Get Me Married

Chapter 45
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 45

Chapter 45: Invitation to the right wing

I sighed heavily when I realized that it was useless trying to think about something that went wrongearlier that day. I had everything well thought out and planned. I knew that the moment I found him,then Samantha would be exposed and I would stop living with a criminal. But that wasn’t the case, hehad been shot and killed because the fool had attempted to kill me and every thing was ruined. I wasso tired of being angry and just decided to do something else with my time. There was no hiding fromSam, she would do whatever she wanted to do, whenever she wanted to do it. I knew I was supposedto remain in fear of her till she finally leaves but I didn’t want to live in that way anymore. I have beenscared from the day I entered that house, I have been broken and bartered and wounded andkidnapped. I have lived in fear but as much as I could I didn’t want to anymore. I just wanted to live mymiserable life in a better way rather than to think of Jordan and his mistress.

I got up from the chair I had sat down and walked over to my bathroom. I took a hot and long bathbefore I came out with a towel wrapped around my chest. I applied lotion and oil to my hair then Ilooked for something to wear. The past few days, I had lived in misery and fear and wanted to look nicefor a change. I saw a gown, a white gown that had flora designs. I had never seen that gown before butthen again, I bought a lot of clothes and have not even worn half of them. The gown had a long sleeveand a turtle neck. I liked it because it covered a lot of the bruises in my arms and neck and stoppedright above my knees. I packed my hair into a ponytail and applied some lip gloss, then I appliedmascara on my lashes and loved that I didn’t look as pale and dead as I looked before. I stood erectand stared at myself in the mirror. I lost weight, though the gown was stretchy and fitting, I could tell. Isighed heavily and wore a flat before I turned to the door.

The moment I came out of my room, I bumped into Anna who smiled widely at me.

“Ma’am…you look beautiful…” She said and I smiled warmly at her.

“Well, thank you” I replied and perceived the aroma of something sweet. It made my stomach rumbleloudly and I thought of eating

“And I’m famished,” I said and turned to the direction she came from.

“We prepared something you would like. It’s a homemade dish, your mom had sent us a recipe forsomething she said you always loved” she said with excitement and started walking in front of me, Ipaused in my tracks. I stared at Anna, unsure she was even saying the truth. My mom couldn’t havesent it to them without telling me.

“Come, you will see,” she said sensing my doubt, then she started hopping like a kid and I followedbehind her. I got to the top of the stairs and saw Samantha coming from the opposite direction, Shehad a smile on her face and the mere sight of her alone made me get so mad but I was focused on thefood I was about to eat. I haven’t been feeding well for days and wouldn’t mind stuffing myself withenough. But when I saw her stop at the top of the step, I knew she was waiting for me and I wouldn’t beallowed to go eat my food in peace.

“You must be joyful” she started the moment I was close enough

“But then again, I am still here and that must be biting you like a leach,” she said and I suddenly

thought of pushing her down the stairs and ending it once and for all but that was an evil thought,taking someone’s life was her thing and not mine. I pushed the thought away from my mind and got towhere she stood. I was angry she was still at my house, I was angry that justice had not been servedbut I had come to accept that things happen and she had escaped this time around but at the sametime, I was so sure she wouldn’t escape it all for long. I decided it would be a waste of time to speak toher, she wasn’t worth my time and it would be better I had my sit fast, it was supposed to help myinjured foot. I walked past her and started towards the stairs when she grabbed my arm and pulled me.I stopped walking and turned to her, she was glaring at me, hard.

“What do you think of yourself huh? Do you think you are special, someone important? Let me tell younow that you are a fucking lowlife and nothing more” she snapped and pushed her nail into the fabric ofmy cloth.

“And yet you feel so scared and intimidated,” I said calmly.

“Don’t fool yourself and let go of me” I ordered but she was bent on giving me an injury and didn’t let go

“Let go…” I yelled and pulled my arm away from her grip forcefully. My legs slipped from the step I wasmatching and my heart skipped, then I missed a step and my legs lost their hold on the ground.

“Ma’am…” Anna called out grabbing me by my arm and preventing me from falling. I stared at her whilemy heart was pounding inside my chest and couldn’t have been more grateful that she was right there.

“Thank you,” I said to her and stood up erect before I turned to Sam. I glared at her angrily yet I didnothing. I felt it was a waste of my time and turned to continue down the stairs when I saw Jordanstanding close to the dining. He looked different, disheveled and exhausted. It was the first time I hadseen him lose his coolness and calm that he always carried around. But I ignored him, it wasn’t myplace to be concerned about him and I didn’t want to even care about what happens to him or not.

I walked past him with Anna closely beside me like she was scared I would trip and fall. Then I satdown at the edge of the dining table where I always sit, far away from where he always sat, and waitedin anticipation for the food Anna had told me about. Margaret and some maids came in, bringing withthem the food and some plates before I perceived the aroma of one of my favorites dishes. Margaretdished out the food and I found myself getting excited and anticipated fully for what it could be. Chickenchickpea and curry and shrimp fry were exactly what I needed at that moment. It was one of the dishesmy mom had a recipe for and always made it whenever she wanted to make up for something.Margaret had it dished out the exact dish and I was served. I immediately dived into it and immediatelyshut my eyes as I moaned in the sweet sweet taste of my mother’s familiar cooking.

“Your mother sent the recipe to us long ago. She said you always like it, especially when you havebeen through some stress” Margaret said and I opened my eyes. I stared down at the food and realizedthat Anna had been right when she said that it was my mother’s cooking. It tasted like hers. I couldtaste the ingredients she had always used. My eyes burned with tears when I thought of how much Imissed them and her cooking,

“Thanks,” I said with my voice coming out hoarse and broken. I wiped down the little tears that

came out of my eyes and sniffed, then I noticed that Jordan was sitting opposite me in his usual seatand was staring at me. I ignored him and turned back to the food I was eating and enjoyed every bit ofit. I would moan whenever I tasted something I liked.

“How is it? I know it wasn’? made by your mom but..”

“Are you kidding…” I swallowed what I had in my mouth and interrupted Margaret.

“I can taste everything. It’s like my mom’s. And I know because I memorized the ingredients she usedfor these two dishes. Coconut milk, tomatoes, ginger, okra, jalapeno, chickpeas..and for the shrimp stir,sweet corn, grape, tomatoes and….” I stopped blabbing away when I noticed Jordan staring at me. Hehad been doing that since I started eating and it was uncomfortable. I cleared my throat and turned toMargaret.

“This is my third dish, I am stuffed but I’m still eating, I only do this when my mom or dad cooks. That’sto tell you, this is good”

She smiled at me and I turned back to what I was doing, I took my time eating.

When I was done, I relaxed into my chair and turned to the stairs. It looked so far away, I wasbeginning to think of how I would climb back because I felt so heavy. I groaned and cursed inwardlyand turned back to the dining. Jordan was done eating but he was still seated there and was still

staring at me. It was still uncomfortable, and I found myself getting up from where I sat and turning tothe stairs. Again I saw Samantha coming towards me, but this time she didn’t stop in front of me or doanything stupid. She walked past me to Jordan and I focused on getting myself to my room.

“Jordan, …”

“Don’t fucking touch me, Sam…” I heard Sam and Jordan and couldn’t help but to roll my eyes at thecouple’s fight they were having.

I went back to my room and fell on my bed with a heavy thud. I overfed and it was beginning to hurt mystomach. Then my mind traveled to my mother and I quickly picked up my phone and dialed hernumber.

“Genesis…” Her voice came into the phone and the back of my eyes immediately burned with tears.


“How are you, my dear? It’s been such a long time?”

“Who is that? Is that blue eyes” I could hear my sister yelling.

“Yes, it’s your sister. Now shhh..”

“How are you all doing?”

“Perfect” my sister screamed.

“Everything is wonderful. I am happy and I have not fallen sick ever since. The only problem is

that you are not here” she added and I sighed.

“I miss you a lot, I’m sorry I’m not there with you. I will come visiting soon”

“How soon?” She asked.

“Soon, just trust me,” I said knowing I could not give a fixed date. I could not go visiting when I stilllooked so terrible.

“Genesis, how is Jordan?” My mom asked.

“He is fine”novelbin

“And how has he been treating you? We rarely talk, I don’t know what’s going on”

“He is fine mom and he has been the best husband I could ever ask for” I lied. Tears came runningdown my eyes immediately at the way I lied. For something I had never cared about, I felt hurt lying tothem and wished he was really what I was saying he was. It got me really hurt that I was hiding my painfrom them and covering for Jordan.

“Are you sure? You see, I’m worried because you never got to meet him before marriage and….”

“I’m fine more, I’m perfectly fine. Everything has been going great”

“I was also worried about the same thing. I never even got to meet the man I was supposed to getmarried to before marriage but he had proven to be different. He takes care of me…. I paused andused my hands to close my mouth when a loud sob was about to escape. I dropped the phone andsuppressed my tears and crying before I picked it up.


“I’m here mom,” I said feigning the voice of a happy person.

“What happened?”

“Sorry, I had to give out something to a maid” I lied again.

“It’s a relief that Jordan is such a good man. I have been really worried”

“You don’t have to be, I’m in safe hands” I replied.

“You sent the recipe for chicken chickpea and you never bothered to let me know” I changed the topicimmediately.

“Yes, I did. It was a while ago”

“Wait, you had chicken chickpea” my sister entered again.

“Mom hasn’t cooked that since you left, mom…..” She whined and I chuckled.

“I will do that soon, can you let me talk to your sister already?” It went quiet for a while before I heardthe heavy sigh of my mother.

“She is something else” she muttered.

“Well, we will be seeing you soon right?” She asked.

“Yes, you will be seeing me soon”. We spoke for a while again, where she talked about her new job,her dinner dates with my father, my father’s new job, and every other thing that has been happening tothem. Hearing her speak made me happy and satisfied, it gave me hope that at least the sacrifice I wasmaking wasn’t for nothing. When we ended the call, I felt so sad, it felt like my heart was being rippedout of my chest. And tears swelled in my eyes again. Most were as a result of how much I miss themand the others were as a result of the lies I told and how lonely I felt in such a big house. My husbandwasn’t a great man neither was he caring or loving towards me. My life was a hell hole and wasn’tperfect at all but what could I do. This was what I signed up for, being a trophy wife, a perfect wife forher husband’s family to look good in public where as, deep within I had nothing and I had no one.

I wiped my tears and rolled over on my bed only to see Jordan right in front of my door, staring at mewith the same emotionless gaze.

“What are you doing here again?” I asked and wiped my tears. He said nothing and walked deeper intothe room.

“And how long have you been standing there, do you know how rude it is to eavesdrop on people’s likethat?”.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude” he replied and my eyes widened at him. He apologized, JordanChase apologized to me.

“Now what do you want from your trophy wife now?” I asked and he went quiet. He stared at me for awhile and said absolutely nothing.

“You can leave if you have nothing to say” I added when the silence stretched and he sighed heavily.

“I don’t know how safe it is in this house. And just to be sure you will be fine, I was hoping you wouldcome over to the right-wing, where you will be closer to me” he answered.

I stared at Jordan for a long time, trying to decipher the kind of man he was, since he was making meso confused but couldn’t tell a thing by just looking at him. The right wing was the exact part of thehouse he had vividly asked me to stay away from. He had hurt me each time he saw me anywhereclose to his and Samantha’s part of the house and now he was asking me to come over.

“I’m perfectly fine here. I have been alright without your generosity and pretentious care” I replied dryly,refusing to believe that he truly cared.

“It’s not safe yet. I just want to make sure you are”

“Stop acting like you care about me Jordan and just let me live the rest of my life in this house inpeace” I snapped hating the way he was getting me confused. He stopped talking and stared at meagain before he turned to the door.

“I am not acting like I care Genesis. I really care about you” he added and with that walked out of thedoor.

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