I'm Someone Else

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90

“You… I…” Norman froze in shock. He thought that Olivia had forgotten all about the fact that he stillhad another son out there. After all, she had been very young when she found out. But, from the looksof it now, she remembered it this whole time!

If she knew about it, then it went without saying that Ophelie did too as the two sisters were very close.

“Let’s just drop it, Uncle Norman. Don’t be mad. Olivia didn’t mean it.”

Yukine got to her feet and blocked Norman once more. Though she was speaking in Olivia’s defense,her tearful expression made it obvious she felt aggrieved.

Olivia eyed her. Sure. Carry on with the act of yours. You may think it’s flawless, but you never knowwho’s watching. Do you really think no one can see through your pretense? Who knows why all thePearsons are so blind that they can’t spot your lies through your awful acting?

“Look at your sister, and then take a look at yourself! You’re worlds apart!” Norman’s hands weretrembling. How did I, such a fine and remarkable man, end up with such a daughter?

“Hah! She’s not my sister. I only have one sister and that’s Ophelie! Don’t bother comparing us to her.You’re all part of the Pearson Family but we’re not!”

Olivia was so aggrieved that tears were streaming down her face. If she had a choice, she would’vetaken her mother’s last name. As if you’d dare to hit me if Mom were here! You’re always so cold andmean to me because you have a son so Ophelie and I aren’t important to you anymore! Did you think Icouldn’t figure that out?

Just then, Ophelie entered the room. She had gone out for the day and as soon as she entered thehouse, she heard the sounds of people arguing upstairs, so she came over at once.

“Yukine?” Ophelie was startled. Why is she here? I didn’t see her earlier today. Did she just come over?

“Olivia? You’re here too? W-What happened to your face?” Ophelie cried out in alarm.

She spotted Olivia and immediately jumped onto the bed to check on her. She could see the slapmarks on Olivia’s face, and considering what she heard just now, she was able to piece everythingtogether.

“Norman Pearson! What do you think you’re doing?! How dare you hit Olivia?!” Ophelie exploded withrage. No matter how far Yukine went, she would never have the gall to hit Olivia, so Ophelie knew thatit could have only been Norman. Ophelie had a fiery temper. It didn’t matter that Norman was theirfather. That doesn’t give him the right to slap Olivia whenever he wants! It’s not just him mistreating heranymore! It’s abuse!

“Ophelie… I…” Norman was a little wary of his younger daughter. Unlike Olivia who was soft andgentle, Ophelie had a hot temper and would flare up at anyone. Even he, her father, could notwithstand her fury.novelbin

“Speak! Have you lost your tongue?!” Ophelie stuck her arms on her waist and glared at Norman.Calling you Dad is already the most respect I can give you! Ever since Mom left, you stopped treatingOlivia and me as your daughters anyway. Since you hit Olivia today, don’t blame me for not holdingback anymore!

“I’m warning you. If you think Olivia and I are getting in your way, then just say so! If you don’t want usto stay here, well, we don’t want to either! Grandpa Harrison has said that if Olivia and I aren’t happy,we can always move in with him!”

“And you, Yukine!” Ophelie showed a tiny bit of restraint when it came to Norman, but Yukine had nosuch good fortune.

“Why did you come to our house, you fake b*tch? Why are you in Olivia’s room? What’s the matter? Isyour family dead? Do you not have any other place to stay? Get lost! You better watch it. If I ever see

you again, I’ll rip your head off!”

Don’t even bother bringing up my uncle. All you Pearsons are the same! My aunt is the only one whohas ever treated Olivia and me like we’re a family! Ophelie thought.

As soon as Ophelie finished speaking, she picked up the lamp on the bedside table and threw it atYukine.


Yukine quickly moved away as she cried out in shock.

Norman took one last look at Ophelie. He was a little wary of his younger daughter, and now that shebrought up Harrison, he felt even more uncertain.

He had no choice but to drag Yukine out of the room with him.

Once they were gone, Ophelie teared up.

“Olivia, let’s move in with Grandpa Harrison!”

Olivia shook her head. “Forget it. Grandpa Harrison’s getting old. It’s better if we stay here.”

If they moved in with Harrison, their maternal grandfather, then he would surely find out that the two ofthem were being mistreated by the Pearsons. Grandpa Harrison would get angry. What if it ends uptriggering a heart attack? That would be terrible.

Olivia wiped her tears away and told herself to stay strong. She had no choice but to stay strong.

“Grandpa Harrison called me today. He asked me how I’m doing. I spoke to our aunts too. They wantus to move in with them.”

Ophelie had long since thought about moving in with Harrison. It was tiring to put on a show foreveryone in this house.

“Listen to me, Ophelie. Just bear with it. Everything will pass. It’s not a big deal.”

“Hello!” Yukine came back into the room and flashed a smug grin at the sisters. She had a gloatingexpression on her face.

This was the second time Olivia had ever seen a smile on Yukine’s face. The first had been whenYukine successfully framed her. It was the exact same smile.

“What are you doing back here?”

Yukine pointed at the couch. “I came to take my blanket.” She walked over to the couch and picked itup. “Oh. By the way, Gavin’s coming back, so it’s time you two leave. And you, Olivia. I’m sure youknow what’s going to happen, right? Once Gavin’s back, you can kiss your position as the companypresident goodbye!”

“Get out!” Ophelie snarled.

“Hmph!” Yukine shook her head and strode out of the room.

“Gavin’s coming back, Olivia. What should we do?”

Olivia felt helpless too. Gavin was Norman’s son. If he was coming back, it meant that Normanapproved his return. She knew he wouldn’t be coming back for no reason. He was most likely comingto take over Pearson Group.

Gavin’s mother was the president of a large company. He should be about twenty now. Although hespent his childhood abroad, he did show up at Olivia’s mother’s funeral.

However, he cursed and insulted their mother, who was lying in the coffin, right in front of everyone!

Harrison had flown into a rage over that incident and said that he would fight the Pearsons to the bitterend if they allowed Gavin to come back.

That was the reason why Gavin stayed abroad all this while.

Yet, he’s coming back now. It’s bound to happen sooner or later. It’s something I must face. There’s noescape.

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