I'm Someone Else

Chapter 298
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Chapter 298

Thomas followed the four men into the restroom inside the auction house.

As soon as he entered the restroom, four more men emerged. In total, there were eight of them. One ofthem said darkly to Thomas, “Brat, blame no one but yourself for messing with the wrong person.Come on, guys! Get him!” With that, the eight men instantly began attacking him.

Needless to say, Thomas wasn’t going to let them have their way. After knocking all eight of them downwith one kick each, he left the restroom in style without even bothering to ask who had sent them hereto come after him. At the moment, his top priority was to get hold of the Century Lotus, and he didn’twant to miss it.

No sooner had he left than he returned. In less than five minutes, he resumed his seat betweenTimothy and Rose.

“You’re not hurt, are you, Mr. Clifford?” asked Timothy.

Thomas shook his head. “Don’t worry, there’s no way they could hurt me. They’re just a bunch ofclowns.”

Timothy nodded without saying another word. If it were other young people who had said that, hewould certainly turn up his nose at them for being pretentious. However, it was Thomas who had saidthat, so he was utterly convinced. He has the right to be pretentious, after all.

In reality, the eight men were sent by Melissa’s boyfriend to find trouble with Thomas. At this moment,the couple was sitting in the back row of the auction house while gawking open-mouthed at the man indisbelief. What’s going on here? How did he get back here unscathed?

“Honey, w-why is he not hurt at all?” Melissa was almost mad with rage. Didn’t we agree to make him acripple today? But look at the way he is now! He looks perfectly fine. Even if he can fight, he can’t be so

good at it as to knock out eight professional bodyguards by himself, can he?

Tosh was baffled as well. Could my eyes be playing tricks on me, and the guy in front over there isn’tThomas at all? He wanted to charge toward the man and beat the daylights out of him right now, butnow that the auction had already started, he didn’t have the courage yet.

The first item to be auctioned today was a scented pouch. Despite its bland appearance, its fragrancewas said to be made of Nerve Calming Flower, which had a nerve-soothing and mind-refreshing effect.

“Dad, the bid price has gone up to 16 million now,” said Rose while turning to look at her father.

This scented pouch was precisely what had drawn Timothy here in the first place, so he wasdetermined to get his hands on it. “Keep bidding for it! We have to buy it!” he ordered with finality.

Without saying another word, Rose immediately put up her bid card. “20 million!” she announced.Thomas followed the four men into the restroom inside the auction house.

“Gasp!” Everyone in the room let out a gasp. A seemingly ordinary scented pouch can actually beauctioned off at the astronomical price of 20 million? Is she out of her mind? A flurry of commotionbroke out before the crowd turned to see who the bidder was. Seeing that it was Rose, they finallycalmed down. Turns out it’s the Elliotts. No wonder they’re so liberal with their money. The Elliotts havebeen in the pharmaceutical business for generations, so it goes without saying that they have deeppockets. One can say their wealth can compare with that of a nation!

Just when everyone thought the dust had settled, another voice rang from the auction floor. “30 million!”It was the voice of a young man from the Saunder Family.

“Dad, it seems that the Saunders are after this scented pouch, too,” said Rose with a slight frown. TheSaunders are one of the Six Greatest Families. If they’re determined to bid against us, things will getreally tricky.

“40 million!” said Timothy with a snort of disdain. I’ll take my chances today. So what if we’re competingwith the Saunders?

“40 million!” shouted Rose while putting up her bid card.

“Holy cow! They raised the bid price by 10 million right away!”

“Ah, forget it! Let’s not bid against them anymore. We’ll watch the bidding war between the Elliotts andthe Saunders instead.”

“60 million!” The young man from the Saunder Family was even more prodigal; he directly raised thebid price by 20 million.

A piercing glint flashed across Timothy’s eyes. Seems like the Saunders won’t stop until they get whatthey want! “Rose, bid again—”

However, before he could finish his sentence, Thomas spoke. “Mr. Elliott, pardon me for asking, butwhy are you trying to buy this scented pouch?” He really couldn’t stand the sight of this anymore. Evenif you guys are loaded, you can’t squander your family’s fortune like that!

“To tell you the truth, Mr. Clifford, there’s someone in our family who’s suffering from persistentmigraines. This time, we’re trying to buy this scented pouch to help him get back to health.”

Thomas shook his head. “Forget it. Even if you buy this scented pouch, it’s useless. It simply isn’t worththe price.”

“W-What?” Both Timothy and Rose were startled by his words. Nerve Calming Flower is a miracle drugfor migraines! Why is this scented pouch not worth the price? Could it be a fake that isn’t made ofNerve Calming Flower at all? No way! If that were the case, this auction house might as well closedown for good.

Thomas calmly nodded before slowly explaining, “It’s true that Nerve Calming Flower is a miracle drugfor migraines, but the effects of its fragrance last only for three days from the time of its harvest. Even ifit still retains its fragrance after that, it will no longer be as medicinally effective as before. Mr. Elliott,you may do a mental calculation of how many days had passed since the Nerve Calming Flower in thisscented pouch got harvested and made into a scented pouch until it gets put up for auction. This pouchisn’t even worth 600 thousand, let alone 60 million.”

Timothy and Rose looked at each other in shock; this was their first time hearing that there was a limiton how long the effects of Nerve Calming Flower’s fragrance could last. Before they returned to theirsenses, the gavel was struck, and the deal was closed. Timothy had no choice but to watch the youngman from the Saunders Family get hold of the scented pouch.

Seeing the resentment written all over his face, Thomas said with a smile, “Fret not, Mr. Elliott. Let metake a look at that person in your family after the auction is over. Perhaps I can cure him of his ailment.”

“Are you sure about that?” Timothy’s eyes widened in astonishment. Upon hearing Thomas say this, herecalled hearing from his father Raymond that even Quincy had to ask this man for advice on medicine.This man might actually be able to cure the person in my family of their illness!

Thomas nodded. “I’d say I’m pretty sure about that.”

Timothy promptly thanked him, knowing full well that the man must have dared to say this because hewas confident about it.

At last, the Century Lotus, which Thomas had long desired, made its appearance. A pair of prettyyoung ladies dressed in traditional costumes walked up on stage holding a sandalwood tray beforeplacing it on the auction table.

The auctioneer announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, the second item to go up for auction today is this105-year-old Century Lotus! Bidding starts at 20 million with a minimum increment of 200 thousand!The bid starts now!”novelbin

“22 million!”

“30 million!”

“36 million!”

Knowing full well the worth of this Century Lotus, many of the bidders present raised their bid cards toincrease the bid price one after another. On the contrary, Thomas didn’t make a sound, though his eyeswere fixed on the Century Lotus on the auction table the whole time.

“Mr. Clifford?” whispered Timothy to remind the man.

Thomas shook his head. “There’s no hurry.” I’ll make the final bid. In any case, I must take this CenturyLotus today.

“Impressive! It’s actually twin lotuses!”

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