I'm Someone Else

Chapter 327
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Chapter 327

For martial artists like Cordan, it was a lifelong dream for one to be able to tone up their bodiessuccessfully. After achieving certain levels in martial arts, one would develop internal energy in theirelixir fields, and that was how people like Cordan or the six elderlies managed to become so powerful.However, upon developing such abilities, their bodies would come to a point where they could nolonger contain more internal energy. This would leave them stagnant in terms of abilities, and toning uptheir body would be the highest level that they could achieve.

Rumors claimed that one could contain an infinite amount of internal energy once they managed totone up their body successfully. By then, their human bodies would no longer become a limitation to thepower they can contain.

However, despite it sounding like a simple process, toning up one’s body was extremely tough. Theinstructions and guidelines on how to achieve this had been lost among older generations. Even the sixelderlies from the Six Greatest Families of Irieson never managed to tone up their bodies! Thomas wasan exception, of course. He didn’t contain any internal energy, and even if he did, he had no idea howto use it. His strength was completely derived from the inhumane conditions that the old man had puthim through since he was a child. Thomas only managed to tone up his body with the forbiddenmaterials that he had obtained to do so.

Cordan never expected Thomas to be able to achieve this! The regular person didn’t even have theguidelines to be able to achieve this, and even if those instructions were somewhere out there, theywere probably owned by all the hidden martial artists who were no longer out in the public eye. CouldThomas’ master be some powerful figure who’s hiding from the public? If that’s the case, then I’m introuble. I won’t be able to get away with this even if I kill Thomas. The six elderlies won’t be able to getaway with this either!

“You know too much!” Thomas wasn’t in the mood to have a chat with Cordan. Instead, he took a fewsteps closer to Cordan before swinging his arm into the air. Swoosh!

Thomas sent his arm directly toward Cordan’s head! However, Cordan lived up to his title as one of thestrongest descendants of the six elderlies—he instantly took a few steps back just in time to avoidThomas’ attack.

Then, Cordan stomped both his feet on the ground. Boom!

A cloud of thick smoke enveloped all of them, including Thomas. Everyone’s first instinct was to shuttheir eyes, but the next time Thomas opened his eyes, Cordan was already nowhere to be seen! “Ah!”Thomas had already predicted for such a thing to happen. He knew that it would be hard for him toattack and kill someone as experienced and skilled as Cordan if he didn’t manage to do so aftercatching Cordan off guard the first time. It was no surprise to Thomas that Cordan had already planneda way to escape.novelbin

“Attack!” Quincy was the first to snap out of his daze, and he let out a loud cry before he started to gofor the eight men surrounding them. John, Samuel, and Raymond did the same. Bang! Bang! Bang!

These men were no match for Quincy and the rest. On top of that, their leader had gotten injured andfled, so they lost all motivation to prolong the fight. It wasn’t long until Quincy and the rest of themdefeated the last of the eight men.

After the commotion, Acketts Estate returned to its peaceful state. The only indication of the mess thathappened earlier were the dead bodies on the floor and the injuries they had sustained during the fight.

“Thomas!” Quincy cried out as Thomas walked over to them. Quincy wanted to congratulate Thomasfor finally succeeding in his process!

Pfft! However, the next scene was one that no one had expected! All of a sudden, Thomas spat out amouthful of blood as his stance started to wobble a little. Then, he collapsed and fell onto the ground.

“Thomas!” Everyone panicked the moment they saw this. They rushed over and tried to help him up.

“It’s alright. I’m fine!” Thomas uttered to everyone around him.

Sure, he had survived the toning process and successfully came out of it, but he was using his strengthin a forced manner! The energy within him wasn’t stable yet, so after using all of that strength earlier,he was feeling the adverse reactions of the powerful medication. It was torturous to be in that state.

“Are you… injured?” Raymond couldn’t contain his curiosity.

Everyone exchanged glances with one another as no one knew what was going on. Based on the fightthat they had witnessed between Thomas and Cordan earlier, it seemed like Thomas had the upperhand the whole time. How did Thomas end up injured, then?

Quincy seemed to realize something at that moment, and his face immediately turned grim. He ignoredThomas’ protests as he sat down beside the man before feeling for his pulse.

“You—” Quincy’s eyes were so wide that his eyeballs looked like they were about to pop out. Afteryears of being a doctor, he had never felt a pulse that was so irregular and abnormal!

However, before Quincy could say anything, Thomas shot him a glare and shut him up. Then, Thomastook a deep breath before he sat upright on the ground. “Did anything happen to the father anddaughter of the Hahn Family?” he asked.

“Don’t worry. They’re all fine,” Quincy uttered before he turned to look at the three martial arts experts.“Thank you for your hard work, guys. You guys should head home and get some rest.” John nodded inagreement as he pulled his phone out to make a call, ordering his men to send the martial arts expertsback to their respective houses.

“Is Olivia okay?” Thomas asked.

Everyone hung their heads low and remained silent after hearing his question. Samuel, in particular,felt the urge to dig a hole and bury himself in it just then. Before Thomas went on his retreat to tonehimself up, Thomas had specifically appointed him to take good care of Olivia, and he had givenThomas his word. Well, look at what happened! Olivia got kidnapped and is in Capitalis now!

Thomas felt his heart sink when he saw everyone’s responses. “Say something. Tell me whathappened.”

“I’m sorry, Thomas. It’s all my fault. I didn’t take good care of Olivia…” Samuel explained the wholesituation to Thomas.

Thomas sat on the ground with his fists curled and his eyes burning with rage. “Harrison, Leyton, andGunnar, huh! How dare you guys do this? Just you guys wait!” A fiery aura surrounded Thomas’ figureas he spoke.

The three martial arts experts who hadn’t left took a step backward when they saw the anger withinThomas. “This young man is terrifying!” they whispered among themselves.

When Thomas spoke, they could all feel a bone-chilling sensation throughout their body. They could alltell how much Thomas wanted to kill those people. Soon enough, three cars arrived and took themartial arts experts away. Thomas said his goodbyes to Samuel and John before he got into Quincy’scar and left the estate.

“Why did you do this, Quincy? I told you I’d handle it.” After this incident, Thomas no longer referred toQuincy as Dr. Hofstead. Quincy had proven himself with the actions he took, and Thomas was thencertain that Quincy was a true friend he could trust!

Quincy shook his head with a bitter smile. “Couldn’t you tell what was going on, Thomas? Thosepeople never had any intention of letting me go. Even if I stayed in hiding, they’d still find ways to attackmy family.”

Thomas felt a pang of guilt upon hearing the doctor’s words. After all, Quincy’s family had gone missingbecause of him. This time, Quincy only chose to reveal himself to the public for the sake of helpingThomas through tough times.

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