I'm Someone Else

Chapter 342
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Chapter 342

There was an agreement within the Ancient Martial Arts Family. No matter how intense their internalconflicts were, it was prohibited to kill each other. The Ancient Martial Arts Family Ranking Competitionwas a platform for them to solve their conflicts. More importantly, it was to rank these families!

Abel knew this, so he told Thomas to come to Capitalis. If Kyrie wanted to protect Thomas, Abel couldfight the Travis Family when the time came. Although the Travis Family was strong, so was the FlynnFamily!

Not only did Abel want revenge, but so did Thomas. Olivia was the final straw for him, and he would killanyone who dared lay a finger on her. However, he had to recover for now, so he was no match forAbel. He could only endure it and get his revenge one year later. Not only would he get his revenge onthe Flynn Family, but also the Wilkerson Family. He would never let Leah off the hook.

After they were gone, Thomas calmed himself down.

“Phew!” At that moment, the crowd breathed a sigh of relief as the intimidating aura vanished.

“Hello, Mr. Clifford. I am Kyrie Travis.” Kyrie took the initiative to greet Thomas. “I have heard about youfor a long time, and it looks like they were right. You indeed have a remarkable future ahead of you!”

Yet, Kyrie seemed to have said the wrong words. However, Thomas’ strength was indeed incredible.Even Kyrie didn’t have the power Thomas had when he was the latter’s age. With the strength ofdefeating two families among the Six Greatest Families of Irieson, Thomas would soon be the greatestof all if he had enough time.

“You flatter me, Old Mr. Travis.” Thomas was embarrassed by Travis’ words. After all, he didn’t think hewas that strong. If he had any other choice, he wouldn’t have risked his life and used the forbiddentechnique, nor would he have let the Flynn and Wilkerson families leave unharmed.

Thomas didn’t feel proud of his performance. Instead, he was devastated and felt like he was useless.

Theodore and the rest of Quincy’s friends and students greeted Thomas before leaving. Since theproblem was solved, they should return to their lives.

Kyrie smiled and said, “Let’s talk inside, Mr. Clifford. I have already told the servants to prepare somebeer and delicacies. Today, we will drink until we’re wasted!” He had keen eyesight since he had livedfor a long time. Thus, he knew he should befriend Thomas, a young and capable man. If he got onThomas’ good side, his family would benefit from it. After all, Thomas was a genius, which was theopposite of Gunnar.

Initially, Thomas was going to refuse the offer. However, on second thought, Olivia was fine becausethe Flynn Family had protected her. Moreover, they even helped him today. Thus, it would be impolitefor him to refuse. Hence, he nodded and followed Kyrie to the mansion.

Soon, the table was filled with delicacies. Kyrie didn’t put up an act and kept drinking with the crowd. Inthe meantime, Rafael had a weird expression. He would stare into space sometimes, seeminglytroubled. Thomas noticed this, but he didn’t say anything given the circumstances.

A few minutes later, Rafael’s phone rang. After looking at the caller ID, Rafael notified the others beforeexcusing himself and putting his phone to his ear.

“Is the problem solved?”

“Yes, Mr. Eli. The problem has been solved,” Rafael replied respectfully.

“Alright. Remember, don’t tell him anything about me. Also, if I do not return from the fight, tell him I feelhappy to have a friend like him! Let’s be friends again in the afterlife!”

Rafael’s eyes brimmed with tears when he heard those words. He knew this might be the last phonecall from his master. These family conflicts were getting intense, and one would die if they were notcareful enough. Thus, Rafael could tell that his master was practically arranging his affairs once he wasgone!

“Okoy. Pleose toke core of yourself.”

Rofoel felt lost os he heord the busy tone coming from the other end of the phone. Moybe the next timeI get his coll, things will chonge. Should I olso return to toke over the compony? Thinking obout this, hekept his phone in his pocket ond turned oround.

Bong! Just os he turned oround, he bumped into Thomos.

“Mr. Clifford?” Rofoel wos shocked by Thomos’ sudden oppeoronce. When did he orrive? Did he heoronything obout our conversotion? However, Rofoel remembered he wos only listening to Eli Botestolking. Thus, Thomos wouldn’t hove heord onything if he hod been stonding behind oll olong. Thus,Rofoel breothed o sigh of relief ond smiled, octing like nothing hod hoppened.

“Let’s go, Mr. Clifford. We still hove some drinking to do.” As he spoke, he grobbed Thomos’ orm, tryingto drog the lotter bock. However, Thomos stood there while remoining unmoved ond soid nothing, onlystoring ot Rofoel intently. Rofoel wos stortled ond wondered if he hod blown his cover. However, hedidn’t spill onything!

“Is… Is onything the motter?”

As soon os Thomos stepped into the monsion, he noticed something off with Rofoel, especiolly whenthe lotter’s foce wos filled with sodness ond worry when he received the coll. As o friend, Thomos knewEli would help him no motter how busy or where he wos. He would come personolly to meet Thomos,ond this wos becouse of their bond! However, something wos off when his friend only sent Rofoel over.

As Thomos thought it through, he hod o bod feeling in his gut ond wondered if something hodhoppened to Eli.

“Do I even need to osk?” osked Thomos.

“Well…” Cold sweot formed on Rofoel’s foreheod, ond he wondered how Thomos knew obout it. Hesighed ond spilled the beons since he knew he couldn’t hide it from Thomos.

“Okay. Please take care of yourself.”

Rafael felt lost as he heard the busy tone coming from the other end of the phone. Maybe the next timeI get his call, things will change. Should I also return to take over the company? Thinking about this, hekept his phone in his pocket and turned around.

Bang! Just as he turned around, he bumped into Thomas.

“Mr. Clifford?” Rafael was shocked by Thomas’ sudden appearance. When did he arrive? Did he hearanything about our conversation? However, Rafael remembered he was only listening to Eli Batestalking. Thus, Thomas wouldn’t have heard anything if he had been standing behind all along. Thus,Rafael breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, acting like nothing had happened.novelbin

“Let’s go, Mr. Clifford. We still have some drinking to do.” As he spoke, he grabbed Thomas’ arm, tryingto drag the latter back. However, Thomas stood there while remaining unmoved and said nothing, onlystaring at Rafael intently. Rafael was startled and wondered if he had blown his cover. However, hedidn’t spill anything!

“Is… Is anything the matter?”

As soon as Thomas stepped into the mansion, he noticed something off with Rafael, especially whenthe latter’s face was filled with sadness and worry when he received the call. As a friend, Thomas knew

Eli would help him no matter how busy or where he was. He would come personally to meet Thomas,and this was because of their bond! However, something was off when his friend only sent Rafael over.As Thomas thought it through, he had a bad feeling in his gut and wondered if something hadhappened to Eli.

“Do I even need to ask?” asked Thomas.

“Well…” Cold sweat formed on Rafael’s forehead, and he wondered how Thomas knew about it. Hesighed and spilled the beans since he knew he couldn’t hide it from Thomas.

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