Get Me Married

Chapter 57
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Leaving the chase mansion


Tears came running down my cheeks and I didn’t even realize it till I had to wipe my cheeks. Beingthere was breaking every fiber I had and destroying everything I had thought I had one by one. Irealized that I only had myself, no one else cared about me, none loved me, neither was anyone trulyconcerned. I was on my own without a true friend in that house. I still didn’t understand how my life tooksuch a drastic turn. From Genesis who was loved by her friends and family and even Nate to Genesiswho was married to a man who didn’t care about me but that of his mistress. Jordan didn’t only cheat,he had lied and deceived me, he had played me and hurt me so deeply.

To think I was going to help him see Samantha for who she truly was, I had forgiven all the terriblethings he did to me like they were nothing and had tolerated all he had been doing because I wanted tobe strong for my parents and Ava and myself. But I couldn’t take it all, how can I live in such a placethat was void of love or empathy. A place where I would be treated worse than I have ever been treatedin my life.

1 packed the little I could, just a few clothes, and picked up my bag. I turned to the door and pulled mybox along without even changing from my nighties. Angrily, I stormed out of my room and down thestairs and headed for the entrance of the house.

“Genesis…” I heard Jordan’s voice calling out to me but I didn’t look away, neither did I look back. Ikept walking when strong hands held my arm and pulled me. I bumped into Jordan but I pushed him offwith so much strength, he had almost hit the ground, then I turned to the door.

“What are you doing?” He asked and tried holding me again, but I shrugged away and pushed myselfaway from him.

“Genesis…” He held my box

“What are you doing? You can’t leave” he added and I turned him with hard eyes.

“What do you think I am doing?” I asked him while glaring hard at him.

“I am leaving your house, I am leaving your life” I added and pulled my box away from him. But he heldit again and made me turn to him.

“You can’t do that”

“This is what you wanted. You and Samantha wanted me away and far from your life. I was so stupid tonot have listened and just leave. Remain happy with your criminal of a girlfriend” I yelled and pushedhim. Then I turned to the door and walked away.

Guards patrolling the house were shocked to see me outside and undressed but I didn’t care.

“Genesis…we can talk about all this” I heard Jordan calling out and trailing behind me but I turned tomy driver.

“Get me out of here”

He turned the car immediately and opened the door so I could place my bags in before he ran to thedriver’s end of the car. I lifted my box so I could place it inside when Jordan held it and pulled it awayfrom me.

“You are not listening” he yelled and that only made me glare at him.

“What do you want to say oh great Jordan?” I snapped with venom laced in my voice.

“I love Samantha… I love her so much, I don’t care that she kidnapped my wife and almost had thugstake away my Virginity like a commodity in the market” I yelled and his eyes suddenly widened at me.

“You love her, don’t you? I am setting you free from this drama of a marriage” I added and attempted totake my box from him but he pulled it out of my reach.

“What would you have me do. I love her and you know that, how do you expect that I send her to jail?”He asked with a lesser lower tone and I smirked at his courage to defend himself and the bad they haddone to me.

“You have already done all you want to. Just let me go” I said somewhat exhausted and hurt. But hestill refused to give me back my bag. I decided to let him do what he wanted with the bag and got intothe car.

“Drive…” I ordered the driver that was in a car waiting for me but Jordan was already at the door of thedriver’s seat. He banged his hands against the car.

“Don’t move an inch” he ordered him.novelbin

“I said you should go” I yelled at them too.

“Don’t…” Jordan warned him and that got him scared. Jordan was his boss after all and if he says heshould stay, he will.

“Genesis… open the door, we can talk about all this” Jordan started hitting at the door of the car,pleading for me to open up. I glared at the driver and came down just as he wanted.

“Can we go inside? The staffs are all staring” he rushed in on me. I glared at him again, he cared moreabout what the staff thought than what I was truly feeling. But what exactly was I expecting. I was atrophy wife.

I walked past him without hesitation and turned in the direction of the gate. If I couldn’t use the car, Icould as well walk. All I knew was that I didn’t want to be in the same place as him. He called out to me

countless times, he called out so many times, he held my arm too and tried to stop me. But I didn’twant to listen, I always pushed past him, always.

The walk to the gate wasn’t so far away as I thought it would be, I was walking fast and angry.Fortunately, it was open and I just walked out before he could order the guards to lock the gate.

I was out in the street, it was quiet and the only thing I could hear was Jordan’s voice as he called outto me and the loud thuds of my fast-beating heart. I had no idea of where I was going, my aim was justfar away as possible.

“Genesis please….” Jordan pulled me by my arm and made me turn to him again. Then he held myother arm and stared down at me with his chest rising heavily and falling too.

“I did wrong…I know I did” he said lowly, his voice was boarse and his words were coming short.

“This is stupid, what I did was stupid” he continued and ran his hands down my arms while I simplysiarcd at him knowing that no matter what he said or did, I was sull going to leave that nigh?

“I know you don’t deserve any of this, no you don’t. But don’t leave like this, it’s late, you areunderdressed and unguarded and….” He paused and took a deep breath.

“You are my wife, let’s talk about this” he added.

A few days ago, those words would probably have moved me. I would have listened to him and have alittle hope that we could live out our lives together for at least five years in nothing but peace, care, andconcern. His heart belonged to someone else and I didn’t plan to take it away cven. But that was daysago. Days I didn’t know Jordan wasn’t an upright man, days I didn’t know he could deceive me the wayhe did, those were days I didn’t know he was never really concerned about me.

“Let’s go home, please,” he said and I scoffed at those words. The tone of his voice was like a caringhusband, a husband who could love me. But I knew better.

“Home?” I asked, my tone was lower and less angry.

“Yes…” He replied and I laughed.

“You made my life a living hell when I first came to that house. Jordan you hurt me at every turn” Iyelled. He looked away and let go of my arms as those words had stung him.

“Then I was kidnapped. How can you call that my home when your mistress and you had joined handstogether to make me go crazy”

“It’s your home, you and Samantha can leave in it and enjoy your lives together but I am leaving, “I saidlastly and just then a cab came around and I quickly stopped it.


My head seemed to have gone hot in seconds and it was beginning to hurt. I could feel my sweatdripping out of my body and the cloth I wore seemed to be suffocating me. In my anxiety, anger, andannoyance, I tore it. Breaking the buttons and setting myself free from the feeling of suffocation I felt asI headed back home.

“Find her and follow her, keep her safe from everyone and everything and reporters included, I saw onetaking a picture” I ordered no one in particular. So many guards were around me, any of them could dowhat I was asking.

I didn’t know what to do, she refused to come with me, I even tried stopping the cab but she was benton running me over and at that point, I knew she wouldn’t change her mind and I had to let her leave.

I couldn’t say I didn’t understand why she did what she did. She had all the right to walk away after allshe had been through. I just felt so disappointed and angry at myself. That look in her eyes, she hatedme, she doubted me, she was hurt and I had deceived her.

That thought made me groan and kick at the air. What was I supposed to do?

“Jordan….” I heard the voice of the woman I wanted to protect but didn’t turn around. Samantha wasthe last person I wanted to see, she was the root of my problem and all that was happening to me. Iturned to the car next to me and placed my head on it in frustration.

“Don’t be like this, this is what we wanted from the beginning” Samantha said while resting her handson my shoulders.

“Come on, the staff is watching, let’s go upstairs” she added without single remorse in her tone. It irkedme and angered me that I turned to her and glared at her.

“Don’t you have any conscience?” I asked her and her eyes widened.

“How can you ask that? Of course, I do” she replied dryly.

“And you are not worried that she left and did that so late at night and without guards” I snapped. Shewidened her eyes at me and opened her mouth to speak but no words came out for a while.

“She is a grown-up lady and would be fine. And I don’t have to feel sorry for her to begin with. Haveyou forgotten how she manipulated you and got married to you? She deserves a lot worse and youshouldn’t feel sorry. See this as a good thing” she replied and came closer to me seductively. Then shewrapped her hands around my shoulder and placed a light kiss on my lips. When she pulled away,there was a smile on her face.

I pulled her hands away from my shoulders and turned to the door, with mixed feelings.

“Jordan…” She called out to me.

“You are treating me this way because of her. Would you rather I leave than her?” She yelled out and Istopped and turned to her.

“Yes” came my prompt reply.

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