Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 931 Sleeping On The Ground
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Chapter 931 Sleeping On The Ground

Chapter 931 Sleeping on the Ground

"I have changed the bedding for you this time, Mr. Williams. Please rest well," the servant saidhelplessly as he took out Rhys' previous bedding and found a pink one to reluctantly match it into acouple's style.

As soon as the servant left, Rhys threw the pink quilt onto the ground.

"Tonight, you sleep on the floor, I'll take the bed. If you dare to crawl up secretly, I'll throw you out!"

Allowing Jenna to come in is already his bottom line.

If she wanted to share a bed with him, she might as well kill him right away!

"Okay, don't worry. I won't climb onto the bed."

Jenna lowered her head and tidied up the sheets, muttering quietly to herself.

"If you can't get it up, me getting on the bed won't do any good."

If climbing onto the bed could make her pregnant, she would definitely go for it. After tonight, shewould take good care of herself for nine months and give birth to the child, which would liberate her.

Rhys heard this and his face turned even darker. He gritted his teeth and wondered how a womancould say such things.

She actually mocked him!

"Yeah, otherwise what?" Jenna looked puzzled. "You're not even gay, and even if you were, yourmom couldn't find you a man to marry."

"Right now, you don't look any different from a man." Rhys glanced at her chest and sarcasticallyremarked.

"If the lights were turned off, I reckon you wouldn't even be able to distinguish your front from yourback!"

"How do you know if you haven't tried? Why don't we give it a try tonight, and if it works out, I canmove out tomorrow," Jenna said as she gestured to turn off the lights.

"You!" Rhys turned his head and stopped arguing with her.

Even if he wanted to try, he would never be with her.

Just then, the sound of a servant knocking on the door came from outside. They had come todeliver some snacks for them.

"Mr. Williams, Miss Stout, neither of you have had dinner tonight. Mrs. Williams is worried about youand sent me to bring some snacks for you to nibble on so that your stomachs won't be too empty."

After the servant left, Jenna took a piece and put it in her mouth, then gave Rhys a piece as well.

"Take it away, I won't eat anything you give me," Rhys refused directly.

But he was very hungry now, his stomach occasionally growled, and the dim sum smelled so good.Especially when he saw Jenna eating piece after piece, he suddenly felt like a fool.

Jenna hadn't eaten dinner, but had some snacks instead. It was only him who was hungry. Rhyssilently picked up a piece of snack and put it in his mouth. It was very sweet. They ate somethingsimple and turned off the bedroom light, with one lying on the bed and the other on the floor.

That night, Rhys tossed and turned for half an hour before he got up to turn on the bedside lamp todeal with some company business.

"Mom, we don't have any money left."

Suddenly, a faint voice came from beside him. He turned his head to look at Jenna curled up into aball; she must have had a nightmare and was talking in her sleep.

"I don't want to study anymore; I'll go out and make money so we can live well... just us as a family."

Jenna dreamed of scenes from her childhood where she huddled in the closet holding her mother'shand while constantly saying that she wanted to work.

For her back then, studying couldn't solve anything; only working could bring in fast money whichcould pay off creditors so they could live peacefully.

Suddenly feeling warm, she snuggled closer next to her mother.

In their room, Rhys covered Jenna with a quilt for her sleeping form while gruffly saying, "If youcatch a cold tomorrow again, it will be my fault? I don't want to be forced into taking you to see adoctor."

He looked at files for half an hour before estimating that dawn would soon break so he closed hiseyes and slept soundly until morning.

When he woke up, Jenna had brought breakfast over by his bed side.

"You were too hungry yesterday evening; breakfast should be light. After eating, we'll go to worktogether by car."

"I'm going out to meet clients today," Rhys directly refused this time around - he wouldn't retreat thistime around no matter what happened!

He thought Jenna would continue persuading him but didn't expect that both she and his mom didn'tnag about it, which confused Rhys.

In the afternoon, reporters surrounded him on his way back to the company.

"Mr. Williams, according to your mother's disclosure, do you plan on having three children? Is yourwife pregnant now?"

"Mr. Williams are you married because of having children?"

"Mr. Williams, can you reveal any information about the bride?" The questions all revolved aroundhaving children, and Rhys instantly understood that it was his mother's doing.

He pushed past the reporters in front of him and walked out quickly.

"No comment!"

Finally squeezing into his office, he checked his phone and unsurprisingly saw that the top trendingtopic was Mrs. Williams accepting an interview, expressing her hope to have three grandchildren infive years.

This was yet another idea she had come up with!

Rhys immediately called her impatiently and asked, "Mom, what do you want me to do? I alreadygot married according to your wishes. Can't you leave me alone?"

This kind of life made him want to abandon everything and escape. He was a living person whodeserved respect.

"As long as you have a child, I won't bother you anymore," Mrs. Williams sighed.

She could tell that there was a chance for them to fall in love with each other, so she wanted topush them further together by forcing this issue again.

She really wanted grandchildren badly.

"If I don't have one and you keep pushing me like this, I'll go out there right now and announce mydivorce!" Rhys couldn't take it anymore; he confronted his mother head-on.novelbin

Accepting this marriage certificate was already his biggest compromise ever made for himself.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Williams paused for a moment before looking disappointedly at him. "Ithought you changed your mind. Turns out everything is just my wishful thinking! Now that we'vetalked it over thoroughly, then from now on I won't bother with anything related to your life!"

The more she thought about it, the more upset she became; she hit her chest in anger.

Rhys would be thirty soon; he wasn't some young man in his early twenties who could play aroundas much as he wanted outside anymore! He had been fooling around for so many years outside –wasn't that enough?

If he refused to get married or have kids now, when would be the right time? Wait until forty or fiftyyears old before having kids?

"This is what you said. From now on, don't push me." Rhys emphasized firmly

"Right! From now on, I won't push anything onto YOU anymore! Do whatever YOU want withoutcoming back here either. Pretend like there's no such thing as ME being YOUR mom!"

Mrs. Williams hung up angrily while clutching her chest, feeling short of breath.

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