I'm Someone Else

Chapter 343
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Chapter 343

After Rafael explained everything, Thomas was furious.

True brothers were the ones who would help a friend in need. However, what was the meaning of this?When Thomas used to ask for help, Eli would help him. Even when he didn’t ask for help, Eli wouldinsist on helping when he heard the news. Yet, when Eli was in a crisis, he did not ask for Thomas’ helpand tried to hide it from the latter! At that moment, Thomas wondered if Eli saw him as a friend. If not,he hoped Eli would just cut ties with him!

“Call him right now. I want to speak to him!”

“Huh? Okay.” Looking at Thomas’ reaction, Rafael knew he was enraged. Thus, he didn’t dare dilly-dally and quickly dialed the number. Then, he gave his phone to Thomas.

“Hello, Rafael? Is something the matter?”

On the other end, Thomas bellowed, “One question, Eli. Am I your friend or not?” According to Rafael,not only had Eli hidden this matter from him, but he even planned on transferring all his companies toThomas if he died. This was practically a testament, and Thomas dared Eli to write one and tell theworld about it.

“How long are you going to keep it a secret from me? When we were in the army, I sensed somethingamiss since someone kept trying to assassinate us. However, I didn’t say anything. Yet, you dared tokeep it a secret from me while in a life-and-death situation! You even wanted to give me your company.Do you think I f*cking care about your money? I want you, and those companies are worth nothing ifyou’re dead!”

“Thomas, I…” Eli used to be a soldier and was Thomas’ teammate. However, rather than protecting thecountry, he became a soldier to hide from those who tried to kill him! He thought the safest place onearth was the army with round-the-clock security. Unfortunately, Eli realized those people would notnovelbin

give up and even tried to kill him in the army! Thomas had saved him from his death, so they weresworn brothers.

“Get lost! Don’t call my name!”

Before Eli was able to finish his words, Thomas scolded him. In that split second, Eli knew Thomas wasmad. He dared not say anything and kept silent, waiting for Thomas to calm down.

As the only grandson, Eli was a vital existence to his family. If he were to die, his father would have noone else to carry his legacy. Thus, without an heir, those people would try to snatch the power fromEli’s father.

“I will say this one more f*cking time, Eli. If you consider me your friend, you will tell me when you needme. Even if I can’t be there, I will try to help you. No friends are like you! You kept it a secret from me,and you even tried to hide it and give me your company. Do you think I care about the money?” askedThomas. If Eli was in front of him, he would’ve beaten the crap out of Eli to vent his anger.

In the meantime, Rafael stood beside him anxiously. He knew Thomas was losing control as he heardthe latter spilling profanities.

“You aren’t in a good condition either, Thomas. After all, you must help Olivia, and those six oldmonsters from Irieson are a headache. Now that the Flynn Family and Wilkerson Family are yourenemies, how could I tell you about my situation?” Eli wasn’t mad because of Thomas’ reaction.Instead, he was touched since Thomas treated him as a close friend and scolded him. To him, it wasworth it!

“Oh, should I thank you for keeping it a secret, then?” Thomas huffed coldly. “Tell me. How long canyou withstand this?”

Hearing his words, Eli was startled. After all, not only did Thomas save him, but he also saved theBates Family. Eli’s father could stay afloat during their family’s crisis because Eli was alive. Otherwise,they would have lost their place. Thus, Eli didn’t want to trouble Thomas when the latter was in acrucial situation. He was already grateful that Thomas had dealt with his problems.

“Are you going to say anything, Eli? If you insist on hiding again, let’s not be friends anymore!” Thomassaid coldly. He wasn’t joking since he didn’t feel the need to be friends if they couldn’t help each otherout.

“A month.” Eli smiled bitterly. His fomily wos in o bod situotion ond wos the lowest in oll the fights. Inonother month, there would be o competition for their internol offoirs, ond Eli knew his fomily didn’tstond o chonce of winning.

Thomos thought momentorily ond soid, “A month is fine. I will tell Rofoel to send my gift to you!”

Eli wos confused by his words. He wondered whot kind of gift it wos, but Thomos hod olreody hung upbefore he could osk.

After some time, Thomos ond Rofoel returned to the monsion. At this moment, Thomos didn’t hove thedesire to drink onymore. He wonted to help Eli os soon os possible. “Old Mr. Trovis, I deeply oppreciotethe help you’ve given to me ond Olivio. I will leove now since I hove some urgent business to ottend to.I’ll come ogoin when the Ancient Mortiol Arts Fomily Ronking Competition storts,” soid Thomos os hebowed toword Kyrie.

Kyrie wos surprised thot Thomos hod to leove so soon, yet he couldn’t stop Thomos since the lotterhod things to do. “Pleose, Mr. Clifford, you will olwoys be our guest. No motter whot trouble you foce,we will olwoys be hoppy to help.”

Thomos nodded ond left with Rofoel, John, ond the others.

As Colby wotched them leove, he osked, “Grondpo, is Eli from the Botes Fomily the old friend youmentioned?”

Rofoel wos Eli’s trusted subordinote. Thus, Rofoel must hove gotten orders from Eli to help Thomos getout of trouble. Colby could tell thot Thomos ond Eli hod o strong bond.

“Yes.” Kyrie nodded ond sighed. Although the Trovis Fomily hod strong power, they couldn’t doonything out of the ordinory. After oll, every oncient mortiol orts fomily wos bounded by the rules, ondno one dored to breok them. However, there wos o difference between the Botes Fomily ond theWilkerson Fomily. The Wilkerson Fomily foced troubles from the outside, while the Botes Fomily focedtrouble on the inside. Thus, even if Kyrie wonted to help, he wos in no ploce to do so.

“A month.” Eli smiled bitterly. His family was in a bad situation and was the lowest in all the fights. Inanother month, there would be a competition for their internal affairs, and Eli knew his family didn’tstand a chance of winning.

Thomas thought momentarily and said, “A month is fine. I will tell Rafael to send my gift to you!”

Eli was confused by his words. He wondered what kind of gift it was, but Thomas had already hung upbefore he could ask.

After some time, Thomas and Rafael returned to the mansion. At this moment, Thomas didn’t have thedesire to drink anymore. He wanted to help Eli as soon as possible. “Old Mr. Travis, I deeply appreciatethe help you’ve given to me and Olivia. I will leave now since I have some urgent business to attend to.I’ll come again when the Ancient Martial Arts Family Ranking Competition starts,” said Thomas as hebowed toward Kyrie.

Kyrie was surprised that Thomas had to leave so soon, yet he couldn’t stop Thomas since the latterhad things to do. “Please, Mr. Clifford, you will always be our guest. No matter what trouble you face,

we will always be happy to help.”

Thomas nodded and left with Rafael, John, and the others.

As Colby watched them leave, he asked, “Grandpa, is Eli from the Bates Family the old friend youmentioned?”

Rafael was Eli’s trusted subordinate. Thus, Rafael must have gotten orders from Eli to help Thomas getout of trouble. Colby could tell that Thomas and Eli had a strong bond.

“Yes.” Kyrie nodded and sighed. Although the Travis Family had strong power, they couldn’t doanything out of the ordinary. After all, every ancient martial arts family was bounded by the rules, andno one dared to break them. However, there was a difference between the Bates Family and theWilkerson Family. The Wilkerson Family faced troubles from the outside, while the Bates Family facedtrouble on the inside. Thus, even if Kyrie wanted to help, he was in no place to do so.

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