Get Me Married

Chapter 43
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Samantha’s truth

“What did you do?” She screamed the moment she turned around and saw his face.

“Is he the one?” I found myself asking and pulling her closer even as she tried walking away from me.

“What have you done?” She mumbled while placing her hands on her mouth and pulling herself awayfrom me.

“What are you talking about?” I asked her and tried stopping her from going to see the man who waslying dead with his real face revealed.

“What did you do?” She raised her voice and yanked her arms away from me, almost falling herself.

“I don’t understand you,” I said with confusion and her eyes widened with rage.

“You killed him” she yelled.

“He was pointing a gun at you” I yelled back and her eyes softened. She turned to the dead body andstared at him.

“Was he?”

“Yes,” I answered.

“Is he the one?” I inquired of her going closer and she gave me a nod.

“But he is dead” she murmured.

“He is a criminal, he deserves more than that”

“How will I prove her to be the mastermind behind everything now?” She muttered again to my hearingand I turned to Samantha. She was smiling broadly and suddenly frowned when she saw me staring ather. It was the second time I was seeing her act suspicious that morning and it was frightening. I lookedaway and turned back to Genesis who was still staring at the dead man.

“Don’t worry about that, we are going to get all of them, somehow” I said and her eyes snapped to me.

“It’s not them, except you are part of the conspiracy. It’s your mistress” she barked.

“I am not one of them,” I said calmly and she sighed.

“Mrs. Chase” the inspector suddenly called out and she turned to him.

“You had a notorious criminal that has been wanted for rape, assault, and kidnap all over the city livingunder your roof,” he said and came closer to us.

“And I told you all he was right here, yet you all did nothing” she replied harshly and I knew she wasn’tjust talking to them but me also.

“We tried our best ma’am,” the inspector defended.

“And it wasn’t good enough” she glared at him.

“Do you know what he would have done to me right under my roof? If I hadn’t done anything, I wouldhave probably run away from my house out of fear and he might have raped or kill me as he did othersand you stand here and tell me you did your best” she was really angry and everyone went quiet asshe expressed her anger. Then she sighed deeply and relaxed.

“Now you killed him, how the hell would you find out who had started all the in the first place?” Sheasked.

“Others are still out there, we will continue our search” he replied.

“Great, I should just keep living in the same house with a criminal,” she said and turned to the door. Iwatched her walk past me and Samantha into the house,

I sighed deeply and turned to the inspector.

“Thank you for everything and I’m sorry about that, she has just been under a lot of pressure”

“It’s fine, we completely understand” he replied. We spoke for some time before they left with his bodyand I turned to my guards who were still gathered at a place.

“This is the second time this is happening” I yelled loudly at them.

“How can I have so many guards and have criminals waltz in and out of my house as if it belongs tothem? What do I pay you all for? You had an imposter in your midst, working as a guard and you wereso clueless about it” I yelled and stared at their faces.

“If this repeats itself one more time or if any more harm comes to her, you all will pay for it dearly, doyou understand?”

“Yes, boss” they chorused.

I turned back into the house and started walking when I felt Samantha cross her arms over mine.

“Let’s eat, I’m hungry already with all this drama,” she said and I stopped. I turned to her and sheremoved her arms away from mine and moved back a little.

I watched her, read her expression, and wished what I was seeing wasn’t the truth.

“Drama?” I asked.

“What’s happening around looks like drama to you doesn’t it?”

“No, no. It’s just, everything happening got me hungry, that’s all” she replied with a scared voice.

“Have you seen the people in this house? No one looks hungry, how can anyone be hungry with

what just happened outside?” I yelled and she flinched,

I could clearly remember the fear I had seen in her face when Genesis had asked for the two guards tocome out of their rooms. I remember how pale she had gone when the kidnapper was caught and thenthe smile she had on her face when he was shot like she was trying so bad to hide something. It mademe question myself. I had doubted Genesis when she said someone was in the house, I was supposedto be there to protect her but I had doubted her and questioned her character only to realize that I waswrong. What if I had been wrong about every other thing from the very beginning?

I turned away from Samantha and presided upstairs with angry feelings in my heart and pain also. Iwas angry at myself for being so stupid and angry at Samantha too for behaving so stupidly. She wasmaking me suspicious of her and her character, she was making me feel like she was the bad personand all fingers were pointing to her and that pained me. This was the woman I loved, the one I wantedto spend the rest of what was left in my life with, I didn’t want her to be the bad person here.

I got to the top of the stairs and turned to the left-wing, heading straight for Genesis. When I got to herdoor, I found myself being skeptical about knocking on her door. Not because I didn’t want to see herbut because I was ashamed of myself. I had called her delusional and mad when she has created analarm. Something bad might have happened to her under my roof if she hadn’t done something aboutit. What kind of man did that make me? I was about to knock when the door opened and I came face toface with her.

“What do you want?” She asked and folded her hands across my chest.

“I just wanted to be sure you are okay,” I said calmly and she scoffed.

“I’m fine, you can leave now,” she said dryly and my heart dropped. I stared at her, her demeanor wasan angry one but her eyes were better and her skin was too. I stared into those eyes as she staredback at me and found it pulling me again.

“I’m sorry” I muttered.

“For what exactly?”

“Never mind that. Saying sorry won’t change the obvious fact that your mistress is a criminal and youare hiding her right under your roof. What kind of a man are you?”

“Don’t call my name that way” she said more calmly and walked back into her room and shut the doorin my face. I deserved that and for some reason, that hurt me.

I stood at the door for a long time while I contemplated what to do next. After standing for such a longtime, I turned back to the direction I was coming from and back to my room where I believed Samanthawould be waiting for me.novelbin

“You keep going to her” she yelled the moment I walked into the room.

“You love her, don’t you? She is the one you want and not me anymore, what am I still doing here ifthat’s the case?” Tears were coming down her eyes and I hated to see those tears but this time I

didn’t want to be moved by them. I had to do the right thing and be impartial, I also had to find out thetruth and free my heart from my confusion.

“You know, you were the only person that knew I was hiring new guards” I started and walked deeperinto the room. She went quiet and stopped crying to my surprise.

“You see you are the only person that knew that and no one else. And that criminal was among themen I had hired” I added.

“What are you trying to say?” She stuttered and sniffed.

“He couldn’t have come here to impersonate a guard of mine if he didn’t know I was hiring, and hecould only know if someone had tipped him”

“And you think it’s me?” She questioned.

“Genesis believes you had her kidnapped. And we are the only two people in this world that wanted herout of our lives. Those criminals never asked for anything, other than sending me divorce papers whichshe was forced into signing”

“Are you saying I did this?” She raised her voice and I stared at her. Her voice sounded firm but I heardthe fear and the panic and it was tearing at my heart.

“All fingers are pointing to you Sam”

“What? No…is this how you want to get rid of me? By sending me to jail? How can you believe her liesand deceit over me?” She started crying again.

“Tell me the truth, did you do this?” I asked calmly and walked till I was standing right in front of her.

“I didn’t, I did not” she yelled and turned her back to me.

“Just tell me the truth Sam, you know how much I hate lies,” I said coldly. She said nothing and insteadwalked past me to the door.

“Genesis would be coming with the cops soon” I lied and turned to the door, she stopped in her tracksalmost immediately and everything else clicked into place.

“I won’t be able to save you this time if you don’t tell me what’s going on”

Silence followed and stretched for a long time while I waited for a response. A response I was scaredof.

“I did it for us,” she said lowly.

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