Get Me Married

Chapter 37
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Food poisoning

The inspector still had nothing and the guys that they let free on bail were no where to be found. It waslike the case was going nowhere in the least and everything wasn’t going the way I wanted. Samanthawas still in my house when she was supposed to be in jail. I didn’t want to live in the same house withher because I didn’t know what it was she would be planning next. And the kidnapper I had shot wasstill no where to be found.

Exhausted and hungry, I decided to go back home. I came across the side restaurant where I alwayshung out with T_squad. It wasn’t the usual five star hotel that I was now used to but it was the onlyplace I knew then in college. And I decided to drop by and have my lunch there.

All eyes turned to me when I went into the restaurant. Most people in there were the familiar faces ofpeople I knew before, usual customers. I smiled and waved at them before the waitress came over towhere I sat.

“Look at you girl, you hit a jackpot” Lucia said. She was the daughter of the man who owned the placeand we attended thesame college till she dropped out or something. She helps her father in therestaurant when there was need to.

“I was just lucky” I said faking a smile. It was of course what I was meant to do. Feign happiness wheninfact I was sad.

“I do hope your luck should rub off on me” she said and I looked away. Knowing that my luck was shittyand there was never true happiness in the life I was leaving. It would better if it never rubbed off onanyone.

“Well, should I get you the usual?” She asked and I simply gave her a nod. The usual was alwaysmeat, pork chops, chicken or turkey laps. It was like eating big with a little amount of money. She came

with the food and I ate like I always did while ignoring the folks that stared at me.

The guards made lots of people uncomfortable in there and they were always staring at me. But Iignored them all and went ahead to eat the junk food I was rather used to eating.

When I was done, I left the restaurant after giving Lucia a heavy tip and went back home.

During our drive, my mind travelled to how those criminals changed their words and I had lost therecording that would have proved Samantha to be the master mind behind my kidnap. I was so sure itwas on my phone because I had listened to it and left it in my car when I went to see Tiffany and Tiana.No one else was close to my phone during those period except my driver and……

I paused at that thought and stared at the man who I had known as my personal driver of all the guardsI had. He was the only one who was close to my phone because I had left it in the car, but that didn’tmean he had access to it. It was on lock and he couldn’t have known the password to unlock it. Butwhat if he did?

I became suspicious immediately, while beating myself for not thinking about it sooner. I cleared mythroat and turned to him to ask him a question and see his reaction when a sharp pain hit my

stomach unexpectedly and I whimpered while clutching my hands to my stomach. The pain

lingered for a while and subsided, I relaxed a little and even decided that I would speak to my driverlater. I didn’t have proof that he did it and wouldn’t want to embarrass him. But that didn’t mean that myhuge suspicion disappeared.

We arrived at the mansion and my driver turned to me when I didn’t step down from the carimmediately. I started feeling some kind of pain in my stomach and was scared that any movementmight upset it.

“Are you alright ma’am?” He asked and I gave him a nod.

“Ma’am you don’t look alright. I can alert the master, he is right there with some guards or we can takeyou to the hospital immediately” he said and I turned to him. He sounded so nice and caring, it mademe doubt my suspicion but when another sharp pain hit my stomach. I decided it was better to thinkabout my driver some other day. 1 alighted from the car trying as hard as I could to keep my posturestraight and saw Jordan with some guards. It was like he was giving them a speech or maybe he wasexamining them with the way his eyes travelled their body. I ignored them and turned to the house. Iwas feeling so uncomfortable and felt like throwing up. I was almost at the door when another sharppain hit my stomach. I stopped in my tracks and had my hand placed just at my lower abdomen whileaching my back just a little. This time the pain didn’t disappear as I had wanted it neither did it relieveme as before. I shut my eyes when it only increased and a whimper escaped my throat when I couldn’ttake it anymore.

“What’s wrong with you?” That familiar voice of Jordan came into my ears and I opened my eyes andimmediately met his brown eyes. He was bent slightly and staring at me rather closely. His colognefilled my nostrils and for a moment there I got lost in his eyes, but the pain in my stomach reminded meof the predicament I was in. I quickly looked away and gritted my teeth in pain.

“Are you okay?” He asked again and the concern I saw in his face made me want to look at him.

“I’m fine” I managed to say and opened my eyes. He was still standing right next to me, watching meclosely. I stood up erect, and turned back to the door. I was still in so much pain and my body waschanging rather quickly but I didn’t want Jordan seeing that. I tried taking a step away from him and intothe house but the pain was unbearable. I found myself whimpering again and stopping on my tracks astears burned the back of my eyes.

I remained at that spot and suddenly felt myself being lifted off the ground and lots of muscles holdingonto me. I opened my eyes to see Jordan holding me in a bridal style and staring at me.

“What the fuck! Jordan….” The familiar voice of Jordan’s mistress made me turn to the entrance of thehouse. She was staring at me in Jordan’s arms with eyes that could kill as always.

“Put me down” I found myself struggling against Jordan so I could get down just to avoid trouble.

“Stay still” he ordered and held me even closer to himself. His cologne and saint was enticing. I foundmyself relaxing as he ordered while leaning in and relaxing into him. His body was warm and socomfortable. I didn’t realize when I had my arms wrapped around his neck.

“Jordan….” Samantha called out again but Jordan just walked past her with me in his arms, ignoringher. I entertwined my hands together behind his head, holding onto each tightly when the pain I wasfeeling didn’t subside. But Jordan didn’t mind, atleast I think he didn’t.

He took me all the way to my room and I had my knees up to my chest the moment I hit my bed, gently.

“What happened to you?” he asked me but I couldn’t give him a reply, not when my intestines felt likethey were tying itself inside my stomach. But I groaned and whimpered and hit on my bed in pain so hecould see. Soon after I heard him calling someone and guessed it was my doctor.

Jordan remained in my room. He had his arms wrapped across his chest while standing at the extremeend of my bed, watching me. The doctor came soon and did the usual thing before giving me somedrugs. I felt the pain in my stomach subsiding after an hour or so and slept off.

I woke up with the feeling of weakness and tiredness as the only thing I could recognize. I felt cold, Ifelt sick, I felt exhausted but when I looked around, I was the only one in my room. That was till thedoor opened and Jordan came walking in. It made me remember the way he had

carried me in his arms and brought me to my room with care. My cheeks heated up for some reasonand I found myself looking away from him. He walked deeper into the room and I could feel his eyes onme till he was standing at the edge of the bed, directly opposite me.

“You were asked to eat at home before you left, weren’t you?” he started and I knew immediately thatmy junk food had caused me some stomach upset.

“And you went to eat at a side restaurant, do you know what that would have done to you? Don’t youunderstand what food poisoning means” His voice went higher as he spoke.

“I used to eat there alot and got no issues before” I replied him calmly like I had done absolutelynothing wrong. Wrong move I made there. He said nothing to that and when I raised my head, I sawhow angry he was, his gaze was too cold and he walked out without saying any other thing to me. Myheart dropped at the way he left and the anger I saw. I wasn’t even sure of why he was so angry but Ihated it. I liked the caring Jordan, the calm Jordan and missed him already.

I sighed heavily and turned to the time, it was early evening and I didn’t feel too good to actually leavemy bed. I laid back on my bed, feeling the exhaustion and weakness taking over me again and onceagain felt very sleepy.

When I opened my eyes again, my stomach rumbled loudly and I groaned while running to the toilet tofree myself.

When I was done, my stomach rumbled again, this time, it wasn’t because I had to take a shit. Butbecause, I was so hungry and from the view it was already so late at night. I was really hungry and justneeded to get food. I still felt weak and tired, but my hunger at that point was more than what I felt.

It was really late at night and very quiet, everyone had gone to bed and the lights were out. I walkeddown the stairs believing that Margaret might have left something for me to eat since I felt sick all day. Iwent over to the kitchen, the lights were on as always and just as expected, saw some food left for mein the refrigerator and had it microwaved.

I started eating in the very quiet kitchen but started feeling like I was being watched by someone. Ilooked around the kitchen and thought it might be Jordan since we have been meeting in the kitchen sooften. But I didn’t see him neither did I see anybody else. I went back to eating and

that feeling of being watched didn’t completely go away. I was so sure I was being watched, I got upand looked around and saw no one. It slowly started creeping me out and I lost the appetite to eat.

I finished packing up, closed the door to the kitchen and started back to my room when I heard noiselike something fell and my heart skipped. I slowly turned back to the kitchen where the sound camefrom. The door that I had shut was slightly open and the light that was on was turned off because thekitchen was really dark. I felt my heart racing inside my chest and a slight pain in my lower abdomenreminded me of how sick I felt. I suddenly felt like throwing up all I had just eaten. The kitchen was rightnext to me and I wasn’t sure I could keep the food inside my stomach for too long at the rate of what Iwas feeling. I swallowed the sour taste of saliva in my throat and opened the door to the kitchen widely,scared to walk inside. Something strange was happening and had been through something to have allthe right to be scared.

“What are you doing?” A voice from behind made me jump out of my skin and I turned around to seeJordan. I breathed a big sigh of relief when I saw him and placed my hands on my knees.

“Don’t ever do that again” I said with a groan. The pain in my stomach was intensifying.novelbin

“You should be in your room, why do you always sneak into the kitchen?” He asked and I forced myselfto stand erect while holding in what I had eaten. I stared at the kitchen again, still scared of going inthere.

“What is it?” Jordan pulled me out of my thought.

“…” The food was finding it’s way out of my stomach and I had to use my hands to cover my mouth.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Jordan placed his hand on my arm and I shook my head violently.

“Come on” he said and started leading me away from the kitchen towards the stairs and I pulled back,because my room was far and the kitchen was close.

“Come on…..” He pulled me back again and that did it. The moment I hit my head against him, everything I ate came spilling out on him.

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