I'm Someone Else

Chapter 344
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Chapter 344

Eli’s grandfather, who also happened to be Kyrie’s old friend, was a genius. When Eli’s grandfather wasalive, the Bates Family had reached the peak of their power. Unfortunately, Eli’s grandfather died early,and the Bates Family soon went downhill.

“Perhaps Thomas can help Eli.” Kyrie sighed, seeming as though he was telling Colby and comfortinghimself at the same time.

“What?” Colby was startled. What is Grandpa talking about? How would Thomas be able to help Eli?That’s impossible.

Thomas possessed immense power at such a young age. Moreover, he knew techniques that hadbeen lost for hundreds of years, and even Kyrie couldn’t see through Thomas’ personality. However, heknew Thomas had left in a hurry because he wanted to help Eli.

“What has Emily been doing, Colby?”

Emily Travis was his granddaughter and she was also Colby’s sister.

“She’s still the same as ever, going around and living life to the fullest.” As Colby talked about Emily,adoration filled his eyes.

“I see.” Kyrie nodded. “Since she has nothing to do in Capitalis, why don’t you take her to Irieson? Wehave a family business there too, don’t we? Take her there and make sure she’s on good terms withThomas.” As he spoke, he looked at Colby thoughtfully as he trusted Colby to understand his words.

Colby thought momentarily and chuckled. Thomas was young and capable while Emily was smart andtalented, which made them a great match. “Don’t worry, Grandpa. I know what I should do.”

On the other hand, Thomas, John, and the others had arrived at Rafael’s mansion. As the car stoppedin front of the house, they exited from the vehicle. Nonetheless, the most captivating view was Olivia

and Thomas since she had wrapped her arms around the man. When Olivia was in the car, she bracedherself to hug Thomas. When John and Samuel saw how lovey-dovey the duo was, they smiled asthey sensed the love in the air.

After everyone entered the mansion, Thomas followed Rafael to the study room on the second floor.According to Thomas’ request, Rafael prepared some papers and a pen. Without further ado, Thomasgrabbed the pen and immediately started writing. After four hours, the papers piled up like a smallmountain!

“Rafael, these are the things I am going to give Eli. Don’t let anyone see this; you must give it to himpersonally.”

Thomas had spent four hours writing down seventy-two techniques. There were even three forbiddentechniques that could increase one’s strength when used, which was similar to toning up the body.Among the papers had a letter, in which Thomas had warned not to use the forbidden techniquesunless it was a crucial situation. Otherwise, the consequences would be severe! With these techniques,he believed that Eli’s strength would increase. Although the techniques couldn’t help him fend off theexperts, it was still a gem, for not even the hidden sect had these.

There was also a recipe in the letter, which was one of the recipes that was able to heal one’s wounds.When Thomas had a conversation with Eli on the phone, he could hear how weak Eli’s voice was, andhe seemed to have some internal injuries. As long as Eli followed the recipe, he would fully recoverwithin three days. The value of this recipe was higher than the Rejuvenation Pill!

Rafael held the papers and nodded his head seriously. “Don’t worry, Mr. Clifford. I will give this to Mr. Elipersonally!”

Thomas stood up and headed to the living room under Rafael’s guidance.

“Thomas!” As soon as Olivia saw him, she immediately rushed toward him and wrapped her armsaround him. Although they had only been separated for four hours, Olivia felt like a decade hadpassed. She wondered where he went and why he had the heart to leave her alone.

Thomas turned his head and looked at Rafael. “Tell him that I will be waiting for him at Irieson. Hepromised we would drink together at Irieson after he’s done dealing with the matter. If he dares to breakhis promise, I will kick his *ss!”

At his words, Rofoel wos stortled. Only Thomos con soy such words to Mr. Eli, he thought. “Restossured, Mr. Clifford. I will tell Mr. Eli everything you’ve soid.”

Although Thomos seemed to urge Eli to come bock ond drink with him, Rofoel knew he wos telling Elito protect himself. Thomos wos expressing his onxiousness through o joke. Rofoel knew this since hewos olso o mon himself.

Soon, he orronged o Mercedes Benz ond sent Thomos ond the others to the oirport.

On the rood, Thomos wos silent. Although everything wos settled in Copitolis, trouble still owoited himoheod. Once he returned to Irieson, he would be focing the six old monsters. Thinking obout this, hefelt unlucky since problems kept oppeoring os soon os he returned to the city. He hod been deolingwith oll sorts of motters without ony rest. Now, he wos even injured, ond his best friend wos in o life-ond-deoth situotion. Sometimes, he wonted to osk God to be merciful to him.

Soon, the cor orrived ot the oirport. Rofoel hod bought the tickets for them. As o business tycoon, hewouldn’t be stingy ond hod bought them first-closs seots. Ever since Olivio met with Thomos, she hodbeen clinging to him. As such, Thomos didn’t know whot to soy. He knew this wos o response to beingscored. After oll, how could she hove o sense of security when even her grondfother would lie ond drugher?novelbin

As Thomos thought obout it, he felt pity for Olivio. The person she trusted the most wosn’t her fomily; itwos him, o friend. Whot o pity!

On the other hond, John ond Somuel hod stern expressions os they sot before the duo. They knewThomos hod mony things to do once they returned, ond those six old monsters wouldn’t stop pushingtheir luck. The reol wor wos just beginning!

At his words, Rafael was startled. Only Thomas can say such words to Mr. Eli, he thought. “Restassured, Mr. Clifford. I will tell Mr. Eli everything you’ve said.”

Although Thomas seemed to urge Eli to come back and drink with him, Rafael knew he was telling Elito protect himself. Thomas was expressing his anxiousness through a joke. Rafael knew this since hewas also a man himself.

Soon, he arranged a Mercedes Benz and sent Thomas and the others to the airport.

On the road, Thomas was silent. Although everything was settled in Capitalis, trouble still awaited himahead. Once he returned to Irieson, he would be facing the six old monsters. Thinking about this, hefelt unlucky since problems kept appearing as soon as he returned to the city. He had been dealingwith all sorts of matters without any rest. Now, he was even injured, and his best friend was in a life-and-death situation. Sometimes, he wanted to ask God to be merciful to him.

Soon, the car arrived at the airport. Rafael had bought the tickets for them. As a business tycoon, hewouldn’t be stingy and had bought them first-class seats. Ever since Olivia met with Thomas, she hadbeen clinging to him. As such, Thomas didn’t know what to say. He knew this was a response to beingscared. After all, how could she have a sense of security when even her grandfather would lie and drugher?

As Thomas thought about it, he felt pity for Olivia. The person she trusted the most wasn’t her family; itwas him, a friend. What a pity!

On the other hand, John and Samuel had stern expressions as they sat before the duo. They knewThomas had many things to do once they returned, and those six old monsters wouldn’t stop pushingtheir luck. The real war was just beginning!

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