I'm Someone Else

Chapter 299
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Chapter 299

Thomas suppressed the excitement within him. As a matter of fact, Century Lotus was the mainingredient needed to tone up his body. There was no special requirement for its quality; as long as itwas 100 years old and above, its effectiveness wouldn’t be a problem. However, the Century Lotus tobe auctioned off this time was a pair of twins, which was the absolute best of all Century Lotuses! Thismeant that his chances of successfully toning up his body would improve considerably. So, how couldhe not get excited?novelbin

Just then, Timothy urged, “Mr. Clifford, it’s almost time now. The bid price has reached 140 million!” Hewas somewhat anxious. Only a short time had passed, yet the bid price was already seven times theinitial bid price. Furthermore, basically, everyone other than the young man from the Saunder Familyhad given up bidding by now. If Thomas kept on saying nothing, the Century Lotus would fall into thehands of the Saunders!

At hearing this, Thomas finally recovered from his surprise. He hurriedly raised his bid card to make ahigher bid. “140.2 million!”

“Huh?” The young man from the Saunder Family was startled at once. “F*ck! Who is that ignorant littleprick who came out to make a higher bid? Is he trying to go against me?” He had already offered a bidof 140 million; the auctioneer had shouted, “140 million, second time!” And yet, someone had to put aspoke in his wheel! This displeased him very much. “200 million!” Raising the bid card in hand, hedaringly increased the bid price by 60 million right away!

This sent the auction floor into an uproar. How shocking! He’s increased the bid price by 60 million, not60!

“Trying to compete with me, eh? Tch!” The young man from the Saunder Family let out a sneer witheyes full of disdain. “I can totally smash you to death with cash if I want to!”

He said so in a loud voice, plus he and Thomas and others were all sitting in the front row at theauction. Naturally, every word he said was heard by Thomas and the two Elliotts.

Timothy looked at the young man as if the latter were an idiot. This young man from the SaunderFamily really is fearless out of ignorance! Smashing Mr. Clifford to death with cash, eh? I bet not evenTaylor Saunder, the head of the Saunder Family, would have the nerve to say that!

He knew Thomas’ background better than everyone else at the auction. Thomas was backedfinancially by Keyshire Property, which everyone in Irieson knew was a money-spinning monster! Andbesides, given Thomas’ reputation, even if he didn’t have enough cash, he could absolutely borrowsome money from Quincy, the Mortons, the Peralta Family, and the Elliotts. Each of these families wason an equal footing with the Saunders in terms of financial resources alone! Smashing Mr. Clifford todeath with cash? What a blowhard! Thomas suppressed the excitement within him. As a matter of fact,Century Lotus was the main ingredient needed to tone up his body. There was no special requirementfor its quality; as long as it was 100 years old and above, its effectiveness wouldn’t be a problem.However, the Century Lotus to be auctioned off this time was a pair of twins, which was the absolutebest of all Century Lotuses! This meant that his chances of successfully toning up his body wouldimprove considerably. So, how could he not get excited?

Thomas calmly raised his bid card again. “200.2 million.”

“F*ck! How dare that f*cking brat really compete with me?!” The young man from the Saunder Familywas astounded. He had asked around before taking part in this auction. At this auction, only the Elliottscould compete with his family in terms of financial resources. But this brat looks unfamiliar. Where thehell did he come from? Not only that, he’s seated between Timothy Elliott and his daughter. Could hebe one of the Elliotts? “280 million!” he shouted with an exaggerated swagger, raising the bid price by80 million in an instant!

To almost everyone present at the auction, 280 million was already an astronomical price. He didn’tbelieve that a nobody like this brat could come up with so much cash at once!

Thomas announced, “280.2 million.” He had made up his mind to add only 200 thousand to whateverbid amount had been placed by the young man. It’s true that I’m loaded at the moment, but this doesn’tmean I could spend money like water. It’s good to save as much money as I can.

“F*ck you!” swore the young man from the Saunder Family before raising the bid price straight to 500million.

“Holy crap! What a big spender! As expected from the Saunders.”

“That’s right! This demonstrates how powerful the Saunders are. The way I see it, that young man’sgoing to be in trouble.”

“That young man’s out of the ordinary. As expected from one of the Six Greatest Families of Irieson!”

A buzz of whispers rippled through the crowd as everyone looked at the young man from the SaunderFamily with eyes full of admiration. This scene that happened at the auction will probably become thetalk of Irieson’s upper-class society after today!

Compared to the young man, Thomas kept a much lower profile. He raised his bid card unhurriedly,announcing, “500.2 million.”

“Are you a f*cking idiot?” The young man from the Saunder Family couldn’t suppress his angeranymore. He jumped to his feet and pointed at Thomas, swearing, “Did you die of poverty in yourprevious life or what? Go ahead and raise the bid price by millions like I do if you can! What’s the pointof bidding in increments of only 200 thousand?”

Everyone followed the direction he pointed to look at Thomas. He’s thrown down the gauntlet! Next,we’ll see whether this unfamiliar young man dares to take up the challenge.

Thomas rolled his eyes. Then, his lips parted, spitting out a remark that raised everyone’s eyebrows.“What a numskull!”

“What did you f*cking say? I’m gonna kill you!” swore the young man while trying to make a lunge atThomas. I don’t care anymore. I have to teach this ignorant little prick a good lesson today! The onewho dares to call me a numskull isn’t even born yet!

“Please calm down, Mr. Saunder,” interrupted the auctioneer icily at this moment. “Every industry hasits own rules, and whoever enters our auction house has to follow our rules. This is a fair auction wherethe highest bidder wins. If you have a personal grudge against that gentleman, please settle it outsidelater. Otherwise…”

Startled, the young man from the Saunder Family hurriedly sat back down in his seat. I almost gotmyself into big trouble on impulse! If I get taught a lesson by Miles Auction House in front of so manypeople today, I’d have no one to go to about it. After all, I’m the one who broke their rules in the firstplace! And besides, Miles Auction House has a powerful background. Even if my grandpa was here, hewould have to follow their rules, let alone me.

Just then, a middle-aged man beside him reminded him in a whisper, “Sir, we only have a budget of600 million. If you insist on buying this Century Lotus at 500 million and above, we’ll have to forgetabout taking part in the subsequent bids.”

The young man gnashed his teeth hard. He really had a hard time resigning himself to this, but itcouldn’t be helped. In the end, he had no choice but to give up on the bid. “Go send someone to findout who that little prick is. How dare he go against me and even call me a numskull! I’ll never forgivehim for this!”

At last, with a strike of the gavel, Thomas acquired the Century Lotus as he wished. Perhaps out ofhappiness, he shot back in a manner untypical of him, “Sigh! What a lonely life I’m leading. Why isn’tthere someone who could smash me to death with cash?”

“Why you f*cking—” The young man from the Saunder Family nearly spat out a mouthful of blood infury. That being said, he could do nothing about Thomas. After all, he didn’t have enough money at hisdisposal today. Naturally, he wasn’t rich enough to be able to throw his weight around.

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