I'm Someone Else

Chapter 300
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Chapter 300

“Pfft!” Rose couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. Her impression of Thomas had been that of an unfeelingman of few words; she never thought he would actually have such a mischievous side to him.

Even Timothy couldn’t hide his amusement either.

In the back row of the auction floor, Melissa’s eyes were popping out of her head. She wondered if shewas dreaming. Could that guy who offered a bid of 500.2 million be Thomas? No, it couldn’t be him.He’s just a soldier, no? Do soldiers make that much money nowadays?

On the other hand, her boyfriend’s face was ghastly pale. It was true that he was born into a rich family,but his family’s assets were only worth several million! Compared to Thomas, he was just a pauperwho wasn’t even considered a member of the upper class!

Thomas headed backstage right away without a pause to pay the bill by card.

The auction house had a dedicated staff responsible for packing the Century Lotus. As they placed it inThomas’ car, his lips curled into a smile of satisfaction. Great. This Century Lotus is enough for me totone up my body this time. Tonight, I can get ready to tone up my body in seclusion!

Before he knew it, Rose appeared next to him and teased, “Look at that silly grin on your face!”

“Uh…” Thomas scratched his head in embarrassment.

She urged, “Let’s go instead of standing here like an idiot. My dad wants to continue taking part in theauction, and I’m not gonna join him. Can you give me a ride back home?”

“Okay!” agreed Thomas with a nod. Then, he got into his car with her.

Little did they know, a man and a woman were standing at the auction house’s entrance, staring inspeechless silence at the Maserati’s taillights for a long time.

They were none other than Melissa and Tosh. Thunderstruck, they stood there stupidly, neither of themable to come to their senses.

Tosh’s car was a sedan worth only 70 thousand, which was hardly even comparable to Thomas’limited-edition Maserati. In fact, just a wheel of that Maserati alone was already worth the amount. Thisguy is no f*cking little prick. He’s obviously a real moneybag!

His eight bodyguards had come around and sent him a text message. Speaking of this, the eight ofthem were pretty unlucky. They got knocked out before they could even make out Thomas’ fightingmoves.

“Melissa, are you sure that guy was the Thomas you were talking about?”

“I… I don’t think I was mistaken. He looked just like Thomas to me. How can there be two people in theworld who look so much like each other?”

A terrified look crept into Tosh’s eyes. He had seen it just now; the lady standing next to Thomas wasthe daughter of the Elliott Family, whom even his father would have to bow and scrape to upon meetingher. He hadn’t paid attention to it in the dim light of the auction floor just now, but the road was brightlylit, allowing him to recognize Rose at a glance. “Pfft!” Rose couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. Herimpression of Thomas had been that of an unfeeling man of few words; she never thought he wouldactually have such a mischievous side to him.

Moreover, he had keenly discovered that Rose had been looking at Thomas with flirtatious eyes, whichseemed to betray a hint of love! Is this f*cking b*tch purposely trying to get me in trouble?

Just then, Melissa said, “No, I must’ve been mistaken. How could Thomas possibly be so rich? Thisguy wasn’t him!”

She was blinded by hatred. After all, Thomas’ special status had been revealed at the class reunionearly on.

“Phew!” After hearing her say that, Tosh let out a sigh of relief. Good that the guy wasn’t Thomas. If hewas, I would’ve been in big trouble now. For a bigwig like him, killing me would be as easy assquashing an ant underfoot. If nothing else, his close relationship with Rose Elliott alone is enough tocause me big trouble.

Not forgetting his promise, Thomas had Rose call the migraine sufferer from the Elliott Family to set upa meeting at the pharmacy.

Soon after that, the pair arrived at the Elliott Family’s pharmacy, where the young man from the ElliottFamily was already waiting. “Thomas, if you’re busy, you can treat him some other day,” said Rose.

Thomas shook his head. “It’s okay. This won’t take long.” He didn’t have much time recently, as it wouldtake him quite a few days to tone up his body in seclusion.

They headed straight to the second floor of the pharmacy.

The patient from the Elliott Family was a teenage boy who was only 17 to 18 years old. Despite beingin the spring of his life, his face was haggard, and his eyes were glazed. Obviously, he was beingtortured by his illness.

After taking his pulse, Thomas asked Rose for a pen and a piece of paper. Then, with vigorous strokes,he quickly wrote down a prescription and handed it to her. “Fill out this prescription and have him drinkthe medicine twice a day in the morning and evening. It should see immediate effect and cure him in 15days.”

Rose blurted, “This is…” The Elliotts were skilled in medicine for generations. Being a core member ofthe family, Rose was also quite knowledgeable about pharmacology, but she was nonetheless stunnedthe moment she set eyes on the prescription. This prescription is absolutely perfect! It’s by no meansinferior to those long-lost ancient prescriptions!

He smiled before getting up to leave.

It was only after a long time that she recovered from her astonishment. When she looked up, Thomaswas already nowhere to be seen. For some reason, her mind was filled with images of him takingsomeone’s pulse and writing the prescription just now. “He’s so good-looking!” she blurted to herself.“Oh, no! Rose Elliott, what nonsense are you thinking? Are you fangirling over a guy?” she said. “Ah!So what if I’m fangirling over him? I’m not fangirling over another man. Thomas was the manhandpicked by Grandpa himself to be my future husband. What am I afraid of?”

A blush colored Rose’s pretty face as she lost herself in thought. Just what kind of man Thomas is? Attheir first meeting, she had only thought that he was quite knowledgeable about antiques. It wasn’t untillater that she learned from her grandfather that he was so skilled in medicine that even QuincyHofstead, the top renowned doctor of Droycore back then, had to ask him for advice on medicine.

After that, she had even witnessed with her own eyes the tragic outcome befalling the Hind Family.Thomas’ fighting skills were simply off the charts! What an all-around talent who is an expert ateverything!

She realized that Thomas was a treasure in which all sorts of superhuman abilities that fascinated herwere hidden. Only a man like this is good enough for me! “Thomas, you can’t run away from me! I’mgonna get close to you, learn more about you, and unlock all the mysteries about you!”novelbin

Here was yet another girl who fell into a one-sided love for Thomas.

Meanwhile, Thomas drove straight to Peralta Residence. Looking at the bathtub custom-made for himby William, he was immensely satisfied. At the moment, he already had all the supporting ingredientsready. Everything is ready now; all that is left is the right opportunity.

“Will, go check out how my vegetables are doing in the backyard.” Samuel came over and made up anexcuse to send William away. The moment he learned that this bathtub was needed by Thomas, hehad a bad feeling about it, especially when he talked to Raymond over the phone this evening.Raymond told him that Thomas had visited the Elliott Family’s pharmacy today and asked for someexpensive herbal ingredients—and in large quantities. This made him feel more and more uneasy as ifsomething big was going to happen.

William looked at his grandfather with a bitter expression. Checking out vegetables in the middle of thenight? What a far-fetched excuse this is! Might as well have me go out and wait for sunrise instead!

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