Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 480 Could It Be That This Engagement Is Taken Seriously?
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Chapter 480 Could It Be That This Engagement Is Taken Seriously?

Chapter 480 Could it be that this engagement is taken seriously?

As soon as her words came out, everyone present was once again stunned in place.

Didn't Elsie leave Z Country many years ago, why was it said that Gage killed her?

Was there another truth to everything that happened back then?

Just when everyone was puzzled, Martha complained in a cold voice-

"She is your own sister. Why did you kill her so cruelly? Isn't it enough for you to kill her? Why do you

still want me to die?"

Hearing this, Gage narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Martha with a dark look in his eyes.

Now he had been betrayed by his family, there was nothing to care about or be afraid of!

He suddenly sneered, looked at Martha and said sinisterly, "Because your mother deserves to die!"

"It was she who got in my way. I am the eldest son of the Lucas family and your mother's eldest

brother. But according to the rules of the Lucas family, only the eldest daughter can be the heir."

"Why can't all this be mine?"

When Gage said this, his deep eyes became full of unwillingness, and his voice became more


"I am the eldest son of the Lucas family, how can I not be as good as her? Why can't I be the head of

the Lucas family, but give up this position to your mother!"

"Your mother doesn't understand anything! Let alone having such great power over the Lucas Family,

she would probably destroy it entirely!"

"And the damn family rules of the Lucas family, isn't it because your mother was born different?

Otherwise, how could she become the heir of the Lucas family!"

Martha was very angry when she heard those first few sentences, but when Gage finished his speech

off by saying that last sentence, she was left dazed.

Was it because her mother was different that she became the heir?

What made her mother different?

Martha frowned slightly, "What makes my mother different?"

Gage gave Martha a meaningful look, then laughed out loud-

"So what if she's different from us, she's still dead!"

"Even though she got so much, she ended up drowning! This shows that God is fair, and there is a

price to pay for the difference!"

Martha's hand at her side was clenched tightly, the long nails digging deep into the palm.novelbin

Her eyes were red, she stared at Gage, her voice was cold and heartless-

No one like you, with a heart as venomous as a snake's, should ever become the head of the Lucas


Gage was startled suddenly, his eyelids drooped, and a wry smile unconsciously appeared on the

corner of his lips.

It's not his, it's not his.

It was never meant to be his.

He thought that when Elsie died, he would become the heir to the Lucas family. Over these years, he

had been in control of everything within the Lucas family but still lacked that title.

Later on, he thought that when Martha died, then the Lucas family would truly be his.

But... it was all for naught in the end.

The atmosphere at this moment became tense. After a moment of silence Ducasse, broke it by

speaking up,

"I hereby declare that Gage is guilty of murdering the future queen and sentence him to lifelong exile


Gage stood nearby being suppressed but didn't say anything upon hearing this news - there was no

point in saying anything, now that things had come to this point.

King Ducasse paused for a moment before continuing, "Andrew is guilty of violating the future queen

and will receive castration on an appointed day."

As soon as King Ducasse finished speaking, Andrew fell onto his knees, trembling with fear.

Soon enough, Andrew's wailing cries echoed throughout the hall, "Your Majesty! I know I have done

wrong! Please give me another chance! I shouldn't have had evil thoughts towards Martha! Please

spare me just once!"

"Shut up! Take him away!"

King Ducasse's face was sullen, and he looked at the guard standing beside him with gloomy eyes.

After receiving the order from the king, the personal guard immediately waved to his subordinates, and

soon Andrew was dragged out of the Lucas family's hall.

When Andrew was dragged out, he was still howling-

"I don't want to receive castration. Mother, save me; save me!"

After Cecilia heard her son's cry for help, her legs got weak and she almost fell to the ground. The maid

standing beside her reached out to support her.

As for the maids who were raped by Andrew in the past, after seeing Andrew was really dragged out,

their eyes were slightly red, and they all thanked King Ducasse for his trial, which made Andrew, a

devil, be punished!

There were even some among them who looked tearfully towards Martha, expressing gratitude

repeatedly. After the hall had quieted down again, King Ducasse turned his gaze to Daisy. She was

standing behind Cecilia, quietly sobbing.

During Cecilia's argument with Eve, Daisy had managed to break free from the guards and sought

refuge behind her own mother.

King Ducasse narrowed his eyes and felt a strong desire to sentence Daisy to death right then and

there. However, it wasn't a proper time and her charges weren't clear enough.

After weighing his options carefully in his mind, he said, "Daisy is not skilled in her craft; she will be

deprived of freedom and cannot take even half a step out of the Rowland family's residence. She is

also forbidden from using any incense; if caught doing so, she will be severely punished!"

In this way, a big farce ended completely.

Later on, Cecilia left with her daughter while the servants of the Lucas family began to leave slowly.

The old Mrs. Lucas sat in her wheelchair with tears streaming down her face after seeing Gage being

taken away by King Ducasse's personal guards.

In the end, her son and daughter couldn't escape their fate of turning against each other.

As old Mrs. Lucas closed her eyes in pain, Eve noticed how emotional she was getting and stepped

forward to comfort her mother.

"Mother, it's over now."

After so many years, she finally sought justice for her sister.

The old Mrs. Lucas closed her eyes, unable to speak, but shed tears...


On the other side, after the people in the hall dispersed, Martha turned around and looked gratefully at

King Ducasse standing beside her.

"Thank you, King Ducasse. If it weren't for you, the plan would not have gone so smoothly."

Had it not been for King Ducasse's cooperation, Gage would not have been arrested so quickly.

Martha appreciated what he did because without him, who killed her mother would not be punished.

King Ducasse gave Martha a meaningful smile before leaving, "No need for thanks, my queen." He

whispered softly into Martha's ear before departing.

When Martha heard this, she frowned slightly and her eyes darkened.

Could this king really take their engagement seriously?

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