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Chapter 280

Chapter 280


She meant nothing to me. I saw her as my little social experiment and chose to interact with someonebelow my status. She is immature, naive, her personality is average, and so are her looks so-

“Man, I should’ve just punched him in the face when I had the chance to,” I complained as I almostripped the dress from my body. What an odd thing to say when I was the one who had walked out onhim.

“So he’s the one who so desperately wanted to meet up with me, and now I’m the issue?” I murmured,confused. He didn’t even seem to regret those hateful words because he had walked away right after.

Even when we were taking the pictures, he did not have the guts to look at me-and I knew that waswhat I wanted, but I wouldn’t take this slander. Whether he was in the cartel or not.

He made me look ridiculous, desperate, pathetic-while he was the real issue. It was time to stop askingmyself why I cared because I finally had my answer. I cared because he put my reputation on the line.What would Tiago and Anya think of me?

“You know what? Fuck it. I’m just going to do it!” I decided. All I had to do was ask him why he wouldbadmouth me after all the conversations we had once shared. Average looks? Yes, I’ve been calledimmature, stupid and naive, but no one in my entire life has ever called me average, so what were his -standards?

“Lena, who are you talking to?” Rona asked. She was so kind enough to follow me to the dressingroom so that I could change back into my uncomfortable dress. Even though the clothing wasuncomfortable, it made me feel better than the bridesmaids’ dress.

“I’m not talking to anyone, come and zip me up!”

Rona entered the tiny space and helped me with my dress. “So, what did you think of the brother? Heis cute, isn’t he?” She commented. “I caught him staring at you a few times.”

“Oh, really?” I chuckled. I couldn’t put two and two together because I had a lot on my mind-but whatwas Rona’s excuse?

“Did you get his name?” She continued. I ignored her question.

“I have something interesting to tell you, but I’ll tell you when we get home.”

After a lot of debating, I decided it was best to keep my mouth shut and do my job. Rona needed me.We needed the money for the bar-and I could unfortunately not bail on her. It was also a good excuseto address Marvin as I was hungry to get to the bottom of his disgusting words.

“Rona, do you think I look average?” I asked for her opinion. At least hers mattered to me.

“No, you’re above average at least,” She agreed with me. So I wasn’t crazy. That was all I needed toknow. “Why, did someone said you’re ugly?”

“Ugly?” I scoffed. “Come on, let’s get to work.”

After fixing my hair, we went straight to the reception hall to prepare for the feast. I had already beenway more involved than expected, and it was time to get to work. What would Alex and dad be doingright now? Were they still around, or did they head home after seeing the army of security?

The place was heavily protected, which made me believe that no one could break in-even if theywanted to.These Castillo’s were clearly prepared for anything.

It wasn’t long before the sun had set, and the reception hall was in a full party mode. I didn’t even getthe opportunity to keep an eye on Marvin as all of the drinks were in demand. “It’s a shame we can’tparty, but we’re doing good, aren’t we?” Rona pulled me into a side-hug. “And it’s all because ofnovelbin


“No, don’t say that. It was a team effort.” I smiled at her. I knew it was because of me, but at times itwas better to remain humble.

Rona placed her hand on my shoulder. “Okay, don’t look to the left-but Tiago’s brother is staring at y-”

Rona could barely finish her sentence as I had already turned my gaze to the left and stared at Marvin,who looked at me from a distance. “I said don’t look!” Rona hissed. If she only knew.

He seemed to be conversing with Panther and another unfamiliar man, but his eyes looked straight intomine. This would’ve been a good opportunity to walk up to him, but there was something holding meback. What if I came at him the wrong way? He was still a dangerous person, and I couldn’t push himto his limit.

Rona had already vanished to take another order while I had yet to break my eye contact with Marvin. Ibet he had expected for me to turn away, but things were clearly not going as expected. I watched asthe side of his lips curled in a smirk, and I instantly did the same.

It was almost like a challenge, and I could not tell who would win this time. Would he walk up to me, orwould I walk up to him?

Marvin brushed off his jacket and stepped forward, but before he could do anything else-a woman hadlinked her arm with his. She buried her head in his shoulders while Marvin smiled back at her. I couldnot tell why, but it felt as if my heart had shattered into a million pieces as I looked at my competition.

Even from a distance, it was impossible to ignore her beauty. Her beautifully shapely figure could becompared to an hourglass, and her face was so close to perfection that I even felt insecure looking at it.Her long and healthy jet-black hair tumbled over her shoulders as she switched her direction to look at



Afraid to meet her eyes, I quickly went back to my business and ignored her.

You know what? Maybe I was average.

“Elena!” Tiago suddenly tapped my hand. I flinched at his voice and stepped back as he leaned overthe bar. The sweet smile on his face had quickly changed into an insecure frown. “I-I’m sorry!” Hestuttered as usual.

“No, you didn’t do anything-I was just shocked, that’s all!” I made it clear. Tiago was the type of personwho did not want to hurt anyone, and that’s what threw me off. Was this nice guy act of his a scam, orwas it real?

“Congrats on getting married, by the way.”

Tiago avoided my gaze and cleared his throat as he looked anywhere but my eyes. “Would you….liketo dance?” He whispered the last part. I laughed at his flushed cheeks and leaned forward. What wasthat? 1 can’t hear you.

I was supposed to be afraid of him, just as afraid as I was of Marvin, but I just couldn’t. The music hadchanged to a slow song while I smiled at Tiago as I waited for him to repeat his question. “If you wantto dance.” He repeated himself.

I scanned the dance floor and searched for Anya. “Am I allowed to, or is your wife going to kill me?”

“Anya isn’t like that, come on.” Tiago grabbed my hand and led me to the center of the dance floor. Hetook the first step and placed his hands on my waist while I threw my hands over his neck. “I hate slowsongs, and I hate slow dancing.”

Tiago looked into my eyes for a split second before he lowered his head. “M-me too, but that’s not thereason why I brought you out here.”

“Then what is?”

Tiago sighed. “I need to talk to you about my brother.

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