the brink of bankruptcy. I've paid such a high price. Now

you want me to refund your money? That's impossible. You can either take the money or my life. If you

can take it, then take it!"

Brody was now shameless. Once the money was in his pocket, he had no intention of giving it up


Both parties couldn't come to an agreement, and threats were exchanged. The atmosphere grew

increasingly tense, leading to a heated argument, with Page joining in.

If it weren't for the presence of bodyguards, a physical confrontation might have erupted. What they

didn't know was that even if a fight broke out, the bodyguards wouldn't intervene. Ayan had instructed

them to follow the Wesley family and monitor whether they met the Armstrong family, not to protect the

Wesley family. Therefore, they had no obligation to intervene.

Finally, the Armstrong family used the excuse of trespassing on private property to drive away the

Wesley family. Since it wasn't in Chesen, the Wesley family didn't dare to push their luck and had to let

the Armstrong family have their way.

After leaving the Armstrong's villa, Mr. Wesley exchanged glances with Mrs. Wesley and then looked at

the bodyguards. "It's quite late. You should go back for now. We need to find a hotel to rest."

"Mr. Simpson said that until this matter is resolved, we will follow both of you. So wherever you go, we

go," the bodyguard replied coldly.

Mrs. Wesley grew anxious. "You're monitoring us, but we also need our own private space."

The bodyguards remained firm and disregarded Mrs. Wesley's words. They had no choice but to


As for accommodations, they had to cover the expenses themselves, including the fees for the

bodyguards. This incident had left them losing both the money and a potential daughter-in-law.

Back at the hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley struggled with their decision. Mrs. Wesley asked, "What should

we do?"

"Ayan is more important to us than the Armstrong family. Since we can't offend Ayan, we'll have to

offend the Armstrong family. The Armstrong family is already in the wrong. If they give us the money,

we'll be even, otherwise, this won't end well," Mr. Wesley said with a snort.

Mrs. Wesley was somewhat uncertain. "What do you mean?"

"The Armstrong family values their reputation, right? Let's forget about that reputation and see who

loses face in the end."

Mr. Wesley had already made up his mind while dealing with the Armstrong family. Since things had

reached this point, nobody was going to have it easy.

The bodyguards had been keeping a close eye on Mr. and Mrs. Wesley. After returning to the hotel,

they continued to watch over them. They reported what was going on to Kian, who was currently

driving Ayan back to Franklin Bay. Ayan, sitting in the back seat, listened attentively, with every word

clear to him.

After ending the call, Kian looked at Ayan through the rearview mirror and asked in a low voice, "Mr.

Simpson, if the Wesley family starts to make a move, it's likely that the Armstrong family will come after

you. Should we find a reason to temporarily leave?"

"Why should I leave? The Armstrong family is the one looking for me, not the other way around," Ayan

chuckled softly. He looked out the window with a cold, indifferent gaze and said, "If the Armstrong

family wants to dig their own grave, then let them. When the Wesley family has no more use for them,

they'll let them go. After they return to Chesen City, we can spread this news and prevent more people

from falling into their trap."

"All right, I understand what to do," Kian replied softly.

Ayan wasn't the type of person to hold grudges, but this was related to Camille and something he

despised. It was easy to ruin someone's life, and he couldn't let it slide. Since the Wesley family had

dared to conspire with the Armstrong family, they should bear the consequences of their doings.

Back in Franklin Bay, Camille hadn't gone to sleep yet. She was lying in bed, looking at her phone.

When she heard the door open, she glanced at the man who had entered. He had intentionally been

quiet, not wanting to disturb her. Camille couldn't help but smile at his actions and asked softly, "What

are you doing?"

Ayan closed the door and turned to her. "You haven't slept yet?"

"No, I couldn't sleep. I wanted to wait for you," Camille put down her phone and leaned against the

headboard. She looked at Ayan and asked, "Is everything sorted out?"

Ayan replied, "Almost. For the next couple of days, it's better if you stay away from the company. Stay

at the Simpson's mansion. You can spend time with Grandpa and Timmy."

"What's wrong? Is the situation serious?" Camille asked.

"It's not that serious. I just don't want the Armstrong family to bother you. You should take a page from

Grace's book and lay low, so the Armstrong family can't find you. It'll be safer," Ayan said in a gentle

tone. Then, his voice turned serious. "If the Wesley family had really taken you today, I might not have

found you so quickly. What would you have done then?"

His question was grave, and he was genuinely concerned. However, Camille, being the person directly

involved, had no worries at all. She had only one thing on her mind at that moment: finding a way to

escape from the Wesley family.

She had planned to slip away under the pretext of using the restroom at a highway service area.

Although it wouldn't be convenient on the highway, she wouldn't miss any opportunity. However, she

didn't intend to tell Ayan about it, as it might make him even more uncomfortable.

Camille pushed those thoughts aside and said in a low voice, "I have an idea. I'll tell the Wesley family

that I have a mental illness. Even if I can have children for them, the condition would be hereditary.

That's why the Simpson family wanted to divorce me."

Ayan furrowed his brow slightly, and the previously serious atmosphere became a bit more relaxed due

to Camille's words. He responded, "Be serious. This is not a joke."

Camille smiled and said casually, "I think it's not a bad idea. After all, why would the Wesley family

tolerate that they brought back someone with a mental illness? Moreover, I won't really let them take

me to Chesen City, right? Since they've chosen to drive instead of flying or taking a train, they must be

afraid of getting others suspicious. They'll have to keep a close eye on me throughout the journey, but

even tigers need to rest, right?"

Camille purposely appeared carefree, not wanting Ayan to be troubled by this matter.

Although what happened was indeed frightening, Camille was grateful that it hadn't caused her any

harm. The outcome was more important than the process.

However, Ayan remained silent. Camille extended her arms towards him, and he embraced her.

Camille asked in a soft voice, "Are you worried about me? Do you blame yourself for not protecting


Ayan didn't speak, but his silence confirmed her suspicions.

Camille continued, "Don't have such thoughts. This was just an accident, a planned accident. Even if

you had taken all the precautions, it would have happened eventually. It was just a matter of time. Nownovelbin

that it's happened, it's actually a good thing for me. What do you think?"

She met his serious gaze with her own, and her deep eyes conveyed a wealth of emotions. They

stared at each other for a long time before he finally eased up a bit.

He asked, "So, you don't want me to feel guilty about this?"

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