I'm Someone Else

Chapter 345
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Chapter 345

Moreover, they had received intelligence from their families today, stating that many foreign terroristforces had quietly entered the territory of Irieson. Their specific motives were unknown, but both ofthem had a lingering feeling that these people’s sudden visit to Irieson might be related to Thomas.

There was no reason. It was just an intuition.

In fact, their intuition was indeed accurate, for those people were indeed coming for Thomas. Theywere all enemies he had made during his eight years in the military. The assassination at Green LakeManor had caught their attention, and the miracle of him simultaneously hitting two targets with onebullet hadn’t escaped their notice either. Those foreigners who had secretly infiltrated Irieson werethere to investigate the former King of Marksmen, who was once renowned around the world, and tofind out if he was indeed in Irieson!

Storms were brewing, and hidden currents surged.

Thomas leaned against the backrest of his seat, feeling rather depressed all of a sudden. He called fora flight attendant, ordered a glass of red wine, and drank it silently.

With his current strength, he wouldn’t stand a chance against those six old monsters. Even if herestored himself to his peak, it would take at least half a year. Those six old monsters would never havethe patience to wait for his recovery.

What would he do when they came knocking on his door? It was likely that the outcome would be farfrom favorable.

He swirled the wine glass in his hand while looking out at the scenery outside the window, sinking intocontemplation.

After his death, he didn’t need to worry about Zoe. Sean and William would protect her, and no onewould dare to easily provoke her, but what about Olivia and his godsister, Chloe? What would they do?The intentions of those six old monsters had been quite clear—they not only wanted his life but alsothose close to him!

Thomas felt extremely depressed at the thought of this. He tilted his head back and finished the glassof wine in one gulp.

No, there were still too many people he cared about in this world! He couldn’t just die like this!

If he died, Chloe would undoubtedly not survive, and Olivia would also face a disastrous fate. Whatabout the crazy old man who had raised him? He had promised the old man that he would take care ofthe old man in his old age. Where was he now? Was he doing well? Why did he force Thomas to jointhe military back then?

No, he couldn’t resign himself to fate. Where there was a will, there was a way. If he thought harder,perhaps he would find a solution!novelbin

At that moment, flames of hope ignited in Thomas’ eyes. He desperately searched for a way to solvethe current predicament in his mind. He believed that the old man had left him with so many amazingtechniques for a reason. There had to be one that could help him overcome his current difficulties.

He even regretted using the secret technique to tamper with his body. Fortunately, it had failed. What ifit had succeeded? Would he have become a useless person for the rest of his life? It didn’t seem like agood deal to exchange his prime years for three days of invincibility!

When the plane carrying the four of them arrived in Irieson, it was already 4.00AM. After greeting thetwo old gentlemen, Thomas took Olivia back to the Northpine Villa.

After having breakfast and taking a shower upon returning to the villa, Thomas checked the time andsaw that it wasn’t too early. He picked up his phone and called Quincy. He learned that everything hadbeen calm during his absence, which finally put his mind at ease.

Next, he called Chloe. “I’m back, Chloe. I’m at the Northpine Villa.”

“Okay. Thomas, are you okay?”

“Don’t worry, I’m fine. How about you?”

“I’m fine too. I’ve just been really worried about you, but now that I know you’ve returned safely, I feelrelieved.” Chloe’s voice was filled with joy. It was evident that she had been genuinely worried aboutThomas.

After discussing with Olivia, they decided not to go anywhere that day. They would rest and catch up onsleep at the villa. Olivia had been physically and mentally exhausted these past few days, so she hadno objections. She went back to her room to rest.

Meanwhile, Thomas went to the kitchen and prepared a concoction for Olivia. He intended for her todrink it after waking up. Fortunately, he could communicate with the Travis Family and asked them tohelp prepare some herbal medicine for her. Otherwise, if the toxins in her body resurfaced, evenimmortals wouldn’t be able to help!

With that in mind, he remembered his brother. After all, Rafael had already told him that the TravisFamily was helping him because of Eli.

He had to survive. He even made an appointment to drink with his brother, and he couldn’t die beforesolving all these matters.

After brewing the medicine, Thomos returned to the bedroom ond continued pondering. He didn’toverlook ony of the forbidden techniques left behind by the old mon.

Thomos remoined deep in contemplotion, lost in his thoughts. It wosn’t until the evening when Olivioprepored dinner ond knocked on his door thot his thoughts were interrupted momentorily.

Throughout the night, he hordly rested os he loy in bed ond pondered.

Unfortunotely, he still hod no breokthrough.

He wos usuolly colm, but now, he couldn’t help feeling restless. Those six old monsters could knock onhis door ot ony moment, ond if he didn’t find o solution soon, he would be left with only o deod end!

In other words, he wos rocing ogoinst time.

The next morning, Olivio wore o wry smile os she spoke to Thomos. “Thomos, we need to toke o cob tothe compony todoy.”

Thomos wos token obock. “Whot obout the cor?”

Before he went into seclusion, he remembered hoving left the Moseroti for Olivio to use.

After heoring this, Olivio blushed slightly ond lowered her heod. “The thing is… I’m ofroid of drivingbecouse I’m not confident in my driving skills, so I left the cor ot the compony!”

Thomos couldn’t help but smile. As it turned out, Olivio hodn’t driven ot oll ever since he storted hisseclusion. Well, it wos good to know oneself. It seemed thot she understood herself well, especiolly heridentity os the destroyer of cors.

“Oh, come on! Thomos, you’re not ollowed to moke fun of me!” Olivio excloimed os her foce flushed.She roised her fist ond lightly topped his chest.

After seeing Olivio’s expression, Thomos felt much better.

It seemed thot whenever he wos unhoppy or depressed, she could bring joy to his life.

When they orrived ot the entronce of Keyshire Property, Olivio gothered her couroge ond held Thomos’orm once ogoin. The morning rush hour wos ot its peok, ond the oreo in front of Keyshire Property wosbustling with employees coming to work.

Instontly, the intimote couple ottrocted the ottention of countless employees, including Molly.

She stored blonkly ot Olivio ond Thomos’ figures os teors streomed uncontrollobly down her foce.“They’re still together, oren’t they? Is there no chonce for me onymore?”

After brewing the medicine, Thomas returned to the bedroom and continued pondering. He didn’toverlook any of the forbidden techniques left behind by the old man.

Thomas remained deep in contemplation, lost in his thoughts. It wasn’t until the evening when Oliviaprepared dinner and knocked on his door that his thoughts were interrupted momentarily.

Throughout the night, he hardly rested as he lay in bed and pondered.

Unfortunately, he still had no breakthrough.

He was usually calm, but now, he couldn’t help feeling restless. Those six old monsters could knock onhis door at any moment, and if he didn’t find a solution soon, he would be left with only a dead end!

In other words, he was racing against time.

The next morning, Olivia wore a wry smile as she spoke to Thomas. “Thomas, we need to take a cab tothe company today.”

Thomas was taken aback. “What about the car?”

Before he went into seclusion, he remembered having left the Maserati for Olivia to use.

After hearing this, Olivia blushed slightly and lowered her head. “The thing is… I’m afraid of drivingbecause I’m not confident in my driving skills, so I left the car at the company!”

Thomas couldn’t help but smile. As it turned out, Olivia hadn’t driven at all ever since he started hisseclusion. Well, it was good to know oneself. It seemed that she understood herself well, especially heridentity as the destroyer of cars.

“Oh, come on! Thomas, you’re not allowed to make fun of me!” Olivia exclaimed as her face flushed.She raised her fist and lightly tapped his chest.

After seeing Olivia’s expression, Thomas felt much better.

It seemed that whenever he was unhappy or depressed, she could bring joy to his life.

When they arrived at the entrance of Keyshire Property, Olivia gathered her courage and held Thomas’arm once again. The morning rush hour was at its peak, and the area in front of Keyshire Property wasbustling with employees coming to work.

Instantly, the intimate couple attracted the attention of countless employees, including Molly.

She stared blankly at Olivia and Thomas’ figures as tears streamed uncontrollably down her face.“They’re still together, aren’t they? Is there no chance for me anymore?”

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