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Chapter 229

Chapter 229

A week had passed, and to be honest-our arrangement wasn’t working, Somehow I always foundmyself home during the day and occasionally went back to my parents for the night

I knew I didn’t have much time left with Christian, so I grew attached to him more than ever. It was like Iwas desperate to be around him, but at the same time I wasn’t

After my endless pleads to meet up with Lucio, Christian ended his day early and had agreed to takeme to the hospital. While he was working on whatever plan they had, I had already decided what mynext step would be, and I felt guilty

Everyone worked over hours to develop a plan to stop Berto, but I would make things easier for thems

“Are you sure you don’t want me to join?” Christian asked. We looked through the glass and watchedas Lucio waved at us to come inside

“Yes, you should spend some time with Vince, and I’ll stay with your dad!”

Although Luca had yet to text me, this would most likely be the last time to see Lacio. That man was sopopular and received visits after visits, which was why I had asked for some alone time. I had to say mygoodbyes

Christian eyed me suspiciously. “What’s with that look on your face.”

“Nothing” I spoke. “What’s up with your face?”

“I can’t believe you let your girl kick us out, just so that she can spend some alone time with dad” Gioapproached us. He shot me a teasing glare and pushed my shoulder.

Who would’ve thought we would be getting along the way we did? Gio, the same brother who couldn’tstand me

“You’re not going to end dad with a pillow, are you? Enzo added. Also, he came a long way. He camefrock wanting to eliminate not only me but Siena as well, to becoming the rock of the family

“With a pillow?” I squinted my eyes. “Of course not just do it with my bare hands

I had expected the three brothers to laugh, but all I saw were shocked expressions. “Guys, I’m kiddingChristian frowned. “Ah, but can I still come with you?” He asked, worried. “Please?”

Whenever I looked into his soft eyes, I just couldn’t say no. Who was I to tell him that he couldn’t seehis dad?

“Okay.” I sighed. “We’ll go together.”

The two of us had barely entered before Lucio raised himself from his bed. “Hey, Sere-” He went into acoughing fit.

Christian rushed over to his dad’s side and came to the rescue with a glass of water. “Dad, don’t everdo that again!” He scolded him.

Lucio grinned unbothered. “Thank you.” He moved his eyes to mine. “Serena, I missed you!”

I stepped closer and grabbed his hands. He still had the same kind eyes, but he was not the samehealthy man as before. His health had declined, and he had gotten skinnier. I could barely recognizehim

“I missed you too, Lucio.” I kissed his forehead.

“Where is Siena?”

“Mom is watching her,” Christian told him. “She’s having the time of her life”

“I see.” Lucio sulked. He had always cared for all of his grandchildren and loved spending time withthem.

Lucio changed the subject. “Have you seen my customized casket?”

Customized casket?

“Dad.” The look on Christian’s face had changed. “Come on, not now.” He whispered. While Lucioaccepted the situation, Christian couldn’t.

I hated leaving him at the most vulnerable time in his life, but I had no choice. He would eventually getover it, right?

“Why can’t I tell Serena about my casket?” Lucio said, startled. “We all know I’m dying!” He laughedbefore letting out several coughs.

Christian caressed his hand over his back and looked at me with an apologetic smile on his lips. “I’msorry.”

“It’s okay. Your dad is right.” I spoke. “I don’t mind.”

“You see?” Lucio grabbed my hand and connected it with Christian’s.


“If you’re going to give me another speech about how I should run the family business, you should dropit.” Christian interrupted his dad.

Lucio shook his head. “No, it’s not about that.” He rolled his eyes. “I want you to promise me to takecare of Serena, and don’t you ever let go of her.”

Christian looked into my eyes. “I won’t.”

I wish I could say the same.

“And don’t make the poor girl wait. Marry her!” Lucio forced him. Christian rubbed his thumb over thering on my finger.

“I will.”

“Create a big family and give all of them the same attention.”

“I’ll try.

Surprisingly enough, Lucio had enough energy to talk about his casket but had not mentioned Berto.

“And you, Serena.” Lucio turned to me. “I haven’t always been good to you. I lied to you about yourparents. I let you work at a…strip club, and for that, I’m so sorry-“

“Don’t apologize!” I stopped him. Whatever he had to say, I didn’t want to hear it. “If it weren’t for you, Iwould’ve not met Christian or my parents.”

“So you listen to me.” I began. “I never got to chance to thank you for all you’ve done for me,” I spoke.“During those times at the club, I never knew what having a father felt like until you became one to me.”

“And I’m so grateful to have two dads.”

“Serena…” Lucio released a tear at my heartfelt words, not knowing this would be my final goodbye to


As expected, Christian wiped Lucio’s tears and pulled him into a tight hug. “Serena is really sorry formaking you cry.” Christian spoke for me.

I frowned, confused. “I never said that…”

After spending the day with Lucio, we headed to the Lamberti estate to pick up Siena. Even someonelike Cesca or Christian’s grandpa, who was also not that fond of me, deserved a proper goodbye.

How would they feel about all of this? That’s what they wanted, right?

I had always blamed my parents for leaving me, but I could finally understand their decision. They werewilling to do anything to protect the lives of many, even if that meant making the ultimate sacrifice.

I could see Christian staring at me out of the corner of my eye.

“Eyes on the road….please,” I told him. I didn’t want him to notice something was wrong. He would loseit if he knew about my plan.

“I’m sorry.” Christian laughed. “I just keep staring at you because I truly can’t believe how I got thislucky.” He had been in a good mood all week, which was all I used to ask for. The only bad thing wasthe timing.

“Serena, you’ve been like for days, and if something is wrong, you have to tell me.”

“I’m fine-”

“Did I do something wrong?

“No!” I spoke, frustrated. “I don’t know what you’re talking about…so just leave it.”

“I can’t just leave it,” Christian spoke. “I need you to talk to me, so I can fix this!”

“Stop it. You’re scaring me.”


“Because you’re being nice!” I snapped. “You can’t just suddenly care and treat me well whenever itsuits you!”

What was wrong with me?

Why was I trying to create issues which weren’t even there?

Were these pregnancy hormones or fear?

I took a deep breath. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry.”

Christian chuckled. “No, I’m sorry.” He spoke sarcastically. “I’m sorry for trying.”

For the remaining drive, Christian had kept quiet, and I could not tell whether I had offended him. Itwasn’t my intention to ruin the mood, but at the same time, I just didn’t want to give him any false hope

He grabbed my hand without giving me as much as a look as he led me to the doors of the Lamberti


“Wait.” I pulled him back before we could reach the door. “I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry for?” Christian surprised me with his question. I wanted to tell him the truth, Iwanted to tell him I was sorry for leaving him, for not being able to give him the family he wanted-but Icouldn’t. He would never understand

What are you sorry for? That was the same question I used to ask him over and over again. Was thishow he felt

“Exactly.” Christian snarled. “You don’t even know what you’re apologizing for, so drop it and let it go.”He spoke. “We can’t be like this around Siena-”

“Siena, mommy and daddy are back!” The door flew open in our faces. Cesca held a cheerful Siena inher


I fixed the dull expression on my face and smiled as Siena had immediately stretched out her arms toChristian. She would be in good hands.

“I missed you!” Christian attacked her with kisses, making her giggle. “Give mommy a kiss!” Hepressed Siena’s lips against my cheek and pulled us into a hug.

“Look at you two!” Cesca pulled us inside. “I don’t want Siena to freeze, and I think she needs a diaperchange.“

“I’ll do it!” Christian offered. He walked away with Siena and threw her in the air. The only thing thatworried me was his rough ways of playing around with her.

It seemed like he was willing to do anything to get away from me for a second, and I couldn’t blamehim. J deserved it.

“Hey.” Cesca greeted me after Christian was out of sight.

I was still uncomfortable around her because I knew she wasn’t the biggest fan of me. She wouldprobably even hate me even more for what I was about to do.

“Hey.” I nodded back. “Thank you. I really appreciate your help.”

“Don’t ever thank me for watching my granddaughter!” She spoke hysterically. “Siena and I had a greattime, and you can bring her over whenever you feel like it.”

“Shouldn’t you be with Lucio?” I questioned, thinking she might like to be there while she still could.Cesca sighed at me with watery eyes and shrugged her shoulders.

Why was I even asking this woman about her dying husband? That was none of my business.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

“Please don’t apologize.” Cesca placed her hand on my shoulder. “I get so emotional just by thinkingabout him because he’s so stubborn.” She smiled.

“He keeps talking about his casket, what food should be served, the music, the people and I just can’ttake it anymore,” She confessed. “I can’t.”

The two had been married for years, and I remember thinking Christian and I would be the same. Adream


“Serena, Christian will be having a hard time, and he will not know how to handle the loss of his father.”Cesca softened her look.

“I’m so grateful he has someone like you. Someone who will be there when he needs it.”

Before I could take in Cesca’s words, I stared at the notification on my phone and read Luca’s name.


Four days from now. 8 PM.

I’ll send you the location.

Don’t bring anything with you, just be there!

So it had been taken care of.

“Right, Serena?” Cesca pushed for an answer. I hid my phone behind my back and smiled in her faceas if I wouldn’t be betraying her son.


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