I'm Someone Else

Chapter 89
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Chapter 89

Nevertheless, the elderly man could understand what Kirk was going through. Anyone would go mad iftheir son was killed.

Thomas tidied up his rented accommodation. Adam was getting discharged from the hospital tomorrowand Thomas wanted to prepare a room for him. He didn’t want Adam to be uncomfortable in any way.

He checked the time. It was nearly 7.00 PM, so he took a shower and got changed for his appointmenttonight.

“Hey, Thomas.”

While driving, Thomas got a call from Olivia.

“What is it?”

“Pick me up at 6.00 AM tomorrow morning. Oh, right. Don’t head to the apartment. I’m staying atPearson Residence now. Pick me up here.”

Olivia was in a bad mood, so her tone was pretty curt as well. What on earth is Dad up to? Not only didhe arrange for that annoying woman Yukine to be my secretary, but he even stormed over to myapartment and dragged me back to Pearson Residence!

That was the only bit of freedom I had left, and he took it away from me just like that!

That’s not even the worst thing! I can’t believe Dad’s making me stay in the same room with Yukine!

It’s not like there aren’t any other rooms available. Why is he making me share my room with her?What on earth is going on inside that head of his?

Amid her thoughts, the door flew open and a tall, attractive silhouette came in. It was Yukine, Olivia’syounger cousin.

Olivia pointed at the couch. “I’m not used to sharing my bed with someone. You can sleep on thecouch!”

“Fine.” Yukine’s face remained expressionless as she covered the couch with her blanket and laydown.

Why is Dad making her stick to me? She doesn’t even bother answering in full sentences. Look at herbeing all aloof and only giving single-word answers. It’s as if others can’t possibly bear the honor ofhearing a longer sentence from her.

Olivia didn’t like Yukine. She knew the latter was not a good person!

Yukine was the one who stole Terrence’s favorite ring and sold it for money, but she framed Olivia asthe culprit. Due to that, Terrence locked Olivia up for a week and exploded at her.

Olivia was a discerning woman. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to do such a good job running acompany as large as Pearson Group. Although Yukine was cold and aloof toward Olivia, she was warmand sweet to all the family elders who adored her because of that.

In that case, why was Yukine cold toward Olivia? Olivia thought about that for a while and came up withtwo possibilities. Either Yukine looks down on me and doesn’t want to bother wasting her breath on me,or she’s purposely hiding her true intentions.

No matter which reason it was, it was still reason enough for Olivia to detest Yukine!

“Olivia, Yukine, it’s time for dinner…”

The door opened again and Norman walked in. Dinner was ready so he came up to get them, but whenhe saw Yukine sleeping on the couch, his expression darkened at once.

“Olivia, did you tell Yukine to sleep on the couch?”

“Yes.” Olivia nodded.

Norman immediately got angry. She’s becoming more and more unruly. What is she doing now? Whycan’t she spare some room for Yukine on that huge bed of hers? Yukine is her cousin!

Your uncle loved you so much when you were a kid. Is this how you treat his daughter now that you’reall grown up?

“Don’t you think you’ve gone too far?” Norman berated.

Olivia was already in a bad mood and it only got worse now. “How have I gone too far?”

Ever since I was a child, you’ve never shown me any real concern! Even though you let me be thecompany president and agreed to let me move out, it’s only in exchange for me promising that I won’tdate for ten years! You act like you’re such a loving father when we’re in public, but whenever we’re athome, you give me the cold shoulder all the time! I’ve had enough of that!novelbin

Norman didn’t bother responding. He stormed over to Olivia and slapped her hard across the face.


Norman had been brewing with anger for the last two days. Yesterday, he heard his bodyguard sayingthat Olivia and Thomas had something going on. They had been unusually intimate at the amusementpark and even hugged each other. That was unacceptable to him.

It’s almost time. The Pearsons are doomed if Olivia doesn’t remain a virgin until then!

All along, he kept reminding Olivia to stay away from men. And yet, what is she doing now? Did sheeven listen to me, her father?

Her grandfather doesn’t even know about her relationship with Thomas yet. If he did, she would besuffering a lot more than just this!

“Don’t hit Olivia, Uncle Norman. I don’t mind sleeping on the couch. After all, this is Olivia’s room. Sheworks hard all day, so she deserves to rest well at night.” Yukine quickly tried to appease Norman.

Norma shook his head. “This has nothing to do with you, Yukine. She needs to be taught a lesson!”


He gave her yet another slap.

“It’s fine, Uncle Norman. It’s not a big deal. Don’t be angry.”

Yukine got off the couch and stood in front of Norman.

“Stay out of it!” Olivia flicked her hand at Yukine.


Yukine stumbled to the floor.

Olivia eyed her coldly. She knew full well that she hadn’t put any force into her hand just now. She wasmerely making a show of it. Yukine’s fall was all her own doing.

“Why, you… You’re just like your mother!” Norman wanted to give Olivia a vicious thrashing, but he wasreminded of her pitiful life. Not only did she lose her mother when she was young, but she was alsogoing to be a sacrificial offering. Alas, since she was already so pitiful, all he did was scold her.

“That’s right. I’m just like my mother. A wild and unreasonable woman. Happy now?” Olivia’s eyes werefull of tears. “Go and spend your time with whomever you think has been brought up right then. In youreyes, Ophelie and I are nothing to you anyway. We don’t matter to you at all, right? After all, you stillhave a son. You can spend all your time teaching him and shower him with all your love.”

Who would’ve thought that Olivia, the Most Beautiful Female Entrepreneur in Irieson, had such ahelpless and embarrassing side too? She didn’t intend to bring up the fact that Norman had anotherchild out there, but he had gone too far by bringing up her deceased mother!

Dad’s always like this, and Grandpa’s even worse! They pretend to dote on us so much when we’re inpublic, but in reality, Ophelie and I are outsiders in this family! They’re so cold to both of us!

What about my mother? Did she mistreat you? Did she not love you? She simply failed to give you ason. Is that reason enough for you to talk about her like that? She’s gone now! Don’t you know that youshould respect the dead?

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