Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 618 He Longs For Having A Home
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Chapter 618 He Longs For Having A Home

Chapter 618 He Longs for Having a Home

Bianca glanced sideways, and saw Jimmy swallowing his saliva.

She looked at Jimmy with a smile, and said lovingly, "Jimmy, there is still some porridge in the pot, what

should I do?"

"I'll eat it."

Jimmy volunteered to walk towards Bianca, and said with a smile, "Granny Bianca, the porridge you

cook is delicious."

"If it smells good, you can eat more later."

Bianca patted Jimmy's head kindly, and stretched out her hand to lead him to the kitchen.

Martha saw that Bianca took Jimmy away, and she knew that Bianca was leaving room for her and

Rhys to speak.

Bianca brought Martha up, so Bianca knew the latter wanted to express her gratitude to Rhys for taking

care of her child.

Martha showed a gentle smile, feeling warmth flood her heart.

Seeing her smile, Rhys was taken aback for a moment, and then grinned.

"Is porridge so delicious?"

"Bianca's cooking skills are very good, do you want to try it?"

After Martha finished speaking, she scooped up a spoonful of porridge and put it into her mouth.

She hadn't eaten since last night and was already hungry. Fortunately, Bianca's porridge arrived in


Rhys smiled and shook his head, "No, I don't grab food from patients."

"Rhys, thank you for looking after Jimmy."

Martha looked gratefully at Rhys, gripping the spoon in her hand.

If it weren't for Rhys, Jimmy would have been captured by the fake old Mrs. Lucas.

Fortunately, Stefan was smart and arranged this step in advance.

Rhys raised his eyebrows, and a gentle voice came from his thin lips, "Are you going to express your

thanks verbally?"

"The projects between my studio and your company can continue if you want. After all, I still have

confidence in the paintings I draw."

Martha replied with a smile, and continued drinking the porridge.

Using her own paintings to help him open up the foreign market was the only way she thought she

could use to repay him.

And Rhys obviously thought of that too, and nodded seriously.

"It's a good idea to open up foreign markets."

"Sure thing."

Martha nodded proudly.

During those years she was abroad, she relied on painting to support herself and Jimmy.

Moreover, she herself has a certain talent in painting, so her reputation had long been resounding


After chatting for a while, Rhys suddenly asked, "What happened to you in Z Country? Why did you get

hurt so badly?"

Martha paused while holding the spoon, and then gave a concise explanation.

"It's a long story. To put it simply, the one who came back last time is a fake, just a clone."

Rhys was visibly shocked when he heard that, and then couldn't help but sigh.

"I've heard that Z Country is technologically advanced but I never thought they could create clones."

Martha who came back last time was a clone, and he saw that she was really lifelike and alive.

It was a pity that this technology could never come out, otherwise it would cause global chaos.

After secretly thinking in mind, he frowned slightly, "Why did you get so badly hurt?"

"The technology of human cloning is not mature enough. If the clones want to survive, they can only

survive by drinking the blood of the Lucas."

While drinking the porridge, Martha spoke lightly about the reason for being locked up in the basement.

Rhys' eyes darkened, and he unconsciously clenched his fists.

Unexpectedly, Martha would be taken away to supply blood to the clones.

He remembered that Stefan had followed to Z Country, and with Stefan's hot temper, the culprit must

have ended badly.

Although he thought that way, he couldn't help asking.

"What about the culprit behind the scenes?"

Martha was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Rhys was asking the ending of the culprit

behind the scenes.

She looked down at the fragrant pork rib porridge in her hand, and replied indifferently, "They werenovelbin

executed and burned."

Rhys narrowed his eyes slightly, and an evil glint flashed across them.

That was more like what the king of Z Country would do to the culprits.

The existence of clonings is against human ethics. As the king of a country, he must strangle all

potential dangers from their infancy.

After Rhys figured it out, he didn't continue this question anymore, and only told Martha to rest well.

"You are not in good health now; take a good rest at home."

"I know," Martha responded softly, and then a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Don't

worry, Mr. Williams, paintings need time to draw."

"No hurry, your health is more important."

Rhys put on a gentle smile.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded from behind, interrupting their chat.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of her."


Rhys knew it was Stefan, he raised his eyebrows slightly and got up to leave the Doyle Manor.

"I have some business to attend to at my company. I'll be leaving now."

Just as he was about to leave, Stefan suddenly said, "Rhys, thank you this time."

"No need to thank me. Although we're not blood brothers, I consider Jimmy my nephew."

After Rhys said that, he walked straight out of the Doyle Manor.

He thought of Jimmy who was by his side these days, and couldn't help but curve his lips into a smile.

Jimmy was mischievous and adorable. Whenever he was in a bad mood, Jimmy would come over with

a smiling face and ask him if he was hungry.

He had been alone all these years, but he felt the warmth from Jimmy.

Jimmy would stay up all night sitting on the sofa to wait for him, and when he came back, Jimmy would

rush to the kitchen to cook noodles for him.

The feeling of home was something he had never experienced before.

At this thought, Rhys lowered his eyes, envy flashing across his eyes.

He had to admit that he envied Stefan.

Before, he envied Stefan for being the Harrison, and being loved by Martha, and now he even envied

Stefan for having a clever son.

Perhaps, from beginning to end, all he longed for was a home.

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