Get Me Married

Chapter 42
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 42

Chapter 42: catching the criminal

It was yet another night and I was left alone to protect myself from my insane pursuer. I had requestedAnna to get me a knife. I kept it close to me in my bed because I was ready to kill anyone who cameclose to me. Even Anna and Margaret had suggested that they sleep in the same room as me but Ideclined, though I would have loved it if they did. I didn’t want to put anyone in danger, it was my fightafter all and I had to prove that I wasn’t going to let anyone intimidate me.

I left my light turn on this time and went to bed while the knife laid beside me, then I turned my back tothe door just so my pretend sleep could be believable. Even when I knew I could never sleep no matterwhat I did, my room was a scary place to be in and so was my sleep. Why bother sleeping?

I remained awake but kept myself still for what seemed like hours. But I heard my door open slowly andimmediately gripped my knife under my blanket. My grip on it was so strong, I didn’t want to miss it. Heshut the door behind him and my heart raced inside my chest as he started walking close to me andstopped when he was standing just in front of me. I held myself and tried my possible best to relaxbecause I knew that if I didn’t I would blow my cover. But I suddenly smelt a familiar cologne, one thatwas too strong for me not to detect. Before warm hands caressed my cheeks and removed my hairfrom my face.

“What should I do with you?” Jordan mumbled and I relaxed under the bed while my eyes remainedshut. I didn’t know what he was talking about or why he would be in my room at such an hour but Iwanted to find out.

I felt him stare at my face for a long time before getting up from where he had squat. Then he adjustedthe blanket over my body and I opened my eyes and turned to him immediately. He froze and suddenlylooked like he had been caught stealing.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him and he cleared his throat.

“I thought you were sleeping,” he said uncomfortably.

“Yes I was, I thought I told you to stay away from me’ I said immediately and he looked away.

“I’m sorry, I just needed to be sure you are fine”

“You never cared about that before, don’t start now and just leave” I snapped and he sighed and tookhis leave almost immediately.

When I heard the door shut, I sighed and went back to my sleeping position with pain in my heart.Maybe I was being too harsh on him but I had no option, he wasn’t helping matters either and it was forthe best he stayed away from me. I remembered the nights Jordan had spent watching me and howmuch I hated the feeling of confusion he was causing in my heart. I sighed again and pushed thethought of him away. I knew my kidnapper would be back and he was the one I was focused on.’It wasonly when I would get him, that I would know if Jordan was involved in all that was happening.

Time dragged on and nothing happened. No one came and no noise was heard in the silent

house. It was almost 4am and I slowly started feeling sleepy, tired of waiting for my attacker. I wasalmost drifting off and taken by sleep when I heard my door open again and snap out of my sleep. Itightened my grip on my knife and remained still. My heart started beating fast inside my chest and Isuddenly wished it was Jordan who was inside my room. But the stillness and feeling in my heart toldme that it wasn’t Jordan and the cologne I smelt wasn’t his either. My bed dipped as whoever it was satdown beside me and placed his hands across my body, making the other side of the bed deep slightly.Then he leaned in till I could feel his breath on my ears.

“I’m back” he whispered and gave me a disgusting kiss on my cheeks.

My heart was already pounding inside my chest and I brought out the knife swiftly and stabbed it on histhighs making sure to twist and push it inside while he yelled and scratched my face with his nails.

He got up from where he had sat and headed to the door while limping without even staring at me oncebut I saw the blood dripping from his trouser and suddenly realized that he was dressed as a guard.

I shut the door immediately he left and thought of going in search of him. But at the same time, Idecided not to. I was powerless against him and didn’t know who was for me or who was against meeither when it came to the guards. I also didn’t trust Jordan and Samantha and settled in calling theinspector. I asked him to be here as soon as possible and hoped he would since it was already so earlyin the morning. Then I sat down and waited in anticipation wishing that he wouldn’t get away before theinspector arrived. It took another two hours before the inspector called me and asked that I ordered myguards to open the gate. It was already getting bright by then so I opened my door and bumped intoJordan.

“What…what happened? Are you alright?” He asked with concern in his voice.

“What are you doing here?” I asked instead, suspicious of why he would be in my room so early.

“Anna had said she saw blood trails,” he said and looked to the floor. The blood trails were still on thefloor and I immediately turned to him.

“The inspector is here, ask the guards to open the gate and make sure no one leaves” I ordered andpushed him outside before turning to the hallway following the trail of blood.

“This early, why are they here?” He asked following behind me but I said nothing to him and justpushed my injured foot to the top of the stairs and realized that the trail of blood had disappeared.

“Jordan what’s going on?…” Samantha called out coming out from the right-wing with a robe on.

“You are going down” I replied her and immediately started walking down the stairs.

I was halfway through the stairs when I was swept off the floor. My hands were wrapped around Jordanand he was walking before I knew it. I didn’t mind this time around, I was in a haste anyway. He tookme outside, holding me tightly in his arms and the guards bowed the moment they saw us.

“Open the gates” he yelled and I turned to him.

“Keep me down,” I said dryly and he turned to look at me. A frown suddenly settled on his face.

“What happened to your face?” He asked me and I used my hands to trail my face. I felt lines andbruises and knew his nail marks were still there.

“Just keep me down Jordan,” I said ignoring his question and he did exactly that.

“I need all guards here, in fact, all-male workers should present themselves to me immediately” Iordered.

“And make sure no one can leave or come in” I added.

“What is going on, it’s so early in the morning” Samantha was talking to Jordan behind me but I heardthe panic in her voice.

Just then, the inspector and some cops came driving in and guards were lining up in front of me.

“Mrs. Jordan, I came as soon as I could do,” the inspector said to me and I rolled my eyes.

“Well, let’s hope he hasn’t gotten away yet, shall we?” I said instead and turned to the countless guardsthat were still lining up in front of me.

“Who are you talking about?” Jordan asked and I scoffed.

“The owner of the blood you saw upstairs” I replied and turned to Sam who had gone pale. I smiled andturned back to the Jordan.

“Now, how many guards do we have?” I asked Jordan.

“67” he replied and I was shocked he was going along with me.

I turned to the guards and stared at their faces.

“one by one, you are all to walk in front of me. Don’t feel disturbed when I feel a certain part of yourbody” I said and gestured for the first guard to come forward. He did and I took my time to stare at hisface while I pressed on the exact part of his legs I was sure I had stabbed my attacker. I was doingeverything to get who ever had attacked me. Nothing happened, it wasn’t damp neither did he act likehe felt pain and I allowed him to go. The next person came and I did the same thing and allowed him togo. So the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth person.

“What exactly are we looking for?” Jordan asked as he squat beside me and I turned to him. I stared athim skeptically, unsure I should tell him what exactly it was, yet he was acting so different.

“There are so many people, you would never get done. I can help” he added, reading my thoughts.

“He is supposed to be shorter than you, ugly looking and he is also supposed to have a funny step,” Isaid deciding it wasn’t going to hurt especially since no one could get away from me.

“Why touch their legs if you can just see his face?” He asked me and i sighed.

“I don’t know. I stabbed him and just need to be sure” I answered.

“And he was stabbed right here,” I said pressing down on the thighs of the next guard who lookednothing like my kidnapper. Jordan gave me a nod and went to my other side and squat down just as Idid. We repeated the same routine for what seemed like hours and my heart was beginning to shatteras the last one among them came towards me without limping and with a strange face.

I pressed his thighs and found he wasn’t injured as well. I didn’t know how to explain how none of themcould be my attacker. I got up disheartened and so did Jordan. He had this look in his eyes when hestared at me and I felt my heart was shattering as my eyes burned with tears.

“Are these all the guards?” I asked, feeling my voice quiver.

“No ma’am. Two guards are sick and are bedridden” a guard replied and a little hope sip in.

“I asked for all the guards” I yelled at him

“I’m sorry, I will go get them now,” he said and bowed before gesturing two guards to follow him.

The inspector and every other person were staring at me when nervousness kicked in. The guards thathad left had returned with two other guards who had helped them in walking because they were holdingonto guards. None had the face of my kidnapper and that made my heart drop. I didn’t understand howpossible it could be that he wasn’t among the men that were around. I knew he was dressed as a guardand suspected he was in the same house as I was, that was why no one could detect him neither didanyone spot a break-in. How could there be a break-in when he was already in the house?

“Let them be, they should walk towards me by themselves,” I said with a disheartened voice. I didn’teven know why I wanted to give it a try when I could see that he wasn’t there.

They let go of the sick guards and they both started walking towards us. One walked straight and theother could barely move without holding his stomach or catching his breath. Tears burned the back ofmy eyes and came flowing down my cheeks. I turned away from the guards so they wouldn’t see meand met the scrutinizing eyes of Jordan. I wiped my tears almost immediately and looked away fromhim hating the fact that he had seen me weak.

He suddenly moved closer to me.

“We will find him, don’t worry,” he said to me and my head snapped back at him. He smiled at me andturned back to the guards who were walking towards us.

When they got to where I stood, I almost decided to let them go without trying to find out if he was therebut didn’t because other guards might feel like they were treated differently.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked one.

“Food poisoning” he replied and I smiled knowing exactly what it felt like.

I did touch his thighs and ask him to leave before turning to the other.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Been sick for days” he replied and my eyes snapped to his face when I realized that there wassomething about his voice. But that face wasn’t the face of my kidnapper so I pushed the thought awayand squat down. I touch his thighs and reluctantly pressed down his thighs when he shook and I feltdampness in my hands. I stared at my thumb and saw blood before looking up at his face.

“What happened to you?” I asked knowing that was the exact place I had stabbed my kidnapper. Hewent quiet and looked from me to Jordan and my heart grew suspicious. But his face, I was so sure Icould recognize the person that had been in my room earlier.

Jordan turned me around to look at his face.

“Is he the one?” He asked.

“That was where I stabbed him but his face…” I said truthfully and attempted to turn back to the man.But Jordan immediately pulled me to himself, wrapping his hands around me, then

gunshots followed, lots of gunshots.

“Stop” I heard the inspector yell and the gunfire seized. I pulled away from Jordan and turn to the manwho was standing in front of me. He was on the floor with many gunshot wounds and a gun was lyingclose to him. The inspector ran to him and tried saving him but he coughed out blood and had hishands to his chin. I watched as he slowly pulled off his face and quickly looked away, burying my facein Jordan’s chest. When I turned back again, he was lying still and the inspector had pulled out theother part of his face to reveal the same person I had stabbed.novelbin

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