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Chapter 38

Just by the look on Francesca‘s face, it felt as if I had entered a battlefield. Lucio and Enzo were seatedneand while Lucio and Enzo gave me a nod of acknowledgment Francesca did not.

“Serena, please sit!” Lucio guided me to the table while Gio scoffed and walked past me to sit next toEn“I thought I scheduled a meeting with the Capaldi’s for you today,” Lucio told Christian who held myhannext to me. “I did, but I canceled it.”

“Starts of great, canceling meetings for…” Gio rolled his eyes at me. Once again I felt attackedbecause I dChristian to cancel any meeting, he on his own and apparently it was important— but it wasnot my fault“Give him a break, being at squirrel’s side is much more important than a meeting with thattwisted famEnzo winked at me. It felt good to know that he still treated me the same despite everythingthat had haInstead of opening my mouth I had definitely learned my lesson and decided to stay out ofit. “Dad, I’m canceling the meeting but I hope you can understand that I had to be here.” He said andgave his mothe

“Sure, but please discuss it with me next time, you aren’t in charge yet,” Lucio told him and turned hisatme. I felt awkward as it was and on top of that, I was in the middle of family business. “Serena, how’stheasked me. He was someone who had been as a dad to me and I wanted him to care, but he hadalready he thought about this baby and I did not know for how long I would’ve been able to playdollhouse.

“Good, the baby is fine!” I tried to sound as cheerful as one could be, but judging by the stares Ireceivedpushed it.

“So, you came to apologize.” Gio started and looked at Francesca who had been quiet this entire time.I down and had no idea what to say or how to start this somewhat unfair apology.

“Mom.” Christian saved me and grabbed his mom’s hand from over the table. “Mom, she came all thewfix things and she did it on her own so the least you can do is look at her in the eye.” He said, making

hisIf looks could kill I would’ve been dead right now. “Tell her that she can go back from where shecame frme and all I could see in her eyes was hatred. This issue seemed to be a bit deeper than mecalling her nsnickered at his mom’s reaction and leaned back while crossing his arms.

The thing which had surprised me most would probably be that Christian had introduced me as hisfianctreated me like this. Imagine if he didn’t?

“That’s enough, I won’t let you talk to her like that…both of you.” Christian directed at his mom and hisbright, this time he was immediately sticking up for me. “You guys have seen the state of this familyand yto keep going?”

“What state?” Francesca scoffed and shot daggers at me. “She made that name for herself, I didn’t doan

“Didn’t do anything?” I whispered to myself and was on the verge of exploding, but Christian helddownappeared to be that him coming along was indeed for the best.

“Aunt Cesca, I hope you’re realizing you are not only hurting Serena but also Christian and this entirefamfake rumors going around. People won’t take us seriously if we don’t stand strong.” Johnny showedup oand took a seat next to me.

“Serena is a good person, that day you just happened to push her buttons.” He smiled and threw hisarmshoulder. Francesca seemed startled by Johnny’s presence. “This is a family matter.” She told him.

“Yes, and I’m a Lamberti and Christian is right, you owe her an apology,” Johnny spoke.novelbin

“Do you hear this Lucio? This is because you gave your brother too much power—that his disrespectfulkhere an-“

“Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?” Christian interrupted his mom and looked at Gio. “It’s the same with Gioanso how about we let his soul rest in peace?”

I could not even start thinking about what they would’ve done to me if I had shown up withoutChristiandestroyed me.

“Look—I’m sorry for disrespecting you, I never meant to do that.” I tried to budge in the conversationonthe look on Francesca’s face, I could tell that she wouldn’t let me. “But you did.”

The way this woman carried herself was unbelievable. It truly seemed as if she did not realize her ownmicould recognize mine. “And so did you…”

“I mean…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to but you attacked me and-“ I tried to recover myself. “I neverattackedFrancesca lied.

“No, you attacked her first. If you think that you can come in here as commoner while not even a fewmowere hanging from a pole, you’re wrong!” Gio yelled.

“You’re poisoning this family, and you haven’t even been here for that long!” Francesca followed as thettake turns insulting me. I thought I was strong, I thought I could come here and apologize—but thewordstabbed me in the heart. Those were the exact words several foster families had described me as.Maybeproblem? Maybe I was wrong?

I felt my head spin at the comments getting thrown at me and was desperate to leave the room. Myhansweaty, my hearing started to fade and I could not go on for much longer. “Are you alright?” Johnnywhiand held my back for support while I tried to answer him back.

My eyes drifted to Lucio who had a pitiful look on his face as my eyes begged him to end all of this, butlooked away. So much for taking care of me.

“Enough!” Christian yelled and slammed his fist on the table. After everyone went quiet I was finallymyscould relax. “Look at her? Are you guys serious? She’s pregnant!” Christian placed his hand on topof miJohnny. “Go get her some water, please.” He told him and just like that Johnny was gone.

“Do you want to step out for a second?” Christian whispered in my ear and helped me get up. “I’ll takehand walked over to me to grab my hand. He led me out of the room and closed the glass sliding door.

“For all it helps, they also don’t like me.” He patted me on my back. “But I’m happy to have you here,sojudge this family by the behavior of two people.” He tried to comfort me, but the damage had alreadyb“What about all those other people?” I asked and leaned against the wall with my eyes closed,thinking a‘families’ who did not agree with me being here. Enzo did not know what to say and wassaved by Johnnme a glass of water while Enzo made his way back inside.

“Are you okay?” He asked me and rubbed circles over my back. “I’m fine.” I managed to get out butwasThrough the sliding door, I could hear that they were still in the middle of an argument and nowherenea“Uncle wants to stand up for you, really— but by doing so he might make it worse,” Johnny spokebeforhimself to go in again, but I stopped him by grabbing his arm. “I’ll go with you,” I told him. Runningawasituation wouldn’t do me any good. We walked back in and just as before Christian held my handas I sa“Mom, just apologize.” Christian tried again but Francesca shook her head. Even though I hadnot expecfrom his mom and had decided to be the bigger person, he was determined to not make meleave witho“Christian, it’s okay let’s go,” I whispered to him, but he ignored me. “Aunt Cesca, you haveto apologizewith him.

“So you are not going to apologize?” Christian spoke defeated and glared at his mom. “I…really hateyou

“Christian!” Lucio yelled and turned to Francesca who had frozen up by Christian’s unexpected words.“Ythat,” Gio whispered in disbelief.

“I do, you guys are ganging up on her, and dad’s just sitting there. You too Enzo, the two of you are notbetter!” He called them out. I suddenly thought of Johnny’s words about Lucio not being able to doanytstill the bare minimum to shut up his wife.

“You’re bullying her, you’re bullying my child which means you are bullying me. I can’t forgive you forthand looked at Lucio who had still not intervened. “Dad, you said Serena is like a daughter…”

Those words had pained me just as much as it had probably done to him. Would any father let hisdaughlike that? I wouldn’t know.

“Francesca…Gio, apologize.” Lucio finally spoke. They had both turned their head to Lucio and werewaittake back his words, but he didn’t.

“Are you nuts?” Gio asked his dad, while Francesca remained quiet, probably out of respect for herhusba“Call me nuts again,” Lucio spoke in the most serious voice I had ever heard him. “I’m sorry,” Giomumb“I know you want to rob me of my position, but I’m not going anywhere— so the best for both youand would be to apologize.” Christian said.

“Are you threatening my family?” Gio asked. As expected he was good at turning around people’swordsdone it to me before. If he hadn’t done that, we wouldn’t even be sitting here.

“Yes,” Christian spoke as everyone at the table went in complete silence. The way he said, yes, mademe wonder if this was the right way to demand respect. At times I forgot about who he was, but eachtime I it I was thinking about what the hell I was even doing here.

Gio stood up from his chair while Christian released my hand and did the same. “Chris?” Johnny triedto before anyone could do anything— Christian walked around the table to grab his brother by his neckanagainst the wall.

Was he really willing to go that far for me?

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