Get Me Married

Chapter 66
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 66

Chapter 66: A good husband


I heard noises in my room and quickly opened my eyes. I wasn’t so deep in sleep and I spent the wholenight rolling over and stressing over the decision I made. I wasn’t so sure I did the right thing and Ididn’t want to end up regretting it. Coming back to Jordan was never a good idea from the start and thedreadful feeling in my stomach made my uneasiness worse.

I thought about it for so long till I decided to relax. I had made my decision, I had done what I had to do,thinking or worrying about what the future held for me wasn’t going to change anything at all. So Idecided to let it all go and fortunately, that was the exact moment I felt like sleeping

I looked around my room to be sure of the noises I heard when I saw Margaret and Anna and realizedit was morning already. I relaxed at the sight of them and took a deep breath.

“Good morning ma” they both chorused and I smiled. It was so nice seeing them being so happy overmy return.

“Hope you slept well?” I asked. A yawn escaped my mouth and I stretched at the same time.

“Now that you are back, everything would be fine,” Anna said beaming at herself. I sighed and wishedthat what they said was the truth. Everything had to be perfect, everything had to work out fine or Iwould end up regretting my decision.

I said nothing and watched them arrange my clothes in my wardrobe before Anna brought out myphone. The one I left behind.

“It has been ringing for some time” she explained and handed it over to me. I took it from her while Imentally scolded myself. I was sure my parents had called and so would Tiana or Tiffany.

I went through the phone and found I had a lot of calls, calls I missed and just as I expected, my dadhad called a lot and so did Tiffany. I was about to give one of them a call when my phone rang. MomLeona was calling and I couldn’t help but sigh at the name.

“Mom Leona…” I called out.

“Oh! My baby girl. I am so glad to know you are back home” she said with enthusiasm.

“Jordan told me you returned yesterday. It’s such a relief to know you are going to work things out. Iknow it was hard and I am sorry for everything that happened. He learned his lessons and that bitch isalso out of the house.” She continued.

“I can sense something good. He will finally be rid of that woman’s intoxication and it’s all because ofyou. You don’t realize how happy……”

“Mom Leona…” I interrupted, tired of hearing her speak about her son.

“I am sorry to say this but I didn’t return because of your son neither did I come to correct the wrongshe did against me”


“Each time I think about this mess of a marriage I am in right now, I can’t help but blame you. You putme in this mess and your husband, threatened my parents because of all this….”

“My husband did what?” She yelled.

“He threatened my parents…” I repeated.

“But it’s fine. I have come to accept that this is my life and I will do well being a trophy wife” I addedlastly and she went quiet. It might probably be unfair to her that I was reminding her of the wrong she

did against me, but I also had all right to do that. She ruined my life and took away my happiness inexchange for money and I was a fool to have given in that way.

“I never knew Liam could do something like that. How could he?” She yelled angrily then it went quiet,when I heard her voice again, I heard a loud sigh.

“And I am very sorry for what I did” she added sadly and I sighed.

“It’s alright mom Leona, I am back in his mansion and it’s settled already,” I said dryly.

The conversation went down from there, I was in no mood to speak to her or anyone else andespecially not about Jordan.

After I ended the conversation, I put a call to my mom and we spoke for a while. I was also able to talkto my father and Ava before we ended the conversation, then I called Tiana and was able to talk toTiffany. When I was done with them, I turned to the bathroom, I had to clean myself up while Margaretand Anna fixed something for me to wear. I was in the bathroom and I heard a lot of their giggling andarguments and it was fun. Maids always did that around me.

After taking my bath, I turned off the shower and that was when I noticed that their giggling had dieddown completely. I shrugged and thought nothing about it, so I went ahead to dry my hair and clean mybody. But I needed someone to help me dry my hair for the most part so I called out to Anna. I got noresponse from her though but I called her name again and still, no one gave me a response.

“Margaret….” I called out and just like the previous, I heard no reply back. I quickly wrapped a towelaround me and turned to the entrance of my bathroom just to see if they left. They had never left myroom that way, at least Margaret makes sure I no longer need anything before she leaves if she had to.

I opened the door and came out only to stop in my tracks when my eyes fell on Jordan. He looked alldressed up and formal with a blue suit.

“Good morning…” He said with a smile. I glared at him in response, I didn’t understand what he wouldbe doing in my room so early in the morning.

“What do you want?” I snapped and he frowned but he quickly washed it away.

“Nothing, I just wanted to inform you that breakfast is ready” he replied calmly. I scoffed and walkedpast him mirror stand and I sat down. And picked up the drier. I decided to dry my hair myselfsince he sent the maids away. He said nothing and just watched me. No matter how

angry I was, his gaze on me made me feel conscious of the towel I had wrapped around my chest.

“Can you leave already?” I snapped, uneasily.

“I will, but will you come down for breakfast?” He asked unaffected by my anger.

“Calling me for breakfast is the job of the maids is it not?” I asked and dropped the drier since myhands were getting tired.

“And I am doing it because I want to” he replied.novelbin

“Well I don’t need you to, can you just leave already, your sight disgusts me” I added angrily.Something flashed in his eyes, I could see his reflection from the mirror. But he lowered his gaze sadly.I smiled inwardly, hopefully, that was exactly what he needed to hear to leave.

I picked up the hair drier again and turned it on. Then I noticed he lifted his gaze and smiled at me. Istared at him warily, Jordan wasn’t the type to smile so much and he was beginning to do it more oftenthan some and it didn’t seat well with me.

He walked closer to my bed and sat down with his hands relaxing on his thighs. Then he turned to meand simply stared at me. His actions were simply getting me angrier and I wanted to yell at him or

scream even but something told me not to. I dried up my hair and tried my best to ignore Jordan as hiseyes remained on me. It was uncomfortable and irritating but I remained calm and focused on what Iwas doing till my hair was completely dried up. My hand ached a lot that I had to stretch it a little. ThenI got oil and creams and applied them to my hair. I gave my scalp a little massage as well and combedmy hair. Then I turned to Jordan, it was time for me to apply lotion and he had to leave.

“Leave…” I simply said.

“You still didn’t give me an answer,” he said dryly and I scoffed. My hands balled into a fist immediately,he was pushing me. Why was he so suddenly acting like a caring husband?

“No… I won’t join you for breakfast, you can do that with Samantha. Now please leave” I said betweengritted teeth. He shook his head at me and got up from where he sat. I smiled at that, at least he couldlisten.

But he walked over to my bathroom door. The smile on my face disappeared when I saw him take outthe keys from the back of the door and lock the door, he took out the keys again and placed them in hispocket then he turned to the entrance of my room and went over to the door. Just as he did with thebathroom door, he locked the door and took out the keys as well.

“What are you doing?” I yelled at him, getting up from where I had sat. He turned to me but he saidnothing. Instead, he walked over to the bed and sat down.

“I won’t be leaving till you tell me you will come downstairs to eat with me” he replied with that sameunaffected tone. I chuckled darkly, it was funny to see him say such rubbish but he didn’t laugh.

“What are you saying? Will you please leave” I yelled with wide eyes.

“No, I won’t. It’s either you get dressed in front of me or you agree for us to have breakfast

together” he replied. My eyes widened even more and I wanted to believe he was just joking. But hesat back and lied down on the bed unconcerned. Then I realized he was not joking.

I glared at him for a longer time, then I turned to my mirror and stared at myself. I was completelynaked with him in such an enclosed space. Through the mirror, I stared at his reflection and noticed hiseyes were closed. I picked my lotion and poured a little amount into my palm. With my both hands Irubbed it all over my palm and was about to apply it on my arm when I noticed Jordan sit up. He startedstaring at me intently like he was intentionally trying to make me uncomfortable. And it was workingvery well. I could not apply any lotion on my body when he was staring at me that way neither could Ieven attempt to dress up in front of him.

I groaned when I realized he was going to win and glared at him even harder.

“Leave, I will have breakfast with you,” I said defeated. He smiled victoriously and got up from where hesat. He turned to the door, opened it, look out the keys, and turned to me.

“I will be outside your door waiting…” He grinned while raising the keys so I could see he was still withit.

“What are you doing?” I yelled at him.

“I am being a husband, a good husband and I won’t stop” he yelled back.

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