I'm Someone Else

Chapter 88
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Chapter 88

The middle-aged man walked into the cinema hall and looked around. He immediately spotted his sonwho was lying on the ground.

He would not have known that something had happened here if it hadn’t been for the cleaning staff whocame in to clear the place. The moment he heard that his son had come to this very cinema to watch amovie with a woman, he immediately dropped all his work and rushed over.

The elderly man walked over to take a look before letting out a heavy sigh. “Mr. Xalmar, Mr. Harvey… isgone…”

Someone had broken Harvey Xalmar’s spine in two. There was no way he could’ve survived such afatal injury.

The middle-aged man choked up.

He was Kirk Xalmar, Harvey’s father. Once he heard what the elderly man said, he closed his eyes andtears started streaming down his face.

Everyone else was too afraid to even breathe. Although Kirk said nothing, they could sense hisanguish.

It wasn’t easy to lose a child, but who could be blamed for this? Harvey brought it upon himself.

After a while, Kirk finally opened his eyes. He had a murderous look in them as he ordered, “Look intothis! I want to see who in all of Irieson had the gall to kill my son right under my nose in one of mybusinesses!”

I won’t let the murderer get away with it! Let me see who you are. Let me see what you can do. Nowthat my son is dead, you’re not going to walk away unscathed. Your entire family will be joining him!

“Yes, Mr. Xalmar!” The gray-haired elderly man swiftly made the arrangements. Kirk wasn’t the onlyone who wanted to know who did this. The elderly man also wondered which person with a death wishkilled the Xalmars’ son.

Soon, an employee came over with the security footage.

Thomas didn’t destroy the security footage before he left. With that many witnesses who were stillalive, there was no point in destroying anything. In any case, he never planned on letting the Xalmarsgo anyway. Since he was bound to engage them in a fight soon enough, there was no reason for him tohide what he did.

After checking the footage, Kirk pointed his shaking finger at Thomas and barked, “Find out who he is!”

Harvey’s body was taken away while Fanny and the others were sent to the hospital.

Kirk saw everything that happened. Since he knew that the woman was his son’s girlfriend, he didn’tleave her for dead. He wasn’t completely inhumane.

Half an hour later, they were back inside Xalmar Residence. The elderly man held out a document infront of Kirk and said, “Mr. Xalmar, we’ve gathered all the information there is on Mr. Harvey’s killer.”

The Xalmars were a prominent family in Irieson. It was a piece of cake for them to get information onsomeone.

Kirk put his hands behind his back. “Read it out loud.”

“The man’s name is Thomas Clifford. He was the top scorer in the SATs eight years ago and was givenearly admission to Irieson’s University of Technology. However, after graduating from high school, hegave up on his studies and chose to enter the military. He was gone for eight years and only justreturned to Irieson. He’s an orphan. He lost his parents as a child and was raised by an insane old man

who has disappeared for a long time now. The only person he’s close to now is someone he considershis godsister. He’s currently working for Pearson…”

The elderly man paused and frowned. He’s working for the Pearsons? Should I… continue?

“Go on!”

All Kirk could think of right now was to avenge his son. The debt had to be paid in blood! He didn’t carewho Thomas was or who he worked for. An eye for an eye! That has always been the way!

The elderly man nodded and continued, “Thomas Clifford is currently working at Pearson Group as thepersonal driver for the company president, Olivia Pearson.”

Kirk’s brows furrowed. He’s working for Pearson Group. Did the Pearsons send him to kill my son?

It’s possible. Based on the footage, he was an excellent fighter who could easily overpower nearlytwenty men by himself. Nevertheless, he has gone too far. I don’t care whether it was the Pearsonswho sent him or not. He killed my son. So what if he has the Pearsons backing him up?

“Mr. Xalmar, shall I send someone to investigate the relationship between Thomas Clifford and thePearsons?” the elderly man asked respectfully.

“That won’t be necessary!” Kirk waved it off. “An orphan, huh? He sure got lucky there. So be it. He hasa godsister, right? Kill her first, and then he’s next!”

“Mr. Xalmar, if we act this rashly, what will happen if the Pearsons find out again…”

The elderly man was wary as the Pearsons were a prominent family too. Both families would suffer ifthey dropped all pretense of civility and openly engaged in conflict.

“So what if they find out? What can they do about it?” Kirk’s eyes were sharp and piercing. He wouldnot let anyone kill his precious son and get away with it, not even one of the Pearsons, let alone justsomeone who worked for them!

“Well… There’s still Terrence Pearson…” The elderly man had to voice his concern. Terrence wasruthless. Although he had retired and stepped away from the Pearsons’ family matters, his fame livedon. In his prime, he was the center of attention in all of Irieson!

Terrence was Olivia’s grandfather.

“Hah! Who cares about Terrence Pearson? He’s just an old fogey! What can he do now? Just do as Isay! Go and kill Thomas Clifford’s godsister!”

Kirk was blinded by rage as he bellowed his orders at the elderly man. Who the f*ck cares aboutTerrence? He’s just an old b*stard with one foot in the coffin. Why are you so scared of him? You’reputting him up on a pedestal and demeaning yourself while you’re at it! Don’t you remember who you’reworking for?!

So what if we drop all pretense of civility? The grudge between us and the Pearsons has been buildingup anyway. What else would happen? There’s no point in fearing death. Just get rid of anyone whocrosses you!

The elderly man quickly nodded. “Don’t worry, Mr. Xalmar! I’ll get our people on it at once!”

He rushed off.

Mr. Xalmar is seething with rage! I better get out of his sight and stay as far away from him as possible!novelbin

The elderly man was the Xalmars’ butler. He started working for them in his twenties and remained intheir service for the last four decades, so he could be considered a seasoned veteran among the

Xalmars’ staff.

Nevertheless, he was deathly afraid of Kirk. The more time he spent with Kirk, the more he realized justhow brutal and vicious the latter was.

Lives were lost each time Kirk went into a frenzy, and this was no exception.

The elderly man gave a photo of Chloe to three men. “Remember her face. She should be at thehospital right now. Kill her and bring her body back. Bear in mind that you don’t have much time—onlytwo hours!”

“Got it!”

The three men took the photo and drove to the hospital.

“Alas…” the elderly man sighed. Mr. Xalmar’s thirst for innocent blood is still as strong as ever. ThomasClifford killed your son. You should take your revenge on him instead. What does his godsister have todo with this?

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