Get Me Married

Chapter 44
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Jordan’s dilemma

I turned around and was unable to look at Jordan as his accusing gaze pierced into my skin.

“What…” Came his voice and I felt like disappearing immediately. I realized that I shouldn’t have said athing, but he had said he would help me if only he knew the truth. It made me feel like he wouldunderstand me and help me. But the look he had on his face suddenly made me think otherwise.


“You just said that you did this for us,” he said and came closer to me.

“No…I didn’t…I meant…” I stuttered and I knew I was doing a bad job for a criminal mastermind justlike myself but I couldn’t find anything reasonable to say and feeling Jordan’s eyes on me made itworse.

“Samantha” he growled and I flinched. I hated when he was this way, he knew how to scare mewhenever he was like this. And he knew how to get the truth out of me most times. Jordan was myfriend and we have been lovers since my childhood. I didn’t love him but he knew how to get to me too.

I turned back to him and he started walking towards me till he was standing right in front of me. Thenhe took my hands in his and placed a kiss on the back of my hands.

“What do you mean by you did it for us?” His voice was calming, more than I expected as he lookedinto my eyes. I stared right back at him as I searched his for any trace of anger or annoyance andfound nothing. Though I expected him to be angry already since he had a short temper. It made merelaxed and thought it would be a good idea to tell him. At least he would be able to finally understandthe extent I was going to go to get Genesis out of our lives so he could be mine completely just as hehad always been. I immediately started fake crying and sniffing loudly like I was in extreme pain.

“I don’t want to lose you,” I said and sniffed again. He let go of my hand and placed his hands on bothsides of my arm.novelbin

“No, don’t say that. You won’t lose me,” he said comfortingly.

“Yes I will, once you find out the truth you will send me packing” I cried and shrugged his arms awayfrom me before walking towards the bed. All I was doing was to make sure my spot would be securedin that house. I knew he loved me and just needed to be sure that no matter what he wouldn’t throw meout.

“Sam…” He came closer to me and sat beside me on the bed.

“Just tell me, I love you and won’t want to lose you too,” he said and took my hand in his again whilethe other held chin and made me turn to him. I avoided his eyes and cried more before squeezing hishands gently.

divorced” I started…

“I mean, look at me, I would have to hide as your mistress for five years. What if I die before then? Oryou fall in love with her? What would happen to me then” I sobbed even more.

“I regretted not accepting your proposal then. If I did then, I wouldn’t have to fight for you now. And I amso sorry for being stupid then. Now I just want you, I want you to be mine, I want you and only you, andI don’t want to share you with anyone else. No, I don’t want to” I looked up at him and moved closerbefore placing my hands on his face and acting hysterical. Yes, I was a drama queen.

“And?” Jordan asked and covered the hand I had on his cheeks with his. He was being so calm andcomposed and it only made me to make a decision to confess my sin.

“I had men sneak into the house and had her kidnapped,” I said and looked away immediately whiledropping my hands from his cheeks.

“I know it was wrong, but I thought it would be easier if she gave you divorce. But when the plan didn’twork and you saved her, I had to sneak the kidnapper into the house again to make her scared. So shewould leave, out of fear” I simplified everything and cried like I had never cried before and did not lookat him because I was scared to or I had to pretend that I was guilty.

“I swear, I did it for us and….” I paused when I brought my face back to him and saw angry eyes glaringback at me.

“Jordan.” I called out scared. But he only got up from where he sat and ran his hands through his hair.Then he started pacing to and fro and that scared me.

“Jordan” I called out again and got up from where I sat. I attempted to place my hand on him but heshrugged it off and turned to me.

“So you had her kidnapped?” He asked and I gave him a nod.

“She was almost raped by those hoodlums, do you realize that?” He yelled and I stepped back fromhim knowing what his anger would be like.

“They were only supposed to make her sign the document” I tried explaining.

“The criminals that were taken were lying when they said she had paid them to say it was you. How didyou do that?” He asked and I sighed.

“I paid them to say that” I confessed.

“So she was saying the truth all along and you were deceiving and lying to me along” he mumbled tohimself. I moved closer to him again, knowing I had to get the situation out of control.

“I was just scared to lose you. I am still scared to lose you” I said and stretched my hands towards him,he shoved my hands away and glared at me.

“How could you? I trusted you, I was going to fight the world to prove that you didn’t do it” he yelled,and immediately he turned to the door and walked away without waiting for a single reply

from me.

I walked out of the room and out of the house, wishing to be far from the drama and hoping my painwould disappear. I asked the driver to take me anywhere far from my house.

My mind traveled back to Samantha’s confession and my heart broke into a thousand pieces. I wouldvouch for her at any place and fight everyone to prove that she wasn’t the kidnapper as Genesis hadbeen saying from the beginning. But all fingers had pointed to her and she had acted suspiciouslywhich resulted to the questions I had to ask her.

I no longer knew what to think about her. This was Sam, the woman I loved from the beginning to theend of the world. I would never believe that she could be able to hurt a fly but knowing she had hurtGenesis and pretended so well like she didn’t have shook me to the brim. Did I know Sam? I mean shewatched Genesis go through a lot, I hated her but I couldn’t stand watch and see her go through thethings she went through. But Sam did and didn’t show any remorse. Genesis had been right all alongand had lived with a criminal in my own house. I didn’t just feel hurt, I felt betrayed and stupid. She hadlie to me, knowing that I hated lies and had deceived me. She played the victim all the time Genesisaccused her and made me think otherwise when she knew she was at fault. She even made thecriminals lie about her. If Sam could do those things and hurt me the way she had done. Then I didn’tknow her

But the major problem I had come down to was what side I should take. Genesis was a victim of Sam’sschemes and needed justice but on the other hand, Sam was my girlfriend and the one I wanted. How

could I send her to jail? Which side was I supposed to take and what would that make me?

For the first time, I felt the need to call my mother. She had created the mess for me in the first placeand needed to set it right.

I quickly dialed her number and just as always she had picked it up rather quickly.

“Mom…” I said into the phone when I noticed she wasn’t saying anything.

“What happened?” She asked and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

“I found the criminal behind her kidnap” I started and waited for her response. She didn’t say anythingfor a long time. Instead, she sighed loudly.

“It’s your Samantha isn’t it?” She finally spoke with her voice coming out calm and understanding. Itwasn’t like the usual tone she always used with me. I didn’t reply to her question because I knew sheknew the answer to that question. Another silence came down on us and it overtook us, it stretched forso long as I formed words in my mind to say to her, words that my mouth found hard to utter.

“I don’t know what to do,” I said freeing myself from the pain in my heart.

“She lied to me mom, I trusted her to be better and Genesis was harmed because of her actions. Shewent so far and covered up her track every time proves pointed at her. And now I have to choose,between seeking justice and defending her”

“Mom, I am so confused,” I said and placed my head in my hands. I had never felt confused in my life,maybe when I was a teen, things had happened that made me run to my mother. But I was no longer ateen and I had never run to her like the way I did that day. I have never wanted her advice so badly.

“What does your heart tell you to do?” She asked and I sighed and thought for a while, then I realizedthat even my heart was confused. :

“I want to save Samantha, mom. You do understand that I love this woman and you know this well. Ifyou were in my shoes, you would never want any harm to befall the one you love. You will want todefend and protect and do anything to shield them just as you do for dad and me…..most of the time” Isaid and shut my eyes. Those same pair of blue eyes came hunting me and I quickly opened my eyes.

“But I want justice for my wife,” I said lastly.

“Don’t think I like her, she had lied and manipulated me into marrying her, it’s something I would neverforget, and that had led Samantha to her desperate act. But she is going through a lot mom. I watchedher relive her pain every night. I saw her become so scared to even close her eyes in my house. Iwatched her plead for justice over and over again. I don’t want to be the husband that can’t give hiswife that. I can’t be Jordan Chase and not fight for her justice” I groaned loudly. I was in a dilemma, Iknew that as much as my mom did.

“Jordan…” She called out.

“It’s your life”

“Yes the circumstances in which you married Genesis was not a good one and I caused it all and it isn’ta lie that I never liked Samantha. I can’t make this decision for you, not this time. This time it’s aboutthe life of an innocent girl I manipulated, this time it’s about the woman you loved, this time it’s aboutthe truth you will see, this time, it’s about your family, your marriage and your new life that I seecoming. Think very well, with your heart and mind, and bear it that whatever decision you take it’s all onyou” She added and I groaned. She wasn’t helping. I was confused, that’s was why I needed her helpand she was just leaving me in the pool of my own confusion.

“Will it be justice for your wife or cover up for the woman you love?”

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