Get Me Married

Chapter 58
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 58

Chapter 58: Chaos arose


“She left, mom,” I said into the phone with a heavy heart. I didn’t know what else to do nor did I knowwhere I was supposed to begin from. My heart was filled with worry and anxiety, I could no longer thinkstraight. I knew it was my fault, it was all my fault, I had lied to her, I had cheated her of the justice shetruly deserved, I had acted like I shouldn’t and I had thrown my uprightness away without a secondthought because I wanted to save Samantha and correct the mistake she had made.

“What do you mean by she left?” The sleepy tone my mom started with disappeared almostimmediately and panic replaced it. I sighed heavily and ran my hands through my hair in agitation.

“Genesis left the house,” I said calmly knowing she wouldn’t understand what I was saying if I just keepblurting out things. I have never been so messed up or worried.

“What do you mean by she left the house?” She yelled.

“She found out everything and found out that I knew. She was so angry, she left” I said with painedfeelings inside my chest.

It was strange, she was the same woman I wanted out of my house and out of my life a few weeks ago.I would have done almost anything to send her away, but I didn’t because she was married to me withor without chasing her away, and my mother would have killed me for sending her.

Then my dad would have blabbed about how I destroyed his name and image. But now that she hadleft, I felt terrible and wanted her back.

“Ain’t you a fool, Jordan?” My mom suddenly said in a calmer tone.

“I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t let Sam go to prison for such a mistake”I expressed vividly.

“Well….y’all made your choices, live with it,” my mom said dryly and unaffected. She was sayingsomething entirely different. Something I didn’t want to hear or listen to especially because I knew shecould change everything.

“Is that the only thing you have to say?” I questioned her.

“What else do you want me to say Jordan?”

“She is your daughter-in-law, shouldn’t you tell her to return home” I snapped feeling like she wasenjoying what was happening to me.

“And she is your wife ” she entered immediately and I went quiet knowing she was my right, it was myfault, it was and I needed to sort it out myself.

“But tell me, weeks ago you didn’t want her anywhere close to you, what changed?” She added. Isighed heavily and thought of that question for a long time before I gave her an answer.

“I got go know her and found out she deserves better”


I stirred and open my eyes. The day looked bright, I could see the sun ray piercing into the room and itwas a beautiful sight. But when I looked around, the familiar surrounding

a, the familiar surrounding of my apartment with Tiffany and Tiana reminded me that I was no longer inmy matrimonial home. It made me sad and waves of sadness flooded through me before I got up andwent to the bathroom.

When I came out, I thought of just falling on the bed and sleeping some more. At least when I amasleep, I wouldn’t think of what happened the previous night. That expectation was cut short whenTiana came walking in with a tray of food that I presumed was my breakfast.novelbin

“Good morning,” she said and dropped the tray at a desk beside my bed.

“Good morning” I replied and tried to sound as cheerful as she was. But my voice and expressionbetrayed me. Uncomfortably, I sat down on the bed and waited for her to throw me the multi millionairequestion, “what happened?”

But she said nothing, instead, she brought the tray of food to me and placed it on my legs.

“Eat” she ordered like nothing was happening. At first, I was reluctant and had no appetite for it butwhen I tasted it, I became hungry and the entire food had gone down my stomach before I knew it.

Tiana smiled when I was done and took the tray from me, she walked out the door, and when shereturned Tiffany was with her.

“You can’t believe the amount of…..”

“Shhh” Tiana shushed what she was about to say and I raised my brows at them. When Tiffany tooknotice of me, she smiled and hopped towards the bed.

“And finally, you woke up”

“What happened?” She asked the question they had both wanted to ask along really quickly.

Last night, I simply didn’t know where to go or who to go to and my parent’s house was out of thepicture so I came here. Fortunately, they were at home and Tiana was the one to open the door, shewas more mature and didn’t say a word to me. She simply stared at me and how I looked tounderstand that something was wrong. Before she pulled me into a hug and pulled me into the house.

Tears I didn’t know I was holding back came running out of my eyes for what. seemed like hours beforeI slept off. And so, I was not able to give them an explanation then.

“Well… Jordan turned out to be a prick, worse than I thought” I started with a sad smile. Before I gavethem the story of all that had been happening and what exactly drove me out of the house.

By the time I was done, they simply stared at me, speechless.

“I can’t believe he could stoop so low,” Tiana said lowly.

“His girlfriend is more important than his wife?” Tiffany entered and I smiled bitterly.

“That point has been well established before now and honestly I got to think a little. If I was in his

shoes, I would have probably wanted to save the one I loved too” I said and swallowed the lump in mythroat. Those words were bitter and hard to say, it meant that I understood Jordan and what he wasfaced with. How could I be so considerate at that moment?

“But he lied to me in my face. He was just going to keep leading me on when he knew all along that thecriminal, his girlfriend would never be caught and even if she was, he would be there to save her” I saidand felt tears burn the back of my eyes. I had placed high hopes on Jordan without realizing it, I hadtrusted him so much without knowing and I was receiving the bitter end of it all. And I was also jealousof Samantha, she had him so bad, he would do anything to protect her, and yet he was called myhusband. It reminded me of Nate and how we were.

“I can’t believe I left Nate for a man who would never love me just like him,” I said and wiped the tearsfrom my eyes. I needed to be strong for myself if not for anything


“I am fine,” I said to Tiffany. They pilied me, I understood that but I didn’t want that. It was just amarriage, after all, one filled with manipulations and lies, 1 shouldn’t have expected belter.

It was quiet for a while, and none of us said a word, I had nothing more to say and they simply stared atme with sympathy. Then someone’s phone started ringing, it wasn’? mine, I was sure because I had noidea where mine was. The phone rang for a while and no one picked it, it made me look up, then I sawTiana, she was saying something to Tifanny with her eyes, and their gesture simply meant that theydidn’t want me to know.

“What is it?” I asked and they jerked and turned to me. Then they turned to each other and the look intheir eyes told me all I needed to know.

“What is it?” I asked again.

“Tell her” Tifanny entered.

“Why should I be the one to tell her?” Tiana almost yelled at her.

“Because you are the more mature one”

“Tell me what?” I got up from where I sat feeling tensed at their drama. Tiana sighed and raised herphone to her face. She scrolled and tapped some things before she handed them over to me.

I took it from her and stared at the screen. My eyes widened immediately and my jaw dropped.

“Trouble in paradise, as the wife of Famous man, Jordan Chase leaves mansion almost naked whileclaiming her husband has a mistress” was the headline of the blogger and a video of me and Jordanfrom last night was right there on the screen.

“Reporters are outside the apartment, a lot of them. And your mom has been calling us none stop andLeona too. Don’t know how she got our numbers but she won’t stop calling” Tiffany added and Iimmediately felt my knees grow weak and sat on the bed. Just then the phone I was holding rang and Iturned to it.

“That’s Leona” Tiana hinted and I reluctantly picked up.

“Mom Leona…” I called out lowly and fearfully because I didn’t know how she would react to all thatwas happening.

“Oh my goodness. You scared me” she said hastily.

“I thought something happened to you. Are you alright? Are you safe?” She entered quickly. It wasn’twhat I was expecting from her but I breathed a sigh of relief and felt happy that atleast someone otherthan my parents was concerned. I was about to reply to her when I heard a male voice from thebackground and arguments followed.

“And you ungrateful lowlife” the harsh voice of a man who I believed to be Jordan’s father came into thephone and cold ran down my spine.

“Your entire life and family won’t make such a great name as I had made for my family in a hundredyears and in one night you destroyed it”


“Listen carefully, and do not let me repeat my words. I don’t care about your reasons behind suchstupid actions. I mean we picked you up from nothing and placed you in a pedal stone. Be grateful andreturn to your husband” he ordered without thinking about how I was going to feel by his words as hedowngraded me like I was filth in his eyes and something snapped inside of me.


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