Get Me Married

Chapter 65
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Returning home


Looking out the window, I watched as the sun rose and our car passed the buildings and houses thatmade the city. We were back in the familiar serene, quiet trail that led to the beautiful mansion ofJordan Chase. Yes, you heard me, I was officially going back to Jordan and it didn’t leave a goodfeeling inside of me.

After Jordan’s words the previous day, my father had asked him to leave, he wanted to speak to me. Itwas hard, but he left reluctantly and I had breathed a sigh of relief after.

I turned to my father and he once again pulled me into a hug. I settled in them, for it was the protectionI needed, it was exactly what I needed at that point and I was really happy that they were there. Thewarmth of his embrace reminded me that I had someone who loved me, someone who would shieldme, someone who would do anything for me. I was still his daughter, his baby girl and if he could takeaway all my pain, he would. My father.

“Come on princess, let’s go home,” he said and I pulled away from him. I stared up at him and hesimply smiled at me, a smile that spoke a lot. I wanted to go home with them, and I didn’t care if it wasthe old place we were before the Chases came into our lives. I didn’t care what home he was talkingabout but I was ready to leave with him and just be with my family.

“No…” I replied sadly.

“Wait…what? Why?” My mother pulled my arm so I could look at her.

“If I follow you home, the reporters would follow me too. I don’t want your lives to be destroyed bythem” I answered.

“We don’t care about that, your friends might want the reporters out of their hair too” my dad put in. Isighed for a while and turned to Tiana and Tiffany who were at a corner. They needed a break and Ishould give them that, but call it selfish, I rather they than my family.

“We want them out of our hair truly” Tiffany blurted out and I looked away from them ashamed of myselfand the chaos I brought with me.

“But your daughter is more like a sister to us sir. If staying here is the best for her, we won’t mind that”she added.

My father turned to me, sadness was written all over his eyes and it broke my heart to see that look hehad. It’s been such a long time I saw that look with him. The look of helplessness and pain.

“Are you sure about this?” He asked.

“Connor….?”my mother didn’t approve.

“Don’t Abigail…” He interrupted her.

“She knows what she wants” I smiled at him and turned to my mother.

“I am sure. You don’t have to be worried about me”

With that said, they settled down and I pleaded with Tiana to help bring Ava. I was sure she wasworried about me as well, my mother had also told me how worried she was and it wasn’t bad that Isaw her. When Tiana left, Tiffany went about dinner and I got to seat and speak with my parents for along time.

“You should have told us that you were being maltreated in that house Genesis. How long were youplanning to keep this away from us?” Mother scolded.

“I wasn’t being maltreated ma,” I lied, not knowing why I was still covering up for Jordan.

“Don’t dare lie to me. I saw that other woman and the way she spoke and carried herself proved a lot”she raised her voice and I turned to her.

“You saw the other woman?” I asked, confused.

“We went over to your house with Jordan and saw her. And I am too sure that we wouldn’t have knownif we didn’t go ourselves,” she explained and my heart dropped. I was protecting them so badly, I didn’twant them knowing about it, but what could I have done.

“Genesis.” My father called out and placed his hands on my chin.

“He was here, he was pleading for a second chance, do you want to…”

“No, dad,” I snapped even before he completed what it is he had to say.

“I am never going back to him, not now, not ever” 1 added with rage.

“It’s fine, we simply want to know what you want. We had forced you into doing something you didn’twant and it had yielded a bad result already. We do not want to repeat the same mistake we havemade” he said and I simply gave him a nod

“What are we going to do about Liam Chase then?” My mother asked and my attention turned to her.

“Liam Chase…?” I asked, wondering why she was bringing him up.

“The man is scary and he had come over to the house. He warned us to speak to you or regret everjoking with his name or reputation” she answered. Rage filled my heart immediately and anger followedwhat I felt, how dare he? How could he threaten my parents? They did him no wrong? It wasdespicable and he was making me hate him even more but with my anger came fear as well.novelbin

“You shouldn’t have told her that” Mr father interjected and I shook my head.

“What are we going to do now then?” She asked him.

“Anything mom but I am not going to return to Jordan. He is despicable, he is a cheater, a manipulator,he has no respect for me and would not just change his ways so easily. I am not going back” I hadmade up my mind.

“But what about second chances then?” I heard my sister’s voice from the door and turned to it. Avawas standing there, dressed so beautifully with a backpack behind her back and Tiana beside her.

“Ava….” I called out and she came running to me immediately. I wrapped my hands around her,remembering it was just a few days ago she had left my house.

“Do you want to leave Jordan? Why? He is a good person is he not?” She pulled away.

“No, he is not, you don’t know him as much as I do. You don’t know what I have been through neitherdo you know what he has done” I snapped at her.

“Blue eyes, you would not know that because you haven’t given him a chance ye.”

“What is she talking about dad? I have given him a chance, that’s why we got married” I yelled angrily,turning to my father.

“That was under terrible circumstances. He had thought you to be a bad person has he not?” Sheasked and my eyes widened.

“You are not giving him enough sister. Remember that in all this, he saved my life, brought me back tolife, and gave me all the happiness in the world. He changed our lives, don’t forget that” she cried. Ididn’t realize when she became a fan of Jordan but it was slightly annoying. Still, 1 sat and remainedquiet.

“Your marriage is just a few months, a few months. None of you are even trying to make it work” sheadded. I sighed heavily at her words, my sister was getting too smart.

“Ava…” I called out more calmly.

“Jordan is in love with another woman, nothing would work, ever” I added sadly and pulled her by herarm so she could come close to me.

“That woman. I have seen her, but that’s not the point. Things change and he is willing to take you backisn’t he? If he didn’t want this marriage, he would have used this as an opportunity to marry the womanhe loved, but no…he feels remorse” she said adamantly and I gaped at her, wondering how she knewall this.

“Tiana told me everything. And I feel that you should go back. This might just be your chance at ahappy ending. I don’t want you to have an unhappy marriage because you didn’t try to,” she · startedsobbing again.

Well, here we were, in a car going back to Jordan. I realized most people needed a second chance,Ava made me realize that. And if he was willing to go to such length, I should just try my best as well.Truly, I didn’t want to end with such memories, a failed marriage, an unhappy ending. It might probablysound stupid, but that was it.

I snapped out of my thought the moment the car rode into the beautiful compound and the memories ofthe first time I was there came hitting me hard.

It was the same day I had seen my husband kissing another woman. I pushed the thought away frommy mind and stared out into the compound. It was still so early in the morning but the

guards were awake and always working. A guard came forward and opened the door, and I took adeep breath wishing that I was not making a terrible mistake with the decision I had made.

Reluctantly, I stepped down from the car and turned to the house. Guards came to an immediate haltand bowed to me. Then, I took a deep breath and walked into the house while mentally slapping myselffor returning.

I stepped into the house, it was quiet, too quiet and the familiar feeling that came with the housereturned to me.

“Ma’am…” Someone suddenly screamed and I turned in the direction of it. Anna came running towardsme excited and I couldn’t help but smile. She ran towards me and shrieked, but she stopped herselffrom hugging me. Her excitement made me feel happy and wanted, it was a nice feeling to know that atleast someone missed me. I pulled her into a hug, knowing she was too scared to hug me and sherelaxed into my arms.

“The madam is back” she yelled the moment she pulled away from me and slowly maids startedcoming out from where they had all been hiding. Soon I was gathered by maids, lots of them, and theyall seemed excited to see me.

“We thought you would never return,” someone said from among them.

“I told you she was too tough to just leave that way. She is a fighter and his legal wife, she couldn’t justleave and now, you see that I am right” another replied.

“Our boss deserves someone better than that wretch, I wish ……” Another was speaking and suddenlystopped talking. I noticed how it suddenly went quiet and they all had a different look. Then I sawMargaret steal a glance at the stairs and I did the same. That was when I saw Samantha, she wasglaring at me from where she stood and Jordan came out from behind her. The maids started movingaway immediately and Jordan came running down faster than I have ever seen him. He was alwayswalking so regally, I never knew he could even run.

He ran down and I thought he was going to bump into me but he didn’t and stopped in front of me. Hiseyes filled with excitement and his lips on a thin line. The moment he stood in front of me, my heartskipped and I took a step backward.

“You came?” He said with a smile.

“When is she leaving?” I asked instead, turning my gaze to Samantha. He followed my gaze as well.

“Right now” he replied.

“Well, let’s see that happen” I added and folded my hands across my chest. He turned away from meimmediately and with the same speed, he used in coming down he went back to Samantha. He saidsome things to her and tried holding her arms, but she pulled it away from his reach and slapped himhard on his face. Then she walked away.

He stood there and stared at her back, his body tensed and I could tell from afar that he was affected.He loved the bitch after all,

It didn’t take long but Samantha came dragging a box behind her and some bags she held in her

hand. She pushed Jordan aside and walked past him and my heart dropped. I almost pitied him. Amaid immediately ran to her and took her bags and I chuckled. I remembered the maid to be the oneshe had slapped the first time I was at the house. Samantha had refused to give her the bag at first butdid after a long run and she gladly took it.

When Samantha came down, her look was that of anger, her veins were popping out of her skin and Icouldn’t help but smirk at her. She glared at me like she wanted me to drop dead but I smiledvictoriously. She walked up to me and stopped. Her eyes were red and bloodshot, she lookeddevastated and disheveled and her angry look made it worse.

Jordan immediately came running down from the stairs like he was scared that something was going tohappen.

“Sam…” He called out the moment he stood beside the both of us but she didn’t turn to him. She wasstill glaring hard at me.

“You think you have won” she blurted out between gritted teeth.

“Get out of my matrimonial home bitch” I fired at her and walked out, up the stairs and to the left-wing

I went back to the room that used to be mine and lay on the bed. My heart rejoiced at what justhappened but my mind warned me to be smart and carefu). I remained there for a while, lost inthoughts and the quietness of my room. Soon enough, someone knocked on my door and Margaretcame walking in. She was smiling from ear to ear and I couldn’t help but smile back at her and got upfrom where I laid.

“Thank you for returning,” she said to me. But before I could give her a reply, another knock came onmy door. She turned to the door and opened it. She lowered her gaze immediately and I knew who itwas already. She turned to me and back to the door, then she side stepped and left and Jordan camewalking in.

I stared at him with irritation, my mind travelling back to what he did against me but he said nothing, heonly just stared at me and he did that for a long time.

“Why are you here Jordan?” I asked irritated, breaking the silence. He looked away for a brief secondand cleared his throat.

“I just wanted to say that I am sorry again”

“And thank you for coming back. You don’t know what this means to me, I…”

“I didn’t come for you Jordan” I interrupted him before he could continue with his blabbing.

“I only came because my sister wanted me to. And as you are aware of, I will do anything for them andthat means tolerating you” I added


“I am not done speaking Jordan” I snapped, interrupting him.

“I am here alone for my sister. We have absolutely nothing in common except for bloggers and

national tv. I will perform my duties as your trophy wife just as it was planned out from the beginningand that would be all. I will appreciate it if you stay away from, stay 50feet away if possible. If you seeme, disappear Jordan, remain in your part of the house and I will remain in mine, or I will be leaving thishouse never to return.” I added fiercely, throwing back most of the words he had told me the first day Istepped into the house. His eyes widened and a frown appeared on his face, then confusion followed.

“Genesis….. He called out lowly.

“Leave already, your sight disgusts me as it is” I yelled. He refused to leave as I wanted but only staredat me.

“Trophy wife or not, I would make up for everything, I would take away your rage and anger. I alreadytook a big leap in my relationship with Samantha, don’t think I would give up on you. Remember thefirst Jordan you spoke to on phone, he will be back”

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