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Chapter 37

“Serena!” I heard Emmanuella’s voice in the hallway. I yawned and opened my eyes but quickly figuredonot move an inch. “Hmm, she must’ve gone out early.” I heard her whisper to herself.

That’s right, I fell asleep in Christian’s room…and he did not move me.

He had his strong arms wrapped around my back and rested his head in the crook of my neck. I turnedasurprised smile on my face, trying to not wake him up. Since when was he such a teddy bear?

Staring at his face was all I could do as he looked the most peaceful I had ever seen him. Lately, all hehawas looking stressed over nothing— and even though it was not my job to worry I was happy to seehimMy hands automatically moved to his cheek and I cupped it while rubbing small circles over it. Hewas sume to my room last night, but here he was, cuddling me. I had suddenly realized that unlike thenight bewearing a shirt and moved my eyes to his abs. I heard him sigh and immediately looked upagain, but heand pulled me in even closer.

For some reason, it felt as if my heart was beating out of my chest, but I knew this was wrong, I knewthishappen.

No, no, no, I repeated in my head. Falling for someone I should be getting away from in a few monthswaan option, no matter what, this could not happen.

“Are you done staring?” He suddenly opened his eyes and I pulled away from his grip as fast as Icould. The was aware that I had been staring at him and did not say a word.

“I-I w-wasn’t-“ I tried to explain myself but stopped halfway. Both of us were not stupid and knewexactlydoing. “I didn’t see you for a cuddler” I tried to turn the situation back onto him, which hadworked afterslightly startled look on his face.

“I was not hugging you, I’m hugging the baby.” He said and got up from the bed. Once again my eyestrbare chest, no matter how much I tried not to. I must’ve been crazy.

It is pregnancy hormones, it must be. Yes, that was it. I had been longing for a male’s touch and he jusththere. “Are you done looking? I’m gonna take a shower.” He chuckled and made his way to thebedroomWith a stressed look on my face, I buried my head in my hands and tried to figure out what thehell was Was I really that easy? As far as I could remember I disliked this guy.

I ran to my room before he could get out and also hopped into the shower to clear my head, but nomatwouldn’t. Falling for Christian after one night of him behaving like an actual human being was stupidandbelieve in fairy tales. Christian was unpredictable so who knew how he would treat me tomorrow.

After the shower, I spend a ridiculously long time on my hair and makeup and picked out the besteleganFrancesca. I would apologize to her and get it over with. Would I get an apology back? Probablynot. Didapology? Absolutely not, but in the long run, having a good bond with the Lamberti’s would helpmy ch

I made my way downstairs and saw Christian sitting at the dining table. “No plans she said.” Hesnickeredhand to the chair on the opposite side of him.

“I already thought I heard you, I couldn’t find you in the morning!” Emmanuella walked in and putdownof me. “She was with me,” Christian spoke without an issue while Emmanuella looked from me toChristia“That’s good…when you have to go through a shotgun wedding the best thing is to…get along.”She sigout to leave us alone. Right, we’re engaged.novelbin

“So, no plans? And don’t tell me you don’t because you look like you’re going to a fashion show.” Heimruined whichever plan I had of telling him it was nothing.

“You got me.” I smiled, trying to get out of it. “The past few days I’ve been asking Vernon to keep meupnow on I want us to be honest with each other, so I’m asking you instead.” He explained as if it was

goinfeel better. So as expected Vernon was really loyal and at his side.

Would he know I was with Vincenzo yesterday? No, otherwise he would’ve said so.

“Trust begins with you letting me do my own thing without babying me around like I am some kind ofhomy voice at him and immediately regretted it. We had such a good night and all I wanted was for usto g“You’re right.” He spoke to my surprise. “It’s none of my business and if you’re going to take care ofmy trust you, I’m sorry.”

“Huh?” I spoke surprised. I had expected him to fight back, but he didn’t. “I said I’m sorry, I don’t everwlike a hostage.”

“It’s just that I want to keep you safe an-“

“The factory thing was a dumb mistake, from now on I’ll keep the baby safe,” I told him to stop himfromsentence.

“Serena, I want to keep you safe.” He repeated himself, and only now his message got through. I triedtothings I hated so my cheeks wouldn’t flush. Get yourself together Serena, you are nothing without theba“I brought you here, so I have to make sure that you remain safe.” He spoke and placed his hand ontop please work along.”

With the same blush on my face which I had been trying to hide, I looked at our hands and pulled minegoing to apologize to your mom,” I told him as if I was in some kind of trance.

“I’m going to try to be this ‘bigger person’ you were talking about.” I rolled my eyes embarrassed andwanswer. Maybe he would flip out and tell me he didn’t need saving, or maybe he would tell me that thedalready been done an-

“You don’t have to do this for me.” He smiled. Did he smile?

“What happened has happened.” He spoke, but perhaps he was only saying it because he was afraidthamake things it worse. “Wouldn’t things get better for you if I’d apologize?”

He had a troubled look on his face and was probably conflicted about what he should do. “I’m cominga“Wait, why?” I asked. “Because I don’t know what’s going to happen with you and my mom in thesame Not in the mood to disagree with Christian I just nodded my head and watched as he called Marcto tell plans for today. Johnny and Marc, I missed them so much.

“Has Johnny mentioned me?” I asked and watched as Christian almost choked in his drink. “Please tellmcrushing on my cousin.”

“W-what no? I just miss his presence!” I tried to not cause any misunderstandings and saw howChristianrelieved breath. “Good, because that would make him an uncle daddy- would be extremelycomplicated the both of us, trust me.”

“Huh?” I asked at his explanation but he shrugged me off and got up from his chair. “My mom is still inawe should go now.” He said, and that was all it took for me to follow him to the car as we made ourway house.

“This time I think you should tell me what I should and shouldn’t do.” I reminded him, trying to avoid an

“Don’t call her a whore, don’t roll your eyes at her, don’t throw a drink on her, don’t disrespect her,don’don’t look at her the wrong way-“

“Wait a second!” I told him as his words were going too fast. “Don’t worry, I’ll be there with you, andthisimmediately defend you.” He reassured me. This time I trusted his words a bit more because he didnot psomething and usually a promise didn’t end well for Christian.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Christian asked me one more time when we arrived at the Lambertinodded my head, determined to fix whatever there was left to fix.

“Good let’s go,” Christian said and led me inside the same big mansion as the last time. He placed hishaand guided me to the living room, where I met eyes with my first nightmare, Gio.

“What is she doing here?” The mama boy asked and demanded an answer. Two cute little girls werestucgave me a mischievous smile. “Uncle Chrissie!” The older girl screamed and ran into Christian’sarms whifollowed with tiny crawls.

“I’m here to apologize,” I spoke for myself and saw the startled look on Gio’s face. I bet he was hopingfscene again. “A-apologize?” He stuttered. Yes bitch, apologize.

“Yes, and I would like for you to join me when I do so— actually all of you,” I told him as Christianseemenew plan. It was a spur in the moment decision, but one which could help both Christian and thebaby a“This is gonna be good, I’ll go get dad and Enzo- watch the kids!” Gio laughed and walked off.He was omocking me and it seemed like Christian had already expected it to go this way, so I wasgrateful for him

“Chrissie, I still have the gun you gave me!” The oldest girl spoke while Christian’s eyes immediatelyturngave a kid a gun? Great to know.” I let out a nervous laugh but he shook his head. “A water gun, forkids“Chrissie, who is this?” She asked and pointed at my face while the other one used my legs tostand on hand did the same.

“This is…your new aunt, Serena.” He introduced me. “And Serena, these are Gianna and Pia— Gio’schildsmiled at the two. For someone who did not want any children, the look he gave them was golden.

“Is she fat or pregnant?” Gianna asked while Christian gave her a tap on her hand. “Hey, you can’t saythapologize!” He scolded her and Gianna had immediately turned around. “Sorry, ma’am.”

“Kids.” Christian awkwardly explained himself while I frowned my eyes at Gianna’s behavior. Well, shewaafter all.

“You should pick her up, she can’t stand for too long.” Christian’s eyes pointed to Pia. Just as he saidshewobble on her two legs and I quickly picked her up.“How old are they…Chrissie?” I laughed at thenicknahim while he rolled his eyes at me.

“I am four and Pia is two,” Gianna spoke with both her hands in her hips. Little children who were ingrownever failed to amuse me, I wondered if my child would also be like that. “Is there something withher leg“Yes…but she’s a strong child,” Christian told me as he didn’t want to get into it, but that wasenough inf“I’ll take her.” Christian grabbed her from my arms and gave her kisses all over her face,making her giggwas straight up staring at me. How would I raise a child if a four-year-old intimidatedme?

My gaze moved to Christian who was playing with Pia and I grew a smile on my face. I had notexpectedknow how to hold a child, but here he was— playing with one. He probably knew more thanme, considescared to even hold a child. All this time I had been worrying about him while I should’vebeen worrying and in a way it made me feel a bit insecure. Would I really be able to raise the baby onmy own?

“It’s settled, let’s go!” Gio walked back in and clapped his hands together. The person who liked me thesuch a good mood could only mean one thing.

Francesca was not waiting on an apology

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