Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 932 Hospitalized Due To Anger
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Chapter 932 Hospitalized Due To Anger

Chapter 932 Hospitalized Due to Anger

"Mrs. Williams, are you feeling alright?" The maid noticed something was wrong and hurried over togive her a back massage and help her relax.

Mrs. Williams shook her head. How could she feel okay now? She thought everything was goingwell with her son finally being mature, but then that brat said he wanted a divorce!

"Maybe I shouldn't have interfered from the beginning? It's the 21st century, there are plenty ofpeople who don't get married. Why bother making trouble for myself?" Mrs. Williams spoke sadly,breathing becoming more rapid.

"You're doing this for Mr. Williams' sake, Mrs. Williams," the maid sighed as a mother herselfwanting stability for her children.

"Maybe... go get me some water please? If he insists on getting divorced, then I'll just pretend Inever had a son."

The maid quickly turned to pour water when suddenly she heard a loud thud behind her and turnedaround in shock.

"Mrs. Williams? Mrs. Williams?" The maid called out several times but got no response from Mrs.Williams who seemed unresponsive at all.

She immediately called an ambulance while tremblingly putting fingers under Mrs. Williams' nose tocheck if she is still breathing.

Thankfully there was still breath left in her body, so without wasting any time, she called securityoutside and together they helped carry Mrs. Williams out of the house and into the hospital

emergency room.

Due to the urgent situation, the maid waited outside calling Rhys on phone.

"Mr. Williams, do you have time now? Please come quickly to hospital because..."

"What happened this time? She wants me back home by pretending illness again right?" Rhysimpatiently interrupted before hearing what happened exactly.

"She likes pretending, so let her just pretend happily ever after; don't bother looking for me nexttime." After speaking those words, Rhys hung up without waiting for any reply.

He didn't want to keep backing down anymore. He can't decide whether or not to get married, but atleast he should decide whether or not to have children!

The maid listened to the busy tone on her phone and had no choice but to call again. Before Rhyscould speak, she spoke first, "Mr. Williams, Mrs. Williams really fainted this time and is being treatedat the hospital. I'm not lying to you. You should come over because the hospital wants to see familymembers of patients."

Hearing the maid's tearful tone, Rhys realized that this was not a simple matter.

He rushed to the hospital as quickly as possible and coincidentally met with a doctor who had justcome out of surgery and asked to see family members of patients.

"I am a family member of the patient, that's my mother. What's going on?" Rhys walked directlyover.

The doctor handed him an examination report. "Your mother has heart problems which you shouldknow about? She was saved after emergency treatment just now but from now on she must be

extra careful and cannot get angry easily because if there is another attack, she may not be aslucky as now."

The words were very suggestive but Rhys understood immediately.

He looked at the examination report, feeling deeply powerless.

He planned to stop being bound by his mother from now on, but his mother's heart disease made itimpossible for him to act recklessly.

At most he wanted his mother annoyed so she would stop bothering him but never thought it wouldlead her needing surgery due to angering her so much.

"If she takes good care in the future will her heart disease still occur?" Rhys sighed asking aloud

The doctor shook his head. "If taken care well enough, it may not completely cure itself howeverchances for an attack will greatly decrease . By taking care I mean eating well, drinking plenty waterand maintaining good mood in daily life, and don't let your mom get angry."

"Okay." Rhys agreed with self-deprecating laughter.

He felt like a bird whose wings were tied up; one iron chain untied only meant another oneappeared again.

When the medical staff left, the maid hesitated before approaching Rhys saying, "Mr. Williams, youshould listen more to Mrs. Williams. Heart disease can't be cured. Whether living long or shortdepends entirely upon mood. Besides, Mrs. Williams does everything for your own good. Whatmother doesn't love their child?"

After hearing these words, Rhys became even more irritable .

Of course he knew his mom did everything for him out of love, but he just couldn't accept this kindof method

"I understand. Let's first see how she is doing. Oh, and call Jenna over," Rhys said as he sat downon the nearby chair, hanging his head low. He really didn't know what to do.

Should he compromise or continue to fight?

The maid silently took out her phone and called Jenna, telling her about Mrs. Williams' currentsituation and asking her to come as soon as possible.

When Jenna arrived, Mrs. Williams had just woken up with a breathing tube in her mouth. Herbreathing was still somewhat difficult, and her face had turned pale without any hint of color.

"Mom, what are you doing? Your health is the most important thing; you can't be angry withyourself," Rhys walked over to his mother's side and looked at her weak appearance with a painfulheart.

He always felt guilty because his mother's sudden heart attack was caused by their quarrel.novelbin

"I'm not angry with myself," Mrs. Williams shook her head while noticing Jenna standing behindthem; she reached out for Jenna's hand in a gesture of invitation.

"Your wife was your own choice; I printed so many materials for you to choose from, but now youwant a divorce? Rhys, tell me honestly: are you trying to force me into my grave?"

At first glance, Mrs. Williams did not like Jenna's background at all – she wanted a daughter-in-lawwho came from an honorable family or at least one that had good parents and clean backgroundseven if they weren't wealthy enough for high society standards.

Jenna's family was poor on top of having an addicted gambler father - it would have been shamefulif this information got out since it would reflect poorly on the reputation of the William family itself!

But all that mattered now was finding someone who could make Rhys settle down regardless oftheir background or social status - even if everyone in their families were gamblers themselves!

"Mom, I just don't want children right now! Why do you have to pressure me?" Rhys finallyunderstood what despair felt like when looking at his mother's eyes filled with disbelief.

He couldn't even speak firmly anymore because he feared making his mom angrier than before!

"You're thirty years old! If not now then when will you ever want children? Are you planning on beingchildless forever? Who will take over the William family business then? Your father worked hard forthis!"

Mrs. Williams widened her eyes incredulously while staring at him. Could it be true that he didn'twant kids at all?

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