I'm Someone Else

Chapter 326
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Chapter 326

Bang! A loud, thundering sound filled the air, and all three of the martial arts experts took a step backsimultaneously. Cordan, on the other hand, didn’t budge from the spot he was standing in. The powerdifference was clear just with the one exchange they had. The martial arts experts hadn’t expectedCordan to be so powerful even when faced against all three of them! They had underestimated thecapabilities of the six elderlies. If their servant has such impressive abilities, how much more powerfulare they?

On the other side of the estate, another fight had just begun! John, Samuel, Quincy, and Timothy wereall surrounded by a team of eight men, and they were forced to fight against them. Cordan let out ascoff at the sight of this. “Do you guys think you can ever surpass us? Well, you’ll have to sacrifice yourlives to find out!” Cordan stomped his foot on the ground, and his body instantly shot over to the threemartial arts experts as if he were an arrow sent flying from his bow.

Swoosh! Another speedy and powerful punch was delivered in the direction of the three martial artsexperts. The three of them were smarter this time—they knew that their strength was no match forCordan, so they figured a direct attack wouldn’t be of any purpose. Instead, the three of them chose tododge away from Cordan’s brutal attack.

Cordan curled his lips into an icy smirk. I can crush these three martial experts with my strength, and Ican also keep up with their speed. In the blink of an eye, the four of them had already exchanged a fewfists and kicks.

Bang! The martial arts expert from the Elliott Family didn’t manage to dodge an attack in time, andCordan sent him a powerful push against his shoulder. Right after that, the martial arts expert could feelhis body suspended in the air for a moment. Cordan’s push had sent him flying in the air, and helanded on the ground about six yards away from the spot he had originally been at. Bang! Bang!Cordan sent two effortless kicks in the direction of the martial arts experts from the Morton and Peralta

Families. The two of them fell onto the ground around the same time, and they could taste blood intheir mouths.

“You guys should know where you stand! How dare you guys pick a fight with me when your skills areso limited? What a joke!” Cordan strolled over to the three men before he raised his fists of steel in theair. He was about to kill the three fearless martial arts experts. “Say your goodbyes!” Cordan hissed.Regardless of what the others said, these three individuals were people of the same seniority as the sixelderlies. If Cordan could kill them all with one punch, he would get to brag about it once he returnedhome!

“Guys!” From a distance away, Quincy and the rest of them witnessed the fall of the martial artsexperts. Everyone was shocked at the sight of this, and they desperately wanted to go over and offerhelp. However, things weren’t that simple. Even though the eight men circling them weren’t as powerfulas them in individual combat, they were still outnumbered. No matter how hard they tried, they wouldstill need some time before they could get rid of the eight men! They had no choice but to simply watchas the three martial arts experts suffered.

“Ah!” The three of them had nowhere to run to or hide; all they could do was hold their fists up and trytheir best to defend themselves from all of Cordan’s merciless attacks. They gave it their all! Theydecided that they would at least try to leave Cordan with a few severe injuries, even if their lives had tobe sacrificed in the end.

Boom! Cordan’s last punch was simply too powerful. The loud crash came from the sound of the threemartial arts experts’ bodies slamming onto the ground! The estate was a dusty and dirty mess at thatpoint. The three martial arts experts were famous for their abilities, but in their fight for survival, theyhad no choice other than to absorb the force of Cordan’s attacks. At that point, the three of them werein a horrible state. All of them appeared pale as blood trickled down their mouths and noses. Cordan’spunch had directly impacted their organs, and they were all suffering from internal injuries.

As a result, the three of them couldn’t gain much access to their internal energy. They were no longermartial arts experts at this point, and they were practically no different from typical old men. Meanwhile,Cordan nodded with a rather surprised look on his face. “That’s not too bad. You guys do have someskills. However, I’d advise you guys to think twice next time—you guys might have survived this attack,but you might not be as lucky the next time!”

“You can beat us up or torture us however you want, but you’ll have to step over our dead bodiesbefore you get to enter the house!” The martial arts experts refused to allow Cordan into the house,even if it meant that they would have to sacrifice their lives to keep him out. They were prepared to dothat if necessary! Death is a part of life. If we live as noblemen, we’ll die being remembered as one.novelbin

“Fine. I’ll fulfill your last wishes, then!” Cordan lifted both his arms up, and a strong, deathly auraseemed to radiate from with him. The dark energy loomed over the three martial arts experts! Theyknew then that they had come to a stage of life they were unlikely to surpass. Such is life! It’s all fate!We can’t even access our internal energy now. How are we going to defend ourselves from Cordan’sdeathly punch? The three of them shut their eyes tight as they waited to be united with death.

Bang! Roar! At that very moment, the doors to the house were flung open. Everyone turned around tosee a ball of white light, which was followed by the sound of a beast’s cry. The white light chargeddirectly toward Cordan, and with a loud swoosh, Cordan was swept off his feet and thrown onto theground. His face was one of pure shock when he looked up and stared at the young man before hiseyes.

Cordan was shocked earlier, and his first instinct had been to dodge the force coming toward him.However, the other person was simply too quick, and Cordan had no choice other than to send a fist inthe direction of the other party. To Cordan’s utter disbelief, the other party was strong enough tocounter his punch and attack him instead!

After a moment of dazedness, Cordan felt a sharp pain spreading through his arm, and he wasshocked by the sight of his arm when he looked down! Both his hands were covered in blood as ifsomeone had just sliced his skin off. He could practically see his flesh! I remember exchangingpunches with that young man earlier, though. How did he do this to my hands? This doesn’t make anysense!

Thomas didn’t allow Cordan much time to contemplate the matter. He wanted to get moving whileCordan was at his weakest! With a single, swift motion, Thomas zoomed over to Cordan before heswung his hand down in a chopping motion, attacking Cordan on his neck. Cordan let out a fierce growlas he raised his arms up to block Thomas’ attack. I don’t believe in this nonsense! My power hasalways been my pride. How could I lose to this young man who looks like he’s still going throughpuberty? This is impossible!

Snap! The sound of bones breaking filled the air as Cordan felt his body being lifted off the ground. Hisentire being flew backward as he spat out a mouthful of blood. Soon, his shoulders dropped in despairas he gazed at Thomas with a look of pure terror.

He could’ve excused himself for not being prepared when Thomas first attacked him. However, afterThomas’ second attack, Cordan couldn’t deny it any longer—he was genuinely terrified of Thomas!Thomas’ arms didn’t even seem like they were made of flesh and bone anymore. Instead, it felt like hewas dressed in armor made of the toughest material. The overwhelming strength Thomas had wasenough to crush Cordan’s arm!

“You achieved it! You managed to tone up your body!” Any haughtiness that Cordan possessed earlierhad completely disappeared by then. All that was left within him was a deep sense of fear! He wasterrified of Thomas!

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