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Chapter 228

Chapter 228

“I knew this was a bad plan,” I whispered to myself while trying not to faint in the changing room.

After my crazy idea, I decided to just go for it and called Luca’s number-not expecting him to answer,but he did.

I told him I wanted to meet up with him and managed to manipulate Emilio and Beau-into taking me toa public mall. Yes, I was stupid-but to a degree which was why I knew that a public meeting would bethe only way, even if it had to be in this tiny, uncomfortable space.

I held my breath, feeling a presence behind me. “Serena…we meet again.” I recognized Luca’s voice.

I turned around and opened my eyes to meet the man standing in front of me. He wore a black hoodie,covering half of his face. I had expected to be scared, but I wasn’t. Deep down, I was still hopeful thathe would be the old Luca. The one who was once willing to give his life for me.

“What?” Luca chuckled. “No hug, no warm welcome?”

I scoffed. “After everything you’ve done?” I asked. “Because I don’t know if you’re aware, butDario..your brother Dario? His uncle is dead because of you—”

“Don’t!” Luca slammed his fist against the wall, cornering me. “That was on my dad. That wasn’t me, so-don’t!”

I kept my mouth shut. My words had affected him deeply. “Believe it or not… I don’t always agree withhis


I truly wanted to believe that-but Luca still had a choice. Despite everything, Lucio would still be willingto welcome him back into the family, and so would Franco.

“Anyway, I’m not here for any of that.” I rolled my eyes, so I didn’t have to look at him. “I’m here tomake a deal. One your father will like.”

“I’m listening.” Luca backed off. It was now or never-but I wouldn’t run away, and I would not turn myback on the Lamberti’s. Not this time.

“Although your dad claimed he didn’t want to hurt Christian….I heard he’s changed his mind.” I began.“I heard he would let the Lamberti’s be, in trade for my…presence.”

Luca chuckled. “You’ve heard correctly.” He confirmed. “It’s nothing personal, but taking away someonehe cares about is the same as attacking the family business-so either one will do.”

“Believe it or not, he also cared about you. I reminded Luca. “You broke his heart.”

“He doesn’t. If he did, he would’ve been there for me.”

I was not in the mood to continue this discussion which was why I didn’t get into it. “I want your dad toreturn Siena’s money, all of it-and I need him to guarantee to let me live…..for another ten months,” 1spoke determinedly. “I’ll surrender myself, but only under these conditions.”

Luca grinned. “Forget about the money, what makes you think you have the right to live for another tenmonths?” He brought his lips to my ear. “Not that we would kill you.”

Well, it wouldn’t be the first time.

“I’m pregnant.”

There was no emotion in my voice, but who could blame me? I was supposed to share this momentwith Christian, but here I was-sharing it with his traitor cousin instead.

“Pregnant?” Luca’s eyes lit up. “You just don’t know how to catch a break, do you?” He laughed.“What’s the point of protection if people aren’t using it?”

1 folded my arms as a way of showing him that I wasn’t playing around. “These are my terms, and thebaby will be returned to Christian as well.”

Luca cleared his throat. “See, now it’s getting interesting.” He clicked his tongue. “You want toexchange your freedom for Christian and your…baby.”

“Yes, I do.” I snarled. “And I don’t have all day, so I need you to give me an answer-”

“Deal.” Luca cut me off. “Dad will be happy to hear about this.” He smirked. “Meeting up with me was agood decision, Serena.”

“Was it?” I frowned. “And how do you know I’m not lying?”

Although I knew my life was precious, I hadn’t expected it to be this easy.

Luca played with a few strands of my hair while I restrained myself from spitting in his face.”Because hknow the type of person you are.” He spoke calmly. “You’re a greedy, gold-digging bitch who will doanything, so your daughter doesn’t have to strip the same way you did.”

Keep calm, Serena.

Breathe in, breathe out.

“How do I know you’re not the one lying?” I turned the question. “I know how much you want the familybusiness-”

Luca cackled. “As long as I get to see Christian miserable, I couldn’t give two shits about thatbusiness!”novelbin

He was pathetic. That was the only word left to describe him. He was a jealous prick who couldn’thandle seeing his cousin on top.

“It was nice seeing you, but I’m afraid I have to go, princess.” Luca kissed my cheek forcefully. I closedmy eyes in full disgust. “I’ll discuss this with my father, and you will hear from me soon.”

I waited until Luca left the changing room before opening my eyes. With sweaty palms, I held the wallfor support and took several breaths.

Now that the deal was official, I could not go back on my word.

A few days from now, I would belong to Berto and Luca.

“Serena, we’re back. Are you still alive in there?” Emilio called out. “How are your dresses?”

“Good!” I changed the tone of my voice. “And yes, I’m still alive.” I left the changing room. Regardlessof everything, I couldn’t help but laugh at Beau, who leaned against Emilio’s shoulder.

“Well, your brother is dead.” He chuckled, pointing at Beau. “I don’t know why I agreed to this,” Beaucomplained. “You might be even worse than Isobel.”

“How come?” Emilio asked. He wrapped his arm around Beau’s shoulder and walked off while Ifollowed behind them. “She has been forcing me to tag along with all these baby stores, and it’s makingme rethink my life choices.” Beau ranted.

“You should let her. You shouldn’t be giving her a hard time? Emilio spoke. “Milo’s mom was the same.”He continued. “I never joined her though. I told her I would do it the next time.

Emilio, whose fiancée had died in childbirth, raised Milo on his own, so I could only hope that Christianwould be able to do the same. We were all aware of his love for Siena, and I knew without a doubt thathe would love the new baby as well.

I quickly turned around and wiped a tear from my eye. I was doing this for them.

“Serena, come on-give me your stuff.” Beau pulled the hangers from my hand. What was the point ofbuying these dresses if I wouldn’t be able to wear them anyway?

“No, I’ll pay!” Emilio decided, throwing the bunch on the counter. Beau shook his head and pushed him


“Serena and I came from the same womb.” Beau shrugged. “So I’ll take care of her, thank you.”

Emilio hit Beau on the back of his head. “We all came from the same womb, stupid!”

“Yes, but not at the same time!”

The two kept going back and forth while the cashier giggled. “Never mind them, I’ll pay.” I pulled out mycard while the two continued arguing.

I could barely remember the time when all of us used to be awkward with one another. Although wedidn’t grow up together, it felt like we did. The way we had managed to build a strong bond wassomething special I didn’t want to lose, but I had no choice.

“Hey, guys?” I smiled. Emilio and Beau stared at the shopping bag in my hands. “Oh, wow.” Emiliochuckled, embarrassed.

“Come on, guys, let’s go.”

The cashier pushed a card into Beau’s hands. “Call me!” She called out as I dragged him away.

Beau chuckled, observing the card in his hands. “She could’ve given your her number, but she gave itto me instead!” He teased a slightly offended Emilio.

“And why would that be?” He asked sarcastically.

Beau shrugged. “Because I’m the better than you?”

I watched as my brother snatched the card from Beau’s hand. “It’s too bad you have a pregnantfiancée.”

“It didn’t stop Christian.”

If could change one thing about my brothers, it would have to be their lack of compassion. After all, itwas still a sensitive subject.

I huffed. “Then you wouldn’t mind me giving Isobel a call so I can ask her how she feels-about thissituation?”

“N-n-no?” Beau pushed the piece of paper back into Emilio’s hand. “Please don’t!”

“So much for being born in the same womb at the same time!” Emilio laughed in his face.

1 grew a smile on my lips. We never had that much time to get to know each other, and now our timegot cut even shorter.

I would miss this.

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