Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 479 Why Did You Kill My Mother?
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Chapter 479 Why Did You Kill My Mother?

Chapter 479 Why did you kill my mother?

He was the eldest son of the Lucas family and had been in the officialdom for many years, so he

naturally understood what Cecilia meant.

Although Gage was unwilling deep down, those two children were still his flesh and blood. He couldn't

bear to have them executed along with him.

He lowered his eyes, pursed his lips tightly into a line, and didn't speak.

Martha, who was standing not far away, immediately understood what Cecilia wanted to do after

hearing what she said.

There was only one reason for Cecilia to do this - to save her children from trouble.

Sure enough, the next second, Cecilia's decisive voice resounded in the hall-

"Lady Martha, may I ask what crime King Ducasse just said Gage committed?"

Before Martha could answer, King Ducasse's voice came, "Assassinating the future princess is an

unforgivable crime and deserves the death penalty."

As soon as King Ducasse finished speaking, Cecilia spit out reasonable words from her red lips-

"His Lordship is absolutely right; what Gage did by assassinating the future queen cannot be forgiven.

However, now that I have cut ties with him, my two children will return to my maiden family."novelbin

"Since it was a mistake made by outsiders, it shouldn't involve people from my Rowland family, right?"

The Lucas siblings who were controlled heard this, and could tell that their mother was protecting them

and wanted to save them.

Now they could only push all blame onto their father if they wanted any chance of escaping punishment


After realizing this point, Daisy reacted first by turning against her father, "Your majesty, everything is

my father's fault! It has nothing to do with me! Please be lenient towards me!"

Andrew standing next followed suit, echoing Daisy's words- "That's right! It's all my father's fault! He

planned on assassinating Martha without us knowing anything about it or even about the black-clothed


"Your majesty, please see how we are unaware of everything going on here? Please spare us just

once?" Andrew finished speaking, which caused Gage's face to darken further with anger as he glared

at his children before exploding in rage. "You ungrateful children! If it weren't for you, would I have done

those things? And now that something has happened, you all push the blame onto me."

"How did I raise two useless things like you?"

"I shouldn't have protected you when you went after Martha. You two are ungrateful wolves in sheep's


The more he scolded them, the angrier he became. He even wanted to rush over and teach these

unfilial children a lesson, but unfortunately he was held back by King Ducasse's guards and couldn't

move at all.

After a while, he could only sigh painfully, "When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter away!"

Countess Eve naturally knew what kind of people the Rowland family were.

She understood that if Andrew and Daisy were not punished now for their crimes against Martha, they

would use even more vicious means to deal with her in the future.

Rather than that outcome, it was better to teach Daisy and Andrew a lesson once and for all.

Eve's eyes darkened, and she looked at King Ducasse who was standing in the center, and said, "Your

majesty, whether it is Daisy or Andrew who plotted against our future queen with drugs or violated her-

both should be punishable by death!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Cecilia began to argue-

"But there is no concrete evidence of my son violating her; at most he had improper intentions towards

Martha. According to Z Country's law, this does not warrant death."

Then she added, "As for Daisy, what she did is not what you said at all. Daisy has always regarded

Martha as her close relative, so how could she do such a thing to Martha?"

"I don't think she used the aphrodisiac incense on purpose."

"It must be because Daisy just learned how to make incense recently but wasn't very skilled yet, which

led to an accident where Martha accidentally got affected by aphrodisiac incense."

Daisy nodded quickly when she heard this, and cried in agreement-

"Yes, yes! It was my lack of skill which caused me to make a mistake with making incense which led

Martha getting affected."

"Martha," cried out Daisy tearfully while looking at her friend lying on hospital bed,"you don't know how

worried I've been about you since finding out about your hospitalization but I didn't dare visit because I

thought you might blame me."

Everyone present knew that Daisy was trying hard to defend herself through deceitful words.

When King Ducasse heard Daisy's sophistry, and was about to refute her when Martha spoke up.

"King Ducasse, don't offend the Rowland family for me, there is no need for that."

Martha said, standing by his side. Her voice was not very loud, so not many people heard her.

She couldn't control others, but all she wanted was for the killer of her mother to be punished. Besides,

she didn't want to owe King Ducasse too much.

After speaking these words, Martha ignored the Lucas siblings who had been staring at her all along.

She walked up to Gage who had been restrained and coldly asked him,

"Gage, why did you kill my mother?"

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