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Chapter 36

Christian opened the door to his room and my jaw almost dropped. As expected the master bedroomseworld and almost blinded my eyes.

“Are you okay?” Christian asked and sat down on his bed. “Y-yes, I’m just thinking…maybe I shouldchanpajamas.”

“That’s not necessary, you sleep with your clothes on.” Christian exposed me. “I saw you.”

My cheeks flushed and all I wanted to do was disappear. “So we’re stalking me now?” I asked him andhe“Well you snore like a pig each night, but yesterday you didn’t so I came to check if you and the babywesat and laid down while he patted the spot next to him.

It had always surprised me how Christian had questionable remarks without considering anyone’sfeelingembarrassing, but he on the other hand seemed completely unfazed.

I awkwardly made my way over to him and sat down on his bed. “You can take off your shoes andperhayou feel like it.” He chuckled and focused on his phone. I followed his instructions and awkwardlyrested knees.

When I was talking about getting to know each other a bit better this was not what I meant. He must’veme because watching a movie was definitely not what I had planned.

“And now you can lay down.” He chuckled and was still fixated on his phone. Once again I followed hisilaid down on his bed. “See, I’m trying not to be awkward but you’re not making it very easy.” He toldmewashing over me. He was right. For once he was the one trying and here I was, trying to sabotagehis kin“So what are we watching?” I asked him, but instead, he gave me the remote. “I’m watchingwhatever yowatch.”

“Really?” I asked and did not give him the time to reply. I had immediately scrolled through the list ofDisstopped at Ariel. It wasn’t as if I really wanted to watch it, but I took this opportunity as a smallexperimewould it take before he would snap again or could I really trust him this time?

“You want to watch that?” He asked, trying to keep his calm. “Yes,” I said, expecting some smart-asscominstead he leaned back and shrugged his shoulders. “Fine.” He yawned.

Even for me, it took a minute to take in that the big Christian Lamberti agreed to watch Ariel with meandto tell others about this. Christian was fully immersed in the movie and let his opinion known everynow “You seem to know the movie out your head,” I commented, thinking he would deny it but henodded h“Yes, I have two very demanding twin sisters.”

“Of course you do.” I smiled and tried to get into the movie. Unfortunately, my plan had backfired and Igetting bored. Even though the best would be to go back to my room to sleep, I did not want toembarrforced myself to keep watching.

I felt my eyes close and before I knew it my head leaned towards Christian’s shoulder but he quicklypus“From all the places you can lean against it just had to be my shoulder.” He spoke.

He tried to read the expression on my face and for what would’ve been the tenth time in a short while, Iembarrassed. “This is how it always happens, from enemies to lovers but I told you, you can’t fall forme.sleep you can go to your room.”

“Trust me, you’re not that attractive,” I said, ignoring his comments, but he was right. It was always liketwouldn’t be like that with me. I was just tired that’s all. “And I’m definitely not your enemy.”

Christian chuckled and leaned in closer until his mouth was at my ears. “If I’m not that attractive, thenhoend up in your stomach?” He whispered. I felt chills throughout my body and moved an away.

“I-I, w-well, that’s because w-we-” I stuttered, trying to find my words. But Christian let out a laugh andgagainst my shoulder. “I’m just kidding.”

“You can use my shoulder as pillow because I’m in a good mood today.”

“What you don’t want to? You won’t get another chance.” He said when he noticed I had moved awaye“If I sleep now I won’t be able to get back to my room later,” I told him as a way to get out of it. Thetrutembarrassed and might have been a bit too pushy. He was not my pillow, my pillow was in myroom.

“I’ll carry you.” He casually offered and shrugged his shoulders. “Okay?” I smiled and eventually leanedmhis shoulder. It was either that or the wooden headboard.

“Your head’s as heavy as a wrecking ball, I hope the baby gets mine.” He sighed as I gulped at hisrando“Hey!” I huffed and smacked his shoulders with my ‘heavy’ head.

“I’m sorry.” Christian laughed and wrapped his arms around me to prevent me from hitting him. Eventhshouldn’t have, I saw this as an invitation and leaned into him even more as I closed my eyes.

“You’re getting big.” He said and looked down at my stomach which was visible through the tight shirt I“The baby.” He quickly clarified himself, in case there would be more misunderstandings.

“I am.” I agreed and followed his eyes. Rather than at the beginning of the pregnancy when mystomachchubby, this time you could clearly see that I was pregnant. “Do you want to feel?”

“Can I?” Christian carefully asked and made eye contact with me. He was so close that I could seeevery dso I quickly turned my head. Get yourself together, Serena. “What you don’t want to? You won’tget anotChristian snickered and carefully lowered his hand before letting it hover above my stomach asif I was frhis wrist and pulled it down so he could touch my belly. “It feels funny.” He said after a while,and it was the joy in his voice.

While he rubbed circles over my tummy it wasn’t that long until I felt a twitching feeling in my stomach.unfamiliar feeling I had never experienced before and looked at Christian in excitement. “Oh, the babym“It did?” Christian smiled.

“Yes, I felt it.”

“You did?”

“Yes, the baby is also getting sick of you.” I rolled my eyes at him and saw how he quickly removed hishworried look on his face. For someone who should probably not get manipulated by anyone, it surewas help but laugh at the embarrassed look on his face.

“Serena, you’re not that bad.” He suddenly confessed. Well, at least he was being honest aboutthinking but it was okay because I felt the same. Vince was right, being alone with him and having aconversationmore comfortable than I had originally remembered. “Not that bad?”

“I have to confess something. This entire movie night…I did all of this because others told me to…butyoubad.” He spoke, thinking he was bringing me the latest news. His behavior change had got to mefrom thknew that he had his reasons, but regardless of those reasons it felt great to get along.

“I don’t know whether that makes me happy or sad.” I played along with his game and noticed a guiltyl“I’m sorry.” He apologized again.

“Don’t be, I’m happy you’re trying.” I shrugged him off so he could feel more at ease. “Any plans for tom

I wondered if he was going to be honest with me and go into detail, since he seemed a bit more openbuout that it wouldn’t work that way.“Just…work. You?”

As expected it was still a bit too early to get more information out of him and he was still as secretive as“Hmm, no nothing.” I lied to him. The truth was that I would be keeping the promise I made to myself

anperson. I would apologize to Francesca in the hopes of her accepting it and try my hardest to fixwhatevecaused for Christian.novelbin

I let out a guilty yawn and closed my eyes as I leaned into him even more. First, he told me to go to myrto sleep, then he told me that he would carry me to my room— but to be honest I was comfortable as itI looked up at Christian who had focused on the movie again and was actually following what wasgoingthe thought of him doing the same with our child and before I knew it my eyes closed as I fellasleep in honly one thought going through my mind.

Would he carry me to my room or would he spare me and let me sleep in his bed?

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