Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 619 I Don’T Want To Take Bitter Medicine
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Chapter 619 I Don'T Want To Take Bitter Medicine

Chapter 619 I Don't Want to Take Bitter Medicine

At noon, everyone happily sat at the dining table to enjoy lunch.

Maxwell hid the distressed look in his eyes, picked up the common tableware and picked up a piece of

ribs for Martha, "Martha, the food Bianca cooks is delicious; eat more."

"Dad, you eat too."

Martha saw the distress in her father's eyes, and knew that Stefan must have told her father everything

that happened during this time.

It was just that her father didn't talk to her about that, so she just pretended not to know.novelbin

While the two were talking, Bianca got up and served Martha a bowl of rib soup, and put it in front of


"I've been stewing this pork rib soup for a long time. You can try it quickly to see if it's delicious."

"Thank you, Bianca."

Martha glanced at Bianca gratefully, then drank the soup without any hesitation.

When Jimmy saw Bianca serving soup to his mommy, he quickly pushed out his bowl.

"Granny Bianca, and Jimmy, Jimmy wants soup too."

"Okay, okay."

Bianca smiled and picked up Jimmy's bowl, and filled another bowl of soup for Jimmy.

At this moment, Maxwell suddenly got up and brought back a bottle of red wine, and put it in front of


"Stefan, join me for a drink."

"All right."

Sitting next to Martha, Stefan responded gently. He uncorked the bottle and poured the wine smoothly.

Martha finished her pork rib soup, and when she was about to eat more, she was stopped by Stefan.

"The doctor says you can't overeat."

"I'll just eat a little more."

Martha frowned slightly, staring at Stefan with displeasure.

Stefan wasn't bothered at all; he just stroked her hair lovingly.

"Good girl, if you want to eat, let Bianca cook something else on tonight."

"But I..."

Just when Martha opened her mouth to retort, Jimmy who was sitting on the side suddenly said,

"Mummy, Jimmy has prepared a gift for you."

"What gift?"

Martha turned to look at Jimmy in doubt, her eyes full of anticipation.

No woman could be impassive when they heard their children had prepared gifts for them.

Stefan, who was sitting next to her, was immediately diverted, and his eyes turned and finally fell on his


He saw Jimmy also looking at him with a proud face.

Stefan smiled faintly, and felt complacent.

Well, his son was indeed smart.

"Mommy, the gift is in my room, shall we go and see it together?"

With that said, Jimmy got up swiftly, stood at the door of the dining room and stretched out his little

hand, waiting for Martha to come over.

Martha's eyes lit up, and she immediately got up and went over.

Just as the mother and son were about to leave the dining room, Bianca's voice came from behind,

"Jimmy hasn't finished his meal..."

Before Bianca finished speaking, Jimmy turned his head and showed a big smile to Bianca.

"Granny Bianca, I just drank a bowl of porridge not long ago, and now I have eaten so much, I am full."

When Martha heard that, she echoed, "Bianca, children have small stomachs, so they can't eat a lot at


She was anxious just now, and didn't consider that they were still eating.

But thinking that Jimmy had just had porridge with her and eaten some food, it was completely enough

for him.

Bianca could only smile and say, "All right, go to have some small talk."

"Bianca, we're leaving."

Then the mother and son walked towards Jimmy's room together.

In the room, after closing the door, Martha looked at her son curiously.

"Jimmy, where's the present you prepared for me?"

A proud smile appeared on Jimmy's mouth, with his hands behind his back, he slowly walked towards

the drawing board on the balcony covered by a white cloth.

When he walked to the side of the white cloth, his hand grasped a corner of the white cloth, and he

looked at his mother seriously.

"Mommy, are you ready?"

"Yes," Martha responded softly, looking at Jimmy lovingly.

When Jimmy found out that the previous Martha was a fake, he must have been very worried about


Now her return must have reassured Jimmy a lot.

"Surprise!" Shouting, Jimmy reached out and pulled off the white cloth vigorously.

The white cloth fell to the ground, and what Martha saw was a painting that she had never imagined.

The woman in the painting was wearing a white wedding dress, with a happy smile on her lips, but a bit

of sadness in her eyes. She looked noble and elegant.

At that time, she was taken by Stefan to try on this wedding dress, and then she was forced to go to Z

Country to assume the responsibility of her mother, so she escaped marriage.

But she didn't expect that Jimmy would draw her in that wedding dress.

Martha's eyes turned red, and she was filled with emotion.

In a blink of an eye, she and Stefan had gone through so many things again.

Fortunately, after they'd been through so many twists and turns, he was still by her side.

Jimmy, who was standing next to the painting, waited for a long time, but still didn't hear his mommy's


He looked a little sad and asked nervously, "Mommy, is my painting so awful?"

"No, your drawing is very beautiful, and I like this gift very much."

Martha took a step forward and hugged Jimmy in her arms, "Thank you, Jimmy."

"You're welcome."

A happy smile bloomed on Jimmy's face, and the sadness in his heart just now disappeared.

When fake Martha came back last time, he could feel that that woman was not Mommy.

But Daddy didn't believe him at that time, and he was very worried about what to do next.

Fortunately, Daddy also discovered that woman was a fake.

Later, it was Daddy who asked Eden to take him to Rhys' house, and he knew Daddy did so to protect


And he believed that his mommy would definitely come back.

So during his stay at Rhys' house, he kept himself busy.

He acted cute to make Rhys get the surveillance footage of Mommy trying on the wedding dress, then

watched the footage repeatedly, and finally screenshot one of the most beautiful pictures of Mommy for


After Martha hugged Jimmy for a while, she couldn't help asking, "How did you know what I looked like

in this dress?"

"Uncle Rhys helps me."

Jimmy smiled slyly at Martha, his eyes glistening.

Martha patted Jimmy's head, and said in a gentle voice, "Our Jimmy is so smart."

"Of course."

Jimmy proudly raised his head, and then reached out to hold Mommy's hand.

"Mommy is also very smart."

Martha, who was squatting in front of Jimmy, twitched her mouth when she heard this, and both mother

and son had happy smiles on their faces.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

"Knock knock knock."

Both Martha and Jimmy turned their heads to look at the door, and it was Jimmy who said, "Come in."

As the door of the room was opened, an unpleasant smell of medicine wafted through the air.

Stefan walked in from the door with a bowl of medicine, and saw the frowns on Martha's and Jimmy's


He said seriously, "Martha, it's time to take your medicine."

"I don't want to take it."

Martha frowned, pinched her nose with her hand, and looked at the medicine with disgust.

Stefan took a step forward and coaxed her patiently, "Honey, it's just one bowl of medicine. Just close

your eyes to gulp it down."

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