Get Me Married

Chapter 56
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 56

Chapter 56: Enough of it all

“What did I just do?” I questioned myself, annoyed at myself.

“What was I thinking lying to her like that?” I sighed heavily and looked up at her from where Ii sat atthe dinning table, her eyes met mine with nothing but suspicion written all over her, and just like I hadbeen doing for days, I looked away.

There was something about those blue eyes of hers, they looked so pure, it expressed her deepestemotions. If you look closely enough, you would know what she feels while looking at those eyes ofhers, and just like they mirror her feelings, it feels like they also pierce into the soul of whoever she isstaring at.

For over some days, guilt had been the only thing eating me up. I found out my girlfriend had indeedkidnapped her as she had been saying all along and I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to sendSamantha to jail, and I also wanted justice for Genesis. But my incompetence to decide what to do as aman had made me feel too guilty to even go close to her. I remember those times I didn’t believe athing she said against Samantha, I even hurt her those times and it turned out that she was saying thetruth. Everything she had ever said turned out to be the truth. Then when I think about Ava’s revelation,things just got worse and the thought of how I had treated her made me feel like I was an animal.

Jordan Chase, every woman’s desire. I had never hurt any woman the way I hurt her at every givenopportunity I got because I thought her to be a liar, a gold digger, and a manipulator whereas she wasnot. So far she had proven to be none of those things. I knew I needed to apologize, but what would anapology do at that moment. It would neither take back all the things I said and did to her. I was slowlylosing it with so much guilt and the only reason why I was still sane enough was that I had avoided herlike she was a disease. I would check on her from the guards and the maids and most times I wouldwatch her from afar. But I never ever went close, I was too scared, too guilty to go an inch close to her.

But that fateful evening I had to talk to her myself since she was not eating. I was worried that she wasin pain or thoughts. I was just worried that I had to go to her myself with my conscience eating me upfrom deep within. Then the guard had informed us about the inspector. My heart skipped when Ithought about Samantha. I was scared they found out the truth and had come for her but it turned outthat they didn’t. In as much as I was happy and relieved, I was also sad and angry because Genesiswas sad, she wanted justice alone and it seemed like we were ganging up against her.

Those words just came out of my mouth. I had no idea that I would have lied to her because of thiscase, but I did it just to protect Samantha from her wrath. Once again, I was adding mistakes uponmyself and topping more guilt upon myself.

I could not even look at her when I knew I had become a culprit to her criminal case by lying to her theway I did. I felt ashamed of myself but what was I supposed to do? Who in his right mind would sendhis lover to jail?

The food didn’t taste so good anymore. Nothing tasted good for me and the way she stared at me. Thesuspicion she had in her eyes made it all the more uncomfortable.

“I’m done here” I found myself saying and getting up from where I stood.

“But you didn’t even touch your food” Genesis entered and I looked at my plate. She was right, I didn’ttouch my food.

“I am exhausted. I will just go freshen up in my room” I said quickly and without sparing her a glance, Ileft.

I wore my night robe and sat on the bed. My thoughts were on what happened earlier. Once again,Samantha was walking out freely like she was never in the picture. I had no idea how she was doing it,but she was always escaping and it was making me exhausted. She did wrong and needed to bepunished. I went through so much in the hands of those men and the one who she planted in our

house, I went through too much for her to just walk freely, like nothing happened. She might come backfor me, she might have a better punishment, I was not safe with her in my house. vet no one wasseeing that. Even the law got tired of the case.

I groaned loudly when I thought of what the inspector said. It made me angry all over again but just atthe same time, my thoughts had traveled to Jordan and the suspicious attitude he had been displayinglately. I felt like something was wrong and it all had to do with my case. And at the same time, I wishedhe wasn’t lying to me. I hoped he wasn’t. I wanted him to be free from any accusations and wouldn’twant to hate him as much as I hated his girlfriend if it turned out that my suspicion was correct.

He could have easily lied to me. He could be covering up for Samantha. Or he could be themastermind after all or he might be telling me the truth. Whatever the truth was, I just needed to

find out and get Samantha out of my way and out of my life for good

Thinking about it so much made me feel so uneasy and restless. I had to pick up my phone and callone person, the only one who knew him just to ease the stress in my mind.

“Mom Leona” I called out hastily the moment she picked up the phone.

“Genesis… is everything alright?” She asked and I sighed.

“I don’t know what to do. I need help and directions” I expressed my frustrations. Then she went aheadto ask me what was wrong. I explained all that had been happening especially when it came to Jordanand settled at the time he told me Samantha wasn’t a part of all that happened.

“I know he is your son and you know him way better than I do”

“I just want to know, is he an upright person? Does he know how to be a just man or is he lying to me?Because he is acting really strange” I asked. After so much of my talking. Mom Leona sighed heavily

and remained quiet for a while.

“In as much as I want to help you, you have to figure this out yourself. I can’t sugarcoat who my son is.He is your husband, this is your home. Talk to him” was the only thing she said after her long silence.

The call yielded nothing and simply made my uneasiness worse. I couldn’t sleep with so many thoughtsgoing through my mind. So I got up from where I sat and walked out of my room with

no particular destination in mind. It wasn’t so late into the nights, you could see maids and guardsrunning around to settle some things before they would retire to bed. I was standing at the top of thestairs and staring at them and everything else I could fix my mind on when my eyes traveled to theright-wing. All the days I had been in that house, I have been so scared of crossing to the part of thehouse, and even when my fear of Jordan disappeared, I had kept my distance just to avoid troublecoming my way. Not until Ava came to the house and I had run to her with fear that Jordan might behurting her.

Remembering that, I realized that I had not thanked Jordan yet for surprising me the way he did. Withthat, I decided to go and see him with the excuse of wanting to show my gratitude when I knew Iwanted answers to my questions.

The right-wing was still as beautiful and very quiet and cool like it felt the presence of Jordan’ssomewhat frightening aura. I was close to his studies when I heard noises coming from that room. Itwas a manly voice and I knew it was him so I decided to stop by. The door was slightly open and Icould see through to know he had his back to me and was speaking with someone over the phone. Iwas about to push the door wide open when my ears caught his words.


“I don’t need you doing that anymore. Stop the investigation, stop the search, stop everything” thosewords made me hold on, and even when I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, something told me Ineeded to hear what he was saying.

“Let’s say I know the culprit. I found out who the mastermind behind her kidnap is” he said into thephone and went mute while my heart raced. For a while, he said niothing else, not a word.

“I am not willing to let Sam go to jail for a stupid mistake she made. I will sort it out, just let everythinggo”

My heart dropped at those words. They struck like a knife to my chest because I was just beginning toknow him and trust him. I felt betrayed, he was acting like he wanted justice for me, he said that hewanted justice for me and even swore to me that Samantha wasn’t the one behind everything.Whereas, it was all a lie and he was just covering up for her.

He lied to me and that hurts. But with that pain came anger, rage, and annoyance. I found myselffolding my fist when he dropped the phone and turned around. His eyes widened when he saw


“Genesis….” He called out and walked towards me. Then he opened the door wider and stood in frontof me while I glared at him. Just like all those times he had been lying, he couldn’t look at me even ashe tried formulating words to speak.

“I am….”


My hands landed on his cheeks and my body shook miserably. I said nothing to him, I had nothing tosay to him. I only turned around and walked back to my room. Then I brought out my box and started

packing my things.

I was done.

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