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Chapter 279

Chapter 279


I could see her staring at me from the corner of my eye, but I kept my look fixated on Tiago as the tearswere rolling down his cheeks.

Given a chance, I would’ve rushed over to my brother’s side to wipe away his tears-even if they weretears of joy. I could not stand the sight of his tears, and it almost brought me back to the moment I wentto prison. The moment I told him, he could not rely on me anymore.

Elena’s presence came as a surprise. After hearing my original partner could not make it, I didn’t makemuch out of it, but I was not prepared for this. Was she Anya’s acquaintance?

Seeing Elena felt like a dream, but she thought otherwise because it only took her a second to run off. Iwas okay with that because I had other things on my mind-such as the threat from the Hernandez.

Growing up the way I did, there was one rule which stuck by me, and that was to remain focused. Icould not get distracted, and not even by someone as breathtakingly beautiful as Elena.

I did had to admit, it was easier said than done.

Something which started as a friendship had quickly changed into more for me, but for some reason,she did not feel the same. I was a man with a lot of pride, who wasn’t going to sulk about a woman, andI did not want to go back to prison for harassment, so holding her hand as we walked down the aislefelt like a


There was only one thing I needed to know, and that was what the hell she was doing here. Could shehave played me?

My thoughts got interrupted by Anya, who took her last step down the aisle. She turned her head andshowed me a bright smile while I gave her a nod in return. Forget Elena, there was only one thing onmy mind, and that was to protect Tiago. But could I really forget her?

My dad had doubled the security-but we were still on the lookout. Anything suspicious could danger mybrother’s life, and I was not going to let it happen. I would make sure this day went by smoothly, and Iwould protect him, even if I had to sacrifice my life for it.

Eventually. Anya was the one to wipe away Tiago’s tears and tilted her head as she looked at the loveof her life. “You look beautiful,” Tiago whispered. The same Tiago who couldn’t even look our dad in theeye, or any woman for that matter-was getting married.

This was the reason why I sacrificed my freedom. I did it so he could take his time as he grew into astrong person and build his life.

Tiago wasn’t like me. He wasn’t a devil in disguise, and he was not a cold-blooded killer. He was agood man who had once made an unfortunate mistake because of family pressure. He couldn’t throw aproper punch, he couldn’t aim a gun, he did not like confrontations, and some would even say he wasunfit to be part of this family.

I was supposed to be paying attention to the ceremony, but every now and then, my gaze would switchto Elena. She was staring at me, so why couldn’t I stare at her?

The side of her plump lips trembled as she blinked at me with her dark brown eyes. She didn’t utter aword, but there was no need for that-because I could see right through her.

“Why aren’t you talking to me?”

I bet those were the words she was dying to say, but she knew she didn’t have the right to, not afterwalking out on me.

Elena was what Mario Castillo would call a dangerous woman. Someone hungry for attention who hidbehind her faux personality. I liked danger. I liked challenges, and Elena was a challenge.

After a long ceremony filled with countless traditions, tearful vows, Anya’s addictive laughter, and theguest’s cheers, it was time to take our leave.

“I can’t believe Tiago is a married man.” One of Tiago’s friends spoke. I looked at a pair of blue-coloredbraces. “Yes, neither can I.” I smiled back.

Tiago’s closest friends weren’t that different from him, but that was the reason why I appreciated them.Instead of befriending the men from the other families. Tiago remained close with his high-school andcollege friends. Good people with good hearts and regular jobs.

Tiago and Anya walked at the front while we followed them in our pairs. Elena made her way over withbaby steps as she lowered her head, and all of her confidence had slowly disappeared. What was herissue?

“I think we’re supposed to be holding hands, I whispered.

She raised her head to look at the pair in front of us, but she did not give me a reaction, forcing me totake action. I connected our hands and released a frustrated sigh as we walked down the aisle. Incomparison to mine, her hands felt warm and sweaty. It was a sign of fear, so I couldn’t help butwonder if I was the one she was so afraid of.

What did I deserve to get treated this way, and why did I care?

I was desperate to exit the ceremony hall, so I could finally ask her that one question. What was shedoing here?

We had barely left the ceremony hall before she released her hand from mine and stepped back. Thefrightened look on her face was enough to reconsider my decision, as I did not want her to throw atantrum. Was she afraid of me, or was she afraid of my family name?

Just when I had gathered enough courage to call out her name, she turned around and walked away.“Wait, hold it!” Tiffany stopped her.

“You’re not done yet-we’re taking pictures!” She pulled her arm. “Come on. We have to go outside!”Elena pulled a weird face and followed Tiffany, while I could only smile at her unique personality. Sheseemed so innocent, carefree, and bright, which made me wonder what I might’ve done to upset her. Ididn’t know what was happening to me, and in a way it scared me. Why did I care so much?

That Eliana girl is like a boomerang, isn’t she?”novelbin

I rolled my eyes as Panther slammed his arm around my shoulder. “Her name is Elena, and I don’tthink you’re making any sense.” I raised my brow.

I couldn’t even imagine how bad it would’ve been if I was not back home for the wedding. Thatwould’ve meant that Elena had to deal with Panther, and I wouldn’t wish that on her. Luckily I was backin time and could free Panther from the duty he had never been interested in anyway. He meant a lot toTiago, but he was not fit enough to be a groomsman.

“You know when you throw a boomerang in the air, and it returns?” Panther laughed right before hepulled me into an aggressive hug. “Did you leave your brains in prison?”

I was not the one who threw her away.

I got flustered by his unnecessary comment and scanned the room to look for Elena, but she wasnowhere to be found, meaning Tiffany must’ve dragged her outside for the pictures. I panicked for asplit second as I realized I had also lost sight of Tiago and pushed Panther aside.

“We need to keep an eye on Tiago!”

As much as a devil Mario Castillo was, he at least had the heart to gather all of us before the wedding,to give us instructions. It was one my nephew Cisco could have given us, but at least it was something.Keep an eye on Tiago.

“Are you looking for Eliana or Tiago?” Panther cackled. I didn’t have the time or energy to correct himas the only thing I could think of was Tiago. Keep it together, Marvin, I repeated in my head. Tiago wasmy main priority and not some woman who couldn’t even give me the time of her day. She even walkeddown the aisle, so she must have a good reason to be here.

“See, Tiago is with his wife, and they’re taking pictures-no big deal!” Panther reassured me as wemade our way outside. I smiled as Tiago and Anya were gathered around their bridesmaids andgroomsmen to prepare themselves for pictures.

Seeing Tiago with Anya by his side made me feel at ease, and seeing the joy on his face made me feelwhole. He deserved everything. He deserved the universe and so much more.

My gaze shifted to Anya’s bridesmaids, but Elena was nowhere to be found. It was not that surprisingas walking out was not something new to her. Where was she?

“Are you looking for Cinderella?” Panther commented. First, it was Eliana, then it was boomerang, andnow it was Cinderella. This man just wouldn’t stop.

“Who is Cinderella?” I suddenly heard the unpleasant sound of Victor’s voice, and I was in no mood toanswer him. “Shouldn’t you be keeping an eye on Tiago?” Panther butted in. It was no secret that he

couldn’t stand that man either, but I did have to admit that it was hilarious how the tables had turned.

“I have been keeping an eye on Tiago. I have been doing so for several years now.” Victor pointed out.I could tell that his comment was directed towards me, but I was prepared to let it rest. Nothing wouldruin Tiago’s day, and I meant it.

“Shouldn’t we be taking pictures with the family first?” Victor folded his arms. “Or are their friends moreimportant than their families?”

Family? If I were to take a shot for each time this man claimed to be part of the family, I would’ve beenat the hospital by now. One day I was going to tell him the truth, but today was unfortunately not thatday.

“But then again, that ungrateful toddler didn’t even ask me to be his groomsman, and that after all, Ihave done for him.” Victor added.

“What exactly is it that you’ve done for him?”

The amount of bullshit leaving his mouth was too much to handle, but this was where I would put anend to it. Victor snickered suspiciously, unable to answer my question, and shrugged his shoulder.“You’re right, I should keep an eye on your brother.”

He walked off without saying another word. “You’re letting him get under your skin because you don’tknow how to ignore him.7 Panther concluded. It was difficult to ignore someone like Victor, and heprobably knew that as one of the best.

“Marvin!” Tiago shouted my name. All heads turned to me as I frowned at my brother. It was still a habitof his to embarrass me, “Marvin, Panther-come here!

“Come on,” Panther nudged me. We walked to Tiago and Anya, who wasted no time pulling us into atight hug. “Marvin, I just got married.” Tiago patted my back. I pulled away and smiled at him. “Yes, Iknow-I was there.”

“So you guys are technically my brothers now-aren’t you?” Anya laughed. For some reason, she feltmore at ease, now that she was officially a Castillo. She was a sweet girl, who didn’t really interact withus, but it seemed like things were slowly changing.

“We are, and you look beautiful.” I complimented her. Panther nodded his head in approval as helooked at Anya. “You look better than Tiago, but that isn’t a hard thing to do!”

Panther made a run for it, while Tiago ran after him, leaving me behind with Anya. “He’s still like a littlekid. He hasn’t changed a bit.” Anya giggled. I watched as Panther ruffled his hand through Tiago’s hair.“You’re right. He hasn’t.”

“So your dad went all out with the security, didn’t he?” Anya commented, unaware of the danger herhusband was facing.

I turned to Anya and quickly changed the subject. “I want to thank you for choosing my brother and forchoosing to be part of this…twisted family.”

Anya giggled. “Yes, I know that I don’t fit in-but I’ll try!”

I’ll try. For some reason, those words sounded miserable to my ears, because there was no reason forher to try. It was us who had to try to do better,

“Tiago is too embarrassed to admit it, but he’s really glad you could make it, and it’s all he’s beentalking about.” She confessed. “About how you and Panther are his favorite brothers.”


There was no need to tell me that because I knew my brother, and I knew without a doubt that it wouldonly be a matter of time before Tiago would realize all I had done for him. Including the sacrifices I had

made for him.

“Yes, really,” Anya spoke. “And I never had the opportunity to thank you, but if it weren’t for you-Tiagoand I wouldn’t even be married today.” She acknowledged my sacrifice. Anya was the type of personwho chose to ignore everything, despite being aware of the truth, and it was the first time she hadopened up about the situation. Tiago was madly in love and told her everything.

“It’s okay. Just make sure you stay by his side and make sure he doesn’t make any stupid decisions.”

The expression on Anya’s face had changed, and for some reason, she looked guilty. “Anya, what’swrong?” I asked. “W-well. She stuttered. “You’ll always love and protect Tiago, right?”

Her words confused me. “Yes, why?”

“There’s something I have to discuss with you, but we should do it after the party,” Anya spoke as shelooked at her surroundings. “Don’t worry, Marvin. It can wait reall

“I think I scared Panther away, and what can wait?” Tiago surprised us with his presence. He grabbedAnya’s hand and stared at me, demanding an answer. “He’s not bothering you with that overprotectivebig brother crap, right?”

“No, he isn’t!” Anya laughed. “I was actually talking about that cute bartender you so desperatelywanted to introduce to Marvin.”

“Oh, that’s right!” Tiago pointed out. “I think you already know her because you somehow ended upwalking her down the aisle. Her name is-”

“Elena.” I chuckled. So that was what she was doing here. She was in charge of the bar. This was alltoo good to be true. “Y-yes, you work fast!” Tiago gasped while I shook my head.

“It’s not that I work fast. It’s just that she’s the Lena I’ve been telling you about.”

Tiago and Anya stared at me with open mouths and looked at each other before they burst out inlaughter. “Wait, you mean the girl who left you at your first meeting?” Tiago mocked me. “Anya, can youbelieve this? Isn’t this fate?”

“Yes, Tiago. We’ve been talking about the same woman this whole time.” I glared at him. “We should’veknown it was the same person when we both called her hot.”

Two could also play that game.

“H-hot?” Anya raised her brow. The sweat was almost dripping from Tiago’s forehead. “I feel like Ishould divorce you.

“N-no, I-I mean, 1-I said!” Tiago attempted to defend his words. “Wait, this isn’t about me-this is aboutMarvin!”

“Yes, did you talk to her? Did you ask her why she left?” Anya wondered. “No, because Marvin got hislittle feelings hurt, and he’s not used to that.” Tiago made fun of me. He was right, but I was tooembarrassed to ever admit it-so I took another approach instead.

“Do I look like Tiago? Do you think I’m the type of man to run after a woman?” I protected my pride.The look on Anya and Tiago’s faces had changed as they shook their heads, but I was nowhere nearfinished.

“She meant nothing to me. I saw her as my little social experiment and chose to interact with someonebelow my status. She is immature, na?ve, her personality is average, and so are her looks so-

“Turn around.” Tiago mouthed. I stopped my rant and followed his instructions as I turned around, onlyto stare into a pair of dark brown eyes that belonged to Elena, and at that moment, I knew I had fuckedup.

I dragged her name through the mud, I didn’t meant any of it-but she had heard it all.

She bit her lips and avoided all eye-contact. “Uh…I heard we we’re taking pictures?”

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