Get Me Married

Chapter 64
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Final decision


The mansion suddenly had this empty, void feeling to it. And the maids who were always running toand fro from Genesis room to the kitchen and back to her room were no longer in sight like I didn’t haveone staff inside the house. It was quiet like no one else was in the house and I never realized that thesudden silence had left a terrible feeling in my troubled heart.

“Margaret….” I yelled uncomfortable at the way things were. I never realized how I had gotten used toseeing the staff with her in the kitchen or the dining. I was used to knowing she was in that housewhenever I see staff going to her room because they liked her and for a strange reason, like to bearound the woman I wedded. Unlike Samantha, who they always ran away from. I never realized thatthe atmosphere would change so much in her absence.

“Margaret…” I yelled again but this time, I turned to the stairs.

“Margaret…” I called out again when it seemed like no one would come out from anywhere anymore.

“Yes sir…” Her voice suddenly came from down the stairs and I stopped in my tracks and turned to her.

“You called me sir?” She asked and I gave her a nod.novelbin

“Where have you been? And where is everybody?” I asked dryly, not having a reason as to why I hadcalled her.

“I’m sorry sir, I was at the back with the others” she replied. I said nothing to that. I honestly shouldhave known that it would be that way, after their jobs, they all go to their rooms or gather aroundsomewhere, a place where they can gossip. I looked away from her and turned to take my leave but Istopped.

“Where is Samantha…?” I turned back to her and she frowned.

“The masters bedroom,” she replied and with that, I turned back to where I was heading to. When I gotto the top of the stairs, I stopped and turned to the left-wing. The hallway was empty and clean like noone had ever inhabited it before and my heart ached. I looked away and turned to the right-wing andremembered how many times I had always looked to that part of my house. Those days I hated her,those days I wondered how she was doing after her kidnap, those days I felt so guilty when I found outthat I’had misjudged her, I always had my eyes at that part of the house and I always felt different withher around. I just didn’t realize that till now.

With a heavy heart, I walked over to my room and opened the door. I just wanted to bath and sleep thenight away. But I found out it was dark inside and all the lights had been turned off. A single candlelightwas in front of me and it gave out a dim light.

“Samantha…” I called out and looked around the room and noticed that there was another candlelightjust a little bit further to the bed, then another and another and it continued. I groaned knowing thatSamantha was behind the candlelight and something told me that she had something up her sleeves.And honestly, I was in no mood for that. But still, I followed the trail she left behind by the candlelightand I noticed the door leading the balcony was open. I

suppressed a groan, she knew how much I preferred it to be close but I continued anyway and cameout into the balcony where there was a dim light and the night sky helped, accompanied by the lightthat surrounded the house.

And Samantha came to view. She was sitting leg-crossed on a table with a wine glass in her hands.

“Hello, darling….” She called out and came down from the table she had sat on. Then I saw that therewas a two-seat at both sides of the table and on top of it were flowers, a bottle of wine, a glass, andsome dishes.

Samantha smiled widely at me and I must say she was looking really beautiful, with her hair packedinto a ponytail and a maroon-colored night robe she wore. It extended to below her knees but shelooked beautiful nonetheless.

The exhaustion I felt earlier disappeared and I couldn’t help but smile back at her as she walked towhere I stood and wrapped her hands around my neck.

“What are we celebrating?” I asked. She smiled seductively and placed a kiss on my lips.

“Nothing really, we have just been having a lot of tension between us and I have missed you andthought I should make up for it” she replied. I raised my brow at her because I was not expecting her tosay that but I decided to just let il me.

“Come on, let’s have dinner. Something tells me you have not eaten the whole day and I madepreparations” she pulled me to the table. I took off my jacket and she took it from me and went backinto the room. When she returned, she opened the dish in front of me. My stomach rumbled at thesight, she was right when she said I had not eaten neither did I feel hungry but seeing something sobeautiful and appetizing made me want to eat. Glazed salmon and spiced carrot had never lookedbetter. I picked up a fork and a knife even before she laid out the dish in front of me. She chuckled atmy actions.

When she was done dishing out her food, I allowed her the curtsey to take her seat before I dived intomy food. And it tasted as heavenly as I imagined. For a moment there, I forgot about my entire day andjust enjoyed the beautiful moment I had with the beautiful woman I had in my life. It wasn’t anopportunity I would get so often by the way.

When we were done with dinner, I allowed the evening breeze to wash away all the thoughts I had andrelaxed, for just a moment, I didn’t want to think about anything else, just for a moment, I didn’t want myhead to feel like it would explode.

Samantha stood up from where she sat and came to where I was with a wine glass in her hand. Iadjusted and allowed her to sit down on my legs as she intended to, then I wrapped my hands aroundher waist. We both said nothing to each other for a while and just remained in the peaceful place wewere when Samantha breathed heavily.

“This is so nice,” she said.

“Hmmm…” I simply mumbled.

“I can’t remember the last time we were this way but I am sure we will be having more of this” shecontinued. Those words made something strike my heart immediately and the remainder of the day’sepisode came crashing down. She took a sip from her glass and moan, then she dropped

the glass on the table and turned to me. She smiled widely and wrapped her hands around my neck.

“I know I have done a lot of things this past few days that were strange,” she said and lowered her gazethat they were unable to meet mine.

“I was just tired and frustrated, I didn’t know how to act or react. But I am here now” she breathedheavily and looked at me. Tears clouded her eyes and it ate my heart. I placed my hands on hercheeks hating that look of pain, even when I knew she was at the wrong and shouldn’t be let off withjust an apology.

“I will make things work again, I promise. You don’t need anyone else and you won’t” she continuedand I smiled sadly knowing she was wrong.

“Sam….” I called out, feeling that it was time to let her in on my plans.

“I have loved you for a very long time and I still love you and will always” I started, not sure of how Iwould start.

“And I love you Jordan, I love you too much” she replied. Something soared in my heart at thatconfirmation and it gave me hope, something to hold on to, something that would keep me going till Ihad done everything right again.

I stared at her, feeling the love I had for her spreading all over me. Her red rosy lips came to view and Ifound myself wanting a taste of her and just like she knew, she leaned in and gave me a light kiss onmy lips and pulled away. But with my hands on the back of her head, I pulled her back to me andcrashed my lips against hers. Her lips tasted like sweet wine and I wanted more of that taste. With mytongue, I parted her lips and gave myself more access to her. Then I took her upper lips and suckled onthem. Her hands slowly started rubbing on my body. My neck, my shoulders, my chest. Her hands-onbody teased my skin and I found myself wanting more. I pulled her closer, then I moved my hands fromher waist to her upper body and the fabric told me she was wearing nothing underneath. That feelingmade me hard and I grabbed her breast. A muffled moan escaped her mouth And I groaned inresponse.

She pulled away from me and smiled while she tried catching her breath and I smiled as well.

“This night is the beginning of something new Jordan” she whispered seductively and got up fromwhere she sat, on my legs. Images of Genesis came to my mind immediately and her blue eyes werestaring at me accusingly. A frown appeared on my face and I immediately lost the mood I was in at thatreminder. Samantha held my hand and pulled me to get up but I shook my head at her.

“Sam…” I called out feeling the need to tell her what she needed to know.

“Come on, I have something for you” she urged. I stared at her and knew that she was not going tostop, till I was up. I sighed and got up and gave in to her. She smiled widely at me and turned aroundso she would have her back to me, then she slowly started walking into the house and pulled me alongwith her.

As she walked into the dark room, I noticed that it was still dark with just a few candle lights on.Samantha pushed me down on the bed and made me seat and that was when I noticed the flowerpetals that were all over the place and even on the bed. She went all out.

She came closer and took off the rope that had her robe together, then she sat on my legs, straddlingme. I was right when I said she was wearing nothing underneath, she wasn’t and her breast wasvisible. And the feel of her bare body against my legs was getting me hard again. But that wasn’t myproblem neither was it what I was thinking of at that moment.

“Sam….” I called out.

“Feel me….” She answered seductively and placed my hands at her butt cheeks. I shut my eyes at thefeel of them, Samantha always had a way to make me lose my mind and she was doing exactly that.Before I could open my eyes, she kissed me lightly at first, but I didn’t reciprocate, but she continued topush herself closer to me. She kissed me and grinded herself against my body. Her soft breastpressing against my chest was all I needed but that wasn’t important to me. I had told her before I leftthe house that I would be bringing Genesis back and that was my aim.

I pushed the urge to kiss her passionately and grab her ass as tightly away from me and pushed heraway. With my hands on her waist, I guided her to sit on the bed and watch the angry and confusedlook that descended on her.


“What is wrong with you?” She asked almost yelling. I sighed heavily and stared at her in the face.

“I am bringing Genesis back” I finally spilled.

“And when she returns, you will be leaving this house”

Silence followed and anger followed, her face had turned red with anger and she was just like a timebomb I was waiting for explode.

“You are joking right?” She laughed. I wished I was, but I wasn’t.

“No, I am serious Sam. You will have to leave” I repeated. She said nothing but she got up from whereshe sat and started pacing to and fro while pulling at her ponytail and making it come lose.

“It would be for just a while, Sam. I can get you somewhere else to stay and find a way out so we canget married” I said but she said nothing and kept pacing to and fro with her hands running all over herhair like she had gone mad.

I got up from where I sat and took her hands so she would listen but she pushed me away heavily that Ihad fallen heavily on the bed.

“After all I did, after everything you fucking bastard” she yelled.

“You choose her over me, you choose to be with her than being with me right?”

“Sam, I didn’t. This is just temporary” I yelled back and got up from the bed where I had fallen.

“Temporarily? Well, I can’t watch you do this to me Jordan. I have done too much for you to throw meaway like this. It’s going to be either her or me and if you choose her, then you will have to lose meforever”

My heart skipped at those words and the thought of losing her made cold run down my spine.

But I expected Samantha to understand since she had caused most of what happened. I expected herto listen and understand and not be so damn selfish about everything.

“Do what you wish Sam, my decision has been made” I replied her with a heavy heart.

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