Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 930 Being Angry
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Chapter 930 Being Angry

Chapter 930 Being Angry

Thinking about Jenna's family background, Rhys suddenly felt like he might have been too harshwith his words earlier. He was forced to marry by his mother, but Jenna was in an even worsesituation than him.

"You can leave the food here. I'll eat when I'm hungry. Go down and have dinner with Mom. Don'tbother me anymore. I really dislike you," Rhys emphasized the last sentence intentionally.novelbin

"I want to eat with you." Jenna shook her head and placed her fork in front of him before sittingdown.

She looked at Rhys without any intention of leaving.

The two of them held their ground for a few minutes until Rhys finally gave up and reluctantly pickedup his plate.

He knew that if he didn't eat, Jenna would definitely stay here forever. It was better to just take a fewbites and get it over with quickly.

Seeing Rhys eating, Jenna began to use her fork as well. She ate quickly, finishing all the food inher plate within seconds.

"You're eating so much! What woman eats this much?" Seeing her empty plate, Rhys couldn't helpbut make a sarcastic comment that hinted at how unwelcome she was in his eyes.

"If we waste this food after all the hard work put into growing it, isn't that shameful?" Jenna lookedat him curiously as she spoke these words.

Ever since she was young, there had never been any leftovers on their table because they alwaysstruggled to have enough food for everyone. This habit persisted even after marrying into theWilliams family; she still refused to waste anything on their table if it could be eaten later.

The two locked eyes momentarily before silently finishing their meals together without sayinganother word about it afterwards.

Jenna collected both plates once they were done eating and left quietly without bothering Rhysagain throughout the entire night.

It wasn't until the next morning when Jenna appeared promptly at Rhys' office dressedprofessionally with a high ponytail hairstyle while studying online courses like usual that he noticedher presence again.

Rhys glanced briefly at her before continuing on with his own work without saying anything untillunchtime approached when Jenna walked over towards him asking, "Do you want us both to gograb lunch together? Should we go out or just head down to cafeteria?"

"I don't want anything; You can eat whatever you'd like," replied Rhys bluntly refusing any offer fromsomeone who clearly wasn't welcome around him

He turned and walked out, intending to starve Jenna.

Since she had said last night that if he didn't eat, she wouldn't either, then starving was the way togo.

If she couldn't resist sneaking food, this would be the perfect opportunity to get rid of her.

For a whole afternoon, Rhys and Jenna faced off against each other without eating.

As quitting time approached, Rhys' stomach embarrassingly growled loudly in the silent office.

His face stiffened with embarrassment.

"Since you're hungry, let's hurry back and tell Mom what you like so she can make it." Jenna putaway her tablet and stood up.

"Who said I'm hungry? I'm not planning on eating tonight. It's you who is hungry. Don't blame me."Rhys looked at her stubbornly refusing to admit defeat.

Jenna was helpless; he was an adult but still acted like a child in these situations. Since he insistedon being stubborn about it, then she would accompany him until the end.

"If you're not hungry, then don't eat anything," Jenna challenged him with determination in her eyesas they headed home together.

Once they arrived home and saw all of the delicious dishes laid out before them, neither onewanted to touch their fork.

"Since you don't want to eat anything, just go upstairs and rest," Mrs. Williams looked at both ofthem disapprovingly, "You two are already married; you should move into one bedroom instead ofsleeping separately."

Before Rhys could refuse his mother's request directly, she ordered a servant beside her, "Bringover Mrs. Williams' bedding! The bed is big enough for two people!"

"Mom!" Rhys protested angrily, "I followed your instructions by getting married but now yourdemands are going too far!"

Suddenly regretting his decision to marry so easily, Rhys felt that his mother was taking advantageof him!

"How am I asking too much? If there's nothing between both of you, even if sharing one room won'tchange anything. What happened? You have no self-control?" Mrs. Williams calmly asked whilelooking at her son who couldn't say a word.

Rhys lips moved but no words came out. Even when drugged before, he hadn't touched Jenna. Sowhy now?

"Since you have self control, then show it to me. I'll give you two years. If you're not willing, then Iwon't force you," Mrs. Williams said while glancing at Jenna.

Jenna instantly understood that Mrs. Williams meant for her to give birth to Rhys' children within twoyears.

"If you can't prove it, then hurry up and have more children while you're young. You don't even haveto take care of them; my body is still strong enough to do so," Mrs. Williams continued.

"I can prove it," Rhys couldn't stand listening anymore and interrupted his mother's words.

The more she talked, the more absurd it became.

If he had a choice, he wouldn't even want to get married, let alone have children.

Mrs. Williams flashed a smile in her eyes but didn't say anything else.

After the two went upstairs, the servant asked with some concern, "Mrs. Williams, Master Rhysseems to really dislike his wife now; isn't this too rushed?"

"It's fine; I've lived for so many years and know people well enough. It's a right decision to haveRhys marry Jenna." Mrs. Williams nodded her head contentedly.

She could tell that both of them were not eating dinner because they were angry with each other.

"If Rhys truly hated Martha as much as he says he does now, then he wouldn't be angry with Jennaeither; give him some time and he will forget about Martha."

She had just stirred things up between them in order to bring them together again.

The servant understood what she meant and specially brought over a couple's quilt set embroideredwith characters - "May you have a baby soon".

"What is this? Don't we have other quilts at home?" Rhys looked at the characters on the quilt andhis face darkened.

"Mr. Williams, this was handmade, and very comfortable when used." The servant explained non-stop beside him.

Both she and Mrs. Williams thought this quilts looked good mainly because its meanings were goodtoo.

"Quickly take it away! Bring back my old quilt! As for Jenna's... if there aren't any normal quilt lefthere, she can go sleep in the study!"

Rhys couldn't bear it anymore, and directly exploded into anger.

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