I'm Someone Else

Chapter 325
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Chapter 325

As long as the Travis Family were on their side, the Flynns and Wilkersons would be no match for themeven if they joined forces. They were sure that they were going to win this match! The initial plan hadbeen for them to bring Olivia back to Irieson after the match was over, but Samuel and John ended uprushing over late at night after they received some bad news.

For some reason, the six elderlies found out that Leah had secretly snuck Olivia out. The six of themwere reputable and influential individuals, so they naturally couldn’t overlook this matter now that theyhad been shamed and fooled. The Morton and Peralta Families received this piece of news from one ofthe spies they had planted in the Six Greatest Families of Irieson, so they were certain that their intelwas right!

According to their insider information, the six elderlies lost their cool after hearing about this matter.They had already sent out their top soldiers and were about to hunt Thomas down! Both Samuel andJohn rushed over immediately after hearing about this. Leah from the Wilkerson Family was the onewho had snuck Olivia out, and Olivia had been sent to the Flynn Family in Capitalis.

If the six of you are all that great, why don’t you guys pick a fight with the Flynn and Wilkerson Familiesinstead? Why are you guys coming for Thomas? Aren’t you guys pointing guns in the wrong direction?You guys are too afraid to start a fight with those two families, so you guys end up unleashing all ofyour anger on Thomas instead. Isn’t that a little too shameless of you guys?

“Is everything going fine?” Samuel was the first to speak. “Don’t worry, Grandpa. Everything’s goingaccording to plan,” William replied. “That’s great. You and Sean should head home to get some rest.We’ll take things from here,” Samuel offered.

“That’s not right. Didn’t you guys head over to Capitalis earlier? Why have you guys returned?” Williamasked.

“Oh, we have some matters to handle.” Neither Samuel nor John had any plans of telling William andSean about the fact that the six elderlies were launching an attack on Thomas. The older generationswere more than aware of what their grandsons were like, and knowing William and Sean, they wouldnever leave the place if they found out about what was going on.

William and Sean exchanged glances with one another, and they both noticed a hint of confusion in theother person’s eyes. “Both of you are probably tired from all the traveling. You guys should head hometo get some rest, Grandpa. We’ll handle things from here,” Sean offered.

“We’re ordering you guys to head home. Why do you guys have so much to say? Hurry off, now!” Johnwidened his eyes as he barked at the two young men. Both of them were the only hope for theirfamilies, so they had to be safe at all costs. “Fine!” William and Sean didn’t have a choice but to driveoff. They weren’t the only two people to be chased out of Acketts Estate, for even the guards that keptwatch around the area were told to leave.

If the six elderlies were to send their people over, they wouldn’t just send any regular soldiers. Theestate’s guards would be sent to their deaths if they hung around, and they wouldn’t be able tocontribute to the fight in any way. Samuel and John figured that it was best for them to leave. About halfan hour later, the martial arts experts from the Morton and Peralta Families showed up. Along withthem came Quincy, Raymond, and some support from the Elliot Family.

These people were the most powerful individuals who could provide some reinforcement to Thomas.Despite so, they were practically nothing in comparison to the power that the six elderlies possessed,so the situation seemed rather dire for them. All of them were dead silent after they arrived at AckettsEstate, for they all knew that this was a life-and-death situation they were dealing with! However, theyall had looks of determination in their gazes, and there wasn’t a hint of fear in their eyes despite thestrong opponents that they would be fighting against. Thomas was probably the only individual in thewhole of Irieson who mattered enough for these four families to step in and protect him with their lives!

“How much longer is Thomas going to take?” asked one of the martial arts experts from the ElliotFamily.

“Based on the timeline that Thomas provided me, he’ll need another day’s time,” Samuel repliedrespectfully. The person from the Elliot Family shook his head exasperatedly. Up until then, they had noidea who the six elderlies were going to send over to attack them. Will the six of them show uppersonally? If that’s the case, then all of Thomas’ hard work will go to waste. What a shame!

Screech! Screech! The sound of screeching car tires made everyone turn their heads in one direction.They saw about 20 Buick cars speeding over and pulling up at the front porch of the estate. Soonenough, about 30 men got out of the car. The leader of the pack was a face that was familiar to Johnand the rest of the Mortons. He was none other than the loyal servant of the six elderlies, CordanAdams!

Cordan was an extremely powerful and threatening presence. The ability and strength that hepossessed had long surpassed the martial arts experts of the other three families. They hadn’texpected the six elderlies to send Cordan over. It seems like they are hell-bent on killing Thomas!Cordan stepped into the estate with a haughty look on his face. “It’s been a while, my old friends!What’s this? Are you guys still trying to protect the brat in that house?”

The three martial arts experts wore vigilant looks on their faces as they stared at Cordan. They were allpanicking on the inside—although Cordan was just one of the servants for the six elderlies, he hadreceived all of the skills and knowledge from the six of them. Talent was a crucial factor that determinedthe power of an individual, but if there were anything more important than talent, it would be the masterthat the individual trained under.

Cordan wasn’t as old as the three martial arts experts, and his skills used to be no different from Johnand the rest of them. However, with the guidance of his powerful masters, Cordan saw a drastic

improvement in his skills. The martial arts expert from the Morton Family took a step forward as hewaved an arm at Cordan. “Stop talking. Let’s fight!”

Cordan let out a scoff at this. “If we’re talking about seniority, you guys are pretty much from the samegeneration as my masters. Since you guys managed to keep yourselves alive for so long, I guess I canspare your lives. Get lost. I don’t want to see you guys here.” Cordan had heard all about what Thomashad done in the past. He’s like a brat who has barely hit puberty. How could he threaten to attack andkill all of us? He’s delusional! I’d like to see where he gets all his confidence from. How could he be sococky and reckless?

“Get lost? You’re the one who needs to get lost!” Although the three martial arts experts knew theywere no match for Cordan, they refused to take a step back. The Mortons and Peralta Family had allbeen on the receiving end of Thomas’ generosity, so they couldn’t bear the idea of ditching Thomas ata time like this! Their lives mattered, but loyalty and friendship mattered more than anything else!novelbin

The Elliott Family didn’t intend to be a part of this at first, but since they had chosen to side withThomas, they figured they were all in the same boat. The forces of the six elderlies would probably stillhunt the Elliotts down even if they left the estate there and then.

A look of fury flashed across Cordan’s gaze. “Well, if you guys insist on dying, then… You can’t blameme for this!” Upon finishing his sentence, Cordan lifted his fists and began to launch an attack on thethree individuals. He used his full energy in all his punches, and he showed no mercy to his opponents!However, all three of the martial arts experts were senior figures who had a lot of experience withfights. They weren’t going to stand around and do nothing! The three of them combined forces andlaunched a defense against Cordan’s fists.

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