Get Me Married

Chapter 38
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 38

Chapter 38: The intruder

I raised my head up and stared at the cold eyes of Jordan. I swallowed hard and thought of ways hecould possibly kill me. My vomit was all over him and my stomach still ached. He stared down at hisbody and stared back at me. His gaze was cold and angry and I found myself moving away from himwhile forcing a smile.

“Are you crazy?” He yelled coldly. My head suddenly felt like it was spinning and my knees grew weakunderneath me. I braced myself to fall hard on the ground when I felt strong arms and felt myself beinglifted from the ground. Jordan’s cologne was the next thing I perceived and I leaned into him as heswept me off the ground. The sweet smell of his cologne was mixed with the stench of my vomit on himbut I held onto him anyway and felt him start moving while I had my eyes shut to stop them fromspinning.

I felt something hard and cold underneath me and opened my eyes. I was at my bathroom and in mybathtub. My heart skipped when so many unpleasant thoughts came to mind and I struggled to get outof the bathtub but the pain in my stomach and the dizziness I felt restricted me. I turned to Jordan whowas now taking off his shirt and swallowed the lump in my throat. I looked away from him and had allkind of scary thought. I tried getting up again from the tub but felt warm palms on my hands and turnedto see Jordan staring at me with hard eyes and without a shirt on. My heart started racing inside mychest and slowly felt pains in my chest.

“Shhhh, I’m not going to bite” he said and went for my shirt. I pushed his hands away while trying tohold the different pain I was feeling in different areas of my body. He slapped my hands away, he stillhad that hard cold look on his face and that was what scared me. My breathing was slowly increasingby the minute, he was going to take advantage of me in such a state and he was scaring the hell out ofme. He didn’t seem to care, he lifted my head and took off my shirt even with all my struggling. Then hehad his hands at my back and tried unhooking my bra.

“Jordan….” I called out and he stopped and turned to me. I felt tears run down my cheeks and shookmy head at him while breathing hard. I shut my eyes again and opened them, feeling the dizziness takeover me. He stopped trying to take off my bra and brought out his hands from my back and placedthem on the tub.

“I am not him” he simply said and got up from where he had squat. He turned around and I saw himpick up a towel and made it wet with water. He went ahead to use the towel to wipe off a bit of the vomitI had on his trouser. My breathing slowed down at the safe distance he had with me but I was stillscared. A sharp pain hit my stomach and I cried. Jordan turned back to me and squat back to the levelhe had been before. He stared at me for a long time, without saying a word while I whimpered in pain.He bent over again and had his hands go around my body to my back to unhook my bra again…

“Nooooo….” I cried and he quickly moved away from me. He shook his head and walked out withoututtering any thing to me.

I sighed in relief that he was gone and tried to get out of the tub but each time I made a move, the painin my stomach tripled and the dizziness I felt became worse. So I just laid back in there, feeling awfuland sick.

It didn’t take long and I heard noises. My eyes snapped back to the door in panic when I saw

Margaret walk in with her nighties and breathed heavily but not until Jordan walked in behind her andwas still bare in his upper body.

“Ma’am…are you okay?” Margaret said and I turned my attention to her.

“No…” I managed to say and she sighed.

“Why don’t we have a bath first” she said and went for my bra just as Jordan did earlier and realizationquickly dawned on me. I immediately turned to Jordan but he walked out of the bathroom without

waiting for me to say anything. I suddenly felt so guilty to think he wanted to take advantage of me. Iwas in a bathtub for crying out loud, he wouldn’t have hurt me even if he wanted to.

But in my defense, he had done so much to me, I had all right to think he could be capable of such athing

Margaret helped me have a hot bath before helping me out of the bathtub. She wrapped a towelaround my chest and helped me back into my room. Jordan was sitting at the edge of my bed stillwithout a shirt. I looked away and headed to my bed and lied down..

“Would you be needing anything else sir?” Margaret asked and he shook his head at her. She turned tome and smiled before leaving me with him. He turned to me, he had an angry look on his face like hewas always did when ever he wanted to kill me. I was scared of that look but not as much as the firsttime when I came into the house. My stupid kidnap made me more brave I guess.

I said nothing to him, embarrassed at the way I had acted. He had a mistress who he loved way toomuch to involve himself with me. He would never want me or my body. I was stupid to think he would.But at the same time, thinking about it that way made me sad.

He got up from where he sat and went to one of my drawers. He brought out some drugs and cametowards me with it and a glass of water.

I sat up grudgingly and stole a glance at his body. My heart caught in my throat and I quickly lookedaway. He gave me the drugs and I drank them one by one before trying to look up at him but he lookedaway from me the moment I did that and my heart dropped.

“Go to bed, try sleeping” he said and turned around to leave. I opened my mouth to call him back,scared of staying alone in that room and also because I wanted to apologize for thinking he was goingto take advantage of me. But I snapped my mouth shut, he was in a sour mood already and it wasbetter he just left. He turned off the light and walked out of my room.novelbin

When he did, I sighed heavily and covered my blanket all over my body. It suddenly felt so lonely andquiet in there and my mind travelled back to Jordan. I had married a man who ended up hurting mewhen ever he wanted or whenever he laid his eyes on me. I hated that man and wanted to run fromhim. But he changed, not completely but he did. I smiled when I remembered the first time he hadstayed in my room just to make sure I slept. My cheeks heated up when I remembered the way he hadcarried me into my room when I came back that afternoon and how he did the same after throwing upon him. It made me happy thinking about that Jordan. It always reminded me of the man I spoke to onphone before I got married. The Jordan that gave me my dream wedding. My cheeks heated up evenmore and I turned to the other side of my bed. I never knew that he could be so calm, I threw up on himand he didn’t

flare up or want to kill me like he would usually do, though it was clear he was angry about it. Couldthere be more to him?

I noticed that my door opened and a manly figure came walking in, interrupting my thoughts. My heartskipped when I thought it could be Jordan. I sat up and turned to the figure, he was a man alright but inthe darkness I couldn’t see him. My heart skipped when I took a closer look at the figure and realized itwasn’t Jordan. He was slightly shorter than Jordan and was fatter than him, slightly. It also seemed likehe was leaping. What made me more scared was when he didn’t move or attempt to turn on the light.He just stood at the door and stared at me, it creeped me out.

“Jordan….” I called out lowly just to hear him speak but he didn’t. Instead he walked deeper into theroom and I got up from my bed.

“Who are you?” I asked bravely wishing that Jordan never turned off the light before leaving. Thestranger said nothing and walked deeper into the room till he was standing at the edge of my bed.

“The sweet sound of your voice…” the voice of the stranger came and I froze. I recognized that voiceanyway. It was the same man I had shot, the kidnapper. My heart started racing and I moved awayfrom him.

“How…how did you get here?” I sluttered.

“Ah! You recognized my voice. That’s sweet isn’t it?” He said..

“But shooting me wasn’t going to stop me from getting what I want” he said wickedly and walked closerto me. I jumped on my bed and ran to the other side of it but he was standing in front of me before Icould get to the door.

“You will regret this” I threatened though my heart was pounding rapidly inside my chest. I thought ofscreaming but my room was far into the left wing, who would hear me?

“Oh really? Well we’ll see about that won’t we?” He said. I turned to the door, I realized that I couldn’tmake it. He was standing right in front of me, I could never get to the door and even if I tried I might tripand fall in the darkness. A small pain in my stomach reminded me of why I was wrapped in a towel. Icould feel pains in my chest already and decided to do what I felt would work.

“Jordan……..” I yelled as loudly as I could..

“Jordan….help m…” His hands was against my lips muffling my last words. He pushed me to the walland something fell and broke. I pushed his hands away and tried running but he pulled on my toweland I froze. He chuckled wickedly while I tried pulling my towel away from his hands,

it was coming loose from my chest. He let go of the towel and I turned to the door but he was quick andhit me against walls and things that were close to the wall. Something pierced into my foot and causedme a lot of pain and discomfort. I ignored it and struggled against my intruder

“Jordan…..” I yelled again, before he muffled my screams with his hands. He was supposed to be in ahospital or prison but there he was in my house trying to take advantage of me again. I wasn’t going tolet that happen. I pushed and kicked where I felt his dick would be and hit. He groaned loudly andpushed me to the ground, my head hitting hard against the cold ground. I felt things piece into my skinbut he suddenly turned to the door and left.

I didn’t bother getting up because I heard lots of footstep and hoped it was someone who was willing tohelp. My door swung open and the lights was turned on.

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