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Chapter 281

Chapter 281


Tiago sighed. “I need to talk to you about my brother.”

“I’m sorry.” He whispered. The worst thing is that I knew why he said it, and I knew that he pitied me–but it was not his fault that Marvin turned out to be his brother. “Sorry for?”

“Sorry for my brother’s comment. Tiago apologized. “Had I known that the two of you knew each other,I would’ve never-”

He took a deep breath and closed his mouth, unable to finish his sentence. “Hired us?” I guessed. Forsome reason, I was happy he didn’t because I did not want to interfere with the money the cocktail barneeded.

“So I guess you now know that he wasn’t on that island I told you about,” Tiago mentioned. The islandthing was a stupid story, to begin with, but I was also as stupid to go along with it. “Yes, and I guess youknow I was his pen-pal and that I ran out on him,” I spoke.

“Yes.” Tiago nodded. “Can I ask why?”

Because he’s a killer and murdered my father’s best friend, who has been investigating him, that wasthe bold truth which I could not give Tiago. At times I had to remind myself that he was also a Castillo.

“It doesn’t matter anymore. He made his opinion very clear, and it was obviously for a reason.” I spokeas 1 looked at Marvin. The same woman from earlier was still glued to his side and had no intentions ofmoving.

Tiago laughed. “Misty?” He questioned. “Don’t worry about her. She’s crazy, and there are no words todescribe how much he hates her.”

For some strange reason, I felt at ease after learning the news. It shouldn’t even have mattered to me,but it did. “Really?”

Tiago sighed. “Elena, I know my brother, and he didn’t mean a word of what he said.”

“I don’t think he lied either.”“”

“He only had good things to say about you, and he’s actually one of the most respectful people I know.”Tiago stuck up for him. The thing is that he wasn’t supposed to say those things. Marvin was. “I knowwhat you think. He went to prison, and yes, he did-but he’s innocent.”

Then who killed Maddenst

Flow innocent could a cartel member be?

I forced a smile on my face as I did not want to ruin Tiago’s day, “I can tell you get nervous aroundpeople, but despite everything, you dragged me to the dance floor to put in a good word for yourbrother,” I concluded. He was still unable to look me in the eye, but he went above and beyond to stickup for his brother, who didn’t deserve it.

“It’s that obvious, isn’t it?” Tiago spoke, embarrassed. “Just talk to him, please.”

He looked up at me for the first time and stared at me with hopeful eyes. I was going to address Marvinat one point because I wanted to ask him why he had said those things about me, but that wasbetween Marvin and me.novelbin

The moment the song had ended, Tiago quickly removed his hands from my waist and stepped backas if he had made a mistake. “It was just a dance.” 1 chuckled. “And I will talk to your brother_later.”

Tiago grew a smile on him as Anya made her way over. “Hey, guys!” She greeted us. “What are wetalking about?”

“Nothing much, just my idiot brother,” Tiago told her. Anya shot me a sympathetic look. The two werebasically one, so anything Marvin must’ve told Tiago-he must’ve said Anya. “I figured, and I’m sorryabout everything.”

“It’s okay, don’t worry.”

“Elena, did you know Tiago called you a walking goddess?” Anya smacked my shoulder. Tiagoreleased a cough and shook his head, denying her accusation.

“No, i-it wasn’t like that, and those weren’t my exact words, but—”

“I mean, he wasn’t lying because I agree.” Anya continued. “And if Marvin can’t respect you, there aremany others who will-but the thing is that Marvin does respect you. He’s just a toxic male who’sembarrassed because you left him behind.” Anya shrugged with a big smile on her face.

She was a sweet girl with a good personality, and her words made a lot of sense. There was no way tojustify Marvin’s words, but I did hurt his feelings, and even a monster like him deserved an honestrejection.

-Thanks for the advice, and I guess I’ll leave you guys to it.”

The newlyweds walked off while I went back to the bar so I could spy on Marvin. “What did Tiago wantfrom you?” Rona stuck her nose in my business. “Nothing special.”

Telling her about Marvin would only make things more complicated than they had to be.


Tiago’s words about Marvin’s ex-girlfriend were confusing because Marvin hadn’t stared at me sinceshe had glued herself to his body.

Hours had passed, and the party was coming to an end. The last part of the wedding was to wish thenewlyweds good luck before they drove off to their new future. The reception hall was getting emptierby the second as many people made their way outside, but I only had one goal, and that was to talk toMarvin.

I looked at him from a distance, but this time he was alone. It was now or never.

“Rona, you go ahead without me. I’ll be right there,” I informed her as I escaped behind the bar andmade my way over to Marvin. He had his back turned to me, just like the first time, and it felt as if mybrains were about to explode.

Where did I even find the courage to approach him?

It almost seemed like a repeat of that day as I tapped his shoulder, causing him to turn around. Afrustrated sigh escaped from his lips until he realized it was me who had interrupted him. The look inhis eyes had softened as he was waiting for me to say the first words. All we had to do was apologizeto each other, and after that, we could both go our own way.

“Elena,” Marvin acknowledged me with a warm smile on his lips. It was a friendly smile that confusedme because a monster like him did not have the right to smile. A monster like him didn’t even have theright to chuckle.

“L…I,” I murmured as I dropped my tough act. I knew what I wanted to say, but I just couldn’t. Seeinghim in front of me and realizing the serious level of crimes he committed was nerve-racking.

“Marvin, your brother, and Anya are looking for you.”

I rolled my eyes at the unfortunate interruption and came face to face with Tiffany. Perfect timing. “Theyare?”

Tiffany stared at us with a suspicious look in her eyes but luckily shrugged it off. “Yes, one of thesecurity guys told me-and we’re behind schedule. People are getting impatient.”

“Just go outside and keep them calm. I’ll get them.” Marvin reassured her. From the tone in his voice, Icould’ve never guessed he was a monster. “Thanks, that’s nice of you!” Tiffany smiled.

“By the way, he told me there’s something wrong with the dressing rooms, so they had to take theirclothes all the way to the top floor or something, I’m sure you can find them.”

She gave us one last smile and walked off in a hurry while I could only focus on Marvin. I had expectedhim to let me continue, but he ignored my existence and walked off. Flustered, I stayed behind,wondering whether I should follow him or not.

“I’m here anyway, so it doesn’t really matter anymore,” I spoke to myself. Determined to get an answer,I walked behind him and waited for him to notice me-but not a single word had left his mouth. Evenwhen I followed him all the way to the hallway and coughed on purpose, there was still no reaction. Asannoying as I was, I had even followed him up the hundreds of stairs, but still…there was not a single


“Wait, not so fast!” I spoke out of breath as we reached the top floor. Perhaps if I spend less time onprison pen pals and more time in the gym, I wouldn’t have been in this position. Marvin finally stoppedwalking and turned around to face me.

“Are you stalking me?” He asked. Oh, so now I was the crazy one?

I placed my hand on my knees to catch my breath and shook my head. “No, I mean yes-I just want totalk to you,” I told him. “I need to know why you said all those things about me.”

Marvin tilted his head to look at me and shook his head with a mischievous smirk on his face. “I don’tfeel like talking yet.” He raised his brow as his hand reached for the doorknob. Even after running afterhim like a dog, he still didn’t want to talk to me. Was he teasing me? Was he doing this on purpose?

Marvin opened the door and stepped aside to let me enter. “Ladies who walk away from first datesfirst.”

I scoffed at his lame joke. “Thank you-”

Suddenly, I yelled out in fear as a man stood at the center of the room and pointed his gun at Tiago’s

head. Next to Tiago was Anya, who had tears streaming down her face. The pair were on their knees,trembling-and stared at us with fearful eyes. The man with the gun was covered from head to toe andwore a mask so we couldn’t see his face.

Marvin grabbed my hand tightly and, in one swift movement, pulled me behind his back. I was frozenas he took out a gun of his own and pointed it right back at the man. What was happening?

Marvin looked at his brother and Anya, who were terrified for their lives before his eyes moved to theunfamiliar man.

“Drop the gun.”

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