Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 617 Mommy’S Face Is Red
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Chapter 617 Mommy'S Face Is Red

Chapter 617 Mommy's Face Is Red

After the doctor left, Martha looked up and saw her father's worried expression.

She forced a smile, and said softly, "Dad, Bianca, I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

"You're the apple of our eye. How can we not worry about you?"

Maxwell's heart ached when he saw how his daughter was trying to keep him from worrying.

Bianca took a step forward and asked with concern, "How do you feel now? Are you tired?"

"I'm not very tired, just hungry because I didn't eat breakfast."

As she said that, she rubbed her stomach pitifully, and looked at Bianca with an aggrieved expression.

Bianca patted Martha's hand lovingly, "I'll make you some porridge."

As she said that, she got up and walked towards the kitchen. When she was leaving, she gave Maxwell

a wink to signal him not to ask questions here and let Martha rest more.

Maxwell nodded lightly, suppressed the doubts in his heart, and changed the subject.

"Martha, I've been doing rehabilitation exercises these days and I almost fully recovered now."

"That's good!" Martha smiled happily, her eyes were full of longing for the future.

"Dad, when you feel better, we can go on a trip together as a family."

"Okay then! Dad will work hard for that," Maxwell looked at his daughter with love mixed with pain on

his face.

After chatting for a few more minutes with Martha, he looked sideways at Stefan who was sitting


"Stefan, my subordinate sent me a planning proposal which looks good. Would you come along to my

study room to have a look?"

"OK," Stefan responded lightly, looking sideways at Martha with worry in his eyes.

"Sit here and wait for me; ask Jimmy if you need anything."

"Don't worry, Daddy, I will take good care of Mommy."

Jimmy immediately stepped forward, patted his chest and a made a promise.

Martha found this scene amusing and refuted Stefan.

"I'm at my home, you don't have to worry about me!"

"Well, then I'm off." Stefan whispered, got up and walked towards Maxwell who was waiting.

In the study.

As soon as Stefan closed the door, Maxwell's questioning voice sounded.

"Come on, what's going on? Why is Martha hurt so badly?"

During this period of time, Maxwell had seen all of Stefan's kindness towards Martha.

So he knew Stefan had nothing to do with Martha's injury, but he couldn't help feeling a bit angry with


He had entrusted his beloved daughter to Stefan, but the latter failed to protect her well.

Hearing the anger in his father-in-law's voice, Stefan sighed resignedly, and then began to explain.

"Father-in-law, you must remember Martha's escape from marriage last time?"

Maxwell glanced at him and didn't speak. His eyes clearly said, "continue".

Stefan understood what he meant, paused, and continued, "The reason why Martha ran away from

marriage that time was because my mother-in-law's family came to find her."

"Martha went back to shoulder the responsibilities that her mother should have born."

"Later, I kept looking for her but didn't get any news. Finally, I checked Louis' flight records and foundnovelbin

out that they went to Z Country together."

Maxwell frowned slightly when he heard that, his eyes were full of puzzlement, "Louis?"

"Louis is the son of your wife's sister, Martha's cousin."

Stefan walked over and sat directly opposite Maxwell, before continuing to explain.

"The reason why Martha went back with Louis was because she realized that there was something

hidden about the cause of her mother's death, so she wanted to go back and seek the truth."

"Later, I rused over, and found out the truth together with her. The day before we went back to C

Country, Martha was caught and locked up. Her clone impersonated her to live with me."

As soon as Stefan finished speaking, Maxwell's shocked voice asked, "What? Her clone?"

As the head of the Doyle Group, Maxwell knew that clones were not allowed in this world, so the fact

that the daughter who attended the wedding was a clone shocked him so much.

Since he had been through so much in his life, he easily figured out the whole picture after Stefan's


After he calmed down, his eyes on Stefan grew sharper.

"You mean, the person who married you last time was a clone?"


Stefan responded with a deep voice, and after thinking about it, he opened his mouth to explain.

"Since we came back from Z Country, I've been losing interest in Martha, so I kept a distance from her.

At that time, I didn't find anything wrong with her."

"Later, Jimmy was the first to discover something off with Martha, and after I was more sure about it, I

brought her back to Z Country under the pretext of going on honeymoon."

Maxwell frowned, and clenched his hands, quietly waiting for Stefan's next words.

After Stefan paused for a moment, he continued, "Later, after I went to Z Country, I worked with Louis,

Sam, and Z Country's king to force the mastermind behind the scenes to take action, and finally

rescued Martha."

Maxwell, who was sitting on the chair, listened to his daughter's experience during this time, and felt as

if his heart was grabbed by a big hand, and the pain made him unable to breathe.

He didn't expect that Martha had been bearing so much on her own during this period of time.

After a long time, Maxwell asked, "What happened to her that caused her to lose so much blood?"

"The old Mrs. Lucas of the Lucas family is a clone, and needs to drink the blood of the Lucas in order to

maintain life, so..."

Having said that, Stefan pursed his lips tightly and did not continue.

He felt a dull pain in his heart at the mere thought of Martha's pale face when he saw her in the

basement at that time.

If he had protected her well, she wouldn't have suffered so much.

Maxwell, sitting in front of his desk, heard these words and his pupils shrank. He naturally understood

the meaning behind Stefan's unfinished sentence.

His daughter's blood had been drawn by clones to maintain their life during that period of time.

He would not let the masterminds go; he must make them pay the price.

In the next second, Maxwell's furious voice came from his lips, "Where are those culprits!"

"They were shot and their bodies were burned."

Stefan sullenly told the endings of the fake old Mrs. Lucas and fake Martha, feeling the punishment

was too light for them.

After Maxwell heard that, he felt the same way.

He was angry from the bottom of his heart, but he had nowhere to vent it, and he blamed himself more.

As Martha's father, he didn't notice anything unusual, and...

In the living room, after Maxwell and Stefan left, Melissa got up and went to Martha, hugging the latter.

"Martha, it's all my fault. I didn't discover your abnormality earlier. If I discovered it earlier, maybe you..."

"It's not your fault."

Martha hugged Melissa back and comforted her gently.

"She is a fake me. It's natural taht she will avoid contact with you, so as not to show her flaws and be

exposed. That's all in the past. Now I'm sitting here, in front of you, safe and sound!"

"Yes." Melissa responded in a muffled voice, and unconsciously tightened her arms holding Melissa.

She secretly made up her mind that she must spend more time cooking some nourishing soup for

Martha in the near future.

She wanted to help Martha replenish nutrient, and made the latter look radiant again.

Just when Martha was about to say something, Melissa's cell phone in her pocket suddenly rang


Melissa scowled, took out her phone and saw the caller ID on the phone at a glance.

She looked sideways at Martha and shook her phone, "My editor is calling."

After saying that, Melissa answered directly the phone.

After hanging up the phone, she reached out and pulled Martha's hand, saying apologetically, "Martha,

the editor urged me to go back and talk about the contract, but..."

"I'm fine, you go ahead, and take care of work."

Martha showed a slight smile at her best friend, urging the latter to go about her own affairs.

After hesitating for a while, Melissa said helplessly, "Okay, then I'll go first, and I'll see you at night."

"Hmm." Martha responded softly, winking slyly at her best friend.

In her opinion, these people were just worried about nothing.

Since Melissa had something to do, Melissa wouldn't focus on her all day along, which was a relief for


Melissa naturally read Martha's thoughts, smiled mockingly, and reached out to rub the latter's hair.

"Stop overthinking it, I'll come here to stay with you during the period, I already knew what you were


With that said, Melissa got up, picked up her bag, and waved to Martha.

"I'm leaving first, you should pay attention to rest."

Eden, who had just received the medicine prescribed by the doctor, saw his girlfriend leave, ran

towards the kitchen and put the medicine on the table.

"This is the medicine prescribed by the doctor. Take it according to the prescription. I need to send


After Eden finished speaking, before Martha could answer, he had ran out.

Seeing him like that, Martha unconsciously raised a smile.

Sure enough, no matter how calm and dull a person was, as long as he fell in love, he would become


Stefan suddenly appeared in her mind, and her pretty face immediately turned red.

Jimmy, who had been sitting obediently next to his mommy, suddenly saw his mommy blushing, and

his small brows furrowed accordingly.

He stood up on the sofa, and worriedly put his soft hand on Mommy's forehead, wanting to see if

Mommy had a fever to cause her face to be so red.

Martha felt the softness of his hand, slowly regained her senses, and looked at Jimmy suspiciously.

"What's wrong?"

"I saw that your face was very red, so I wanted to see if you had a fever."

After he finished speaking, he put his hand on his forehead in a serious manner, and compared the two

to see if his own temperature was similar to that of Mommy.

Martha froze for a moment, then directly hugged Jimmy into her arms.

"I'm fine. Jimmy, don't worry."

At this moment, Bianca walked over from the kitchen carrying a bowl of pork rib porridge.

"When I knew you were coming back in the morning, I cooked it for you. Eat some."

"Okay, thanks, Bianca."

Martha took the porridge handed over by Bianca with a smile, smelling the familiar smell, with mixed

feelings in her heart.

She almost couldn't come back anymore.

But luckily, she was back.

Her family members were all there, and she would live happily ever after.

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